Small Town Business Doesn’t Mean Small Town Deals
Foot Traffic
One of the huge bonuses of having a business in a smaller place is the sheer amount of unique foot traffic that can come through. For a lot of larger businesses in larger cities, a majority of the business is done through online transactions. People speak over and phone and order the items online without ever having to come inside the shop. But for those smaller businesses in a tightknit community, shoppers can come from all over the place and pass through your shop. Alex Zorach of RateTea explains the benefits of having a unique presence in a smaller place. “I think there are a lot of people like me out there too, as many of my friends talk about how much they like main street style shopping areas. I also think there's greater synergy between businesses in a main street: if potential shoppers are driving through an area, they're less likely to stop at an unfamiliar business. But if people are walking down a main street, they're more likely to look in the windows of all the shops they pass, and it's easier for them to drop in each one.” Having a smaller shop will invite both local explorers and travelers from out of town. Just as Zorach has states, window shoppers looking around are more likely to come in and shop, which is a huge benefit to smaller business. Getting shoppers in the door is the most important part.
There's A Need
Another benefit of existing in a smaller place is the actual need for your business to be there. There are certain services and products that not even the larger chain stores are able to carry. Services like lawn care and tailors can’t be handled by huge chain stores. Therefore having your business in a smaller area might give you the edge on service for those unable to find it elsewhere. Targeted Tactics owner Bill Cobb points to the average needs of people, “Everyday needs, such as getting our cloths cleaned, our cars washed, our lawns trimmed and our hair cut are all provided by small businesses operating right here. We not only need small business operators to provide these services, but we welcome them to our communities because we know who they are, their children go to school with our children, and they care about the role they play in enhancing our lifestyles.” The benefits of having a small business beginning in a small place are obviously important not only for the general wellbeing of a blooming company, but also the wellbeing of your entire community.
For those beginning a small business in their local community or area have a lot of benefits on their side. While your business grows into a larger company, you might find yourself partially protected by your surroundings. Since a business often benefits the community, shoppers will make attempts to help their local community out above buying from the huge companies. In the end, having a business in a smaller place can give you the running start you need in making your business something more.
This post is by Ashley Poulter.