Often entrepreneurs and business owners create their daily, weekly, quarterly, or yearly goals around their business. It could be more revenue, hiring clients, or launching a new product or service, where setting goals presents a fresh opportunity to achieve different objectives. It’s not always rosy achieving them due to challenges that may present themselves or other opportunities that distract you from the main goals.
We asked entrepreneurs to share their best ways of shattering their goals and here’s what works for them.
#1- Focusing on customers demand
Setting business goals based on the demands of your consumers is a sound strategy. Consider your audience's needs and what you can do to help them. Determine how much time and resources you have available to meet your audience's needs. You'll be able to set attainable objectives that will keep you on your toes this way. Your product's features, onboarding, communication, customer support, and more can constantly be improved. Observe what your customers are saying on social media. You'll be inspired to perform better by their feedback and pain points.
Thanks to Keenan Beavis, Longhouse Media!
#2- Understanding the purpose of each goal
Ask yourself who will benefit from the aim. If the objective will benefit just you, search your heart for if the goal can be adjusted to benefit other people. Come up with goals based on the data you have at the present and not just wishful thinking. The goals should be feasible and assured to happen and ready for a probable catastrophe in case of an emergency. At the end of the day, it should be a mix of having unselfish aims and pushing more people to exceed their limits to aim for having the best of both worlds.
Thanks to Gavin Johnson, EV Cable Shop!
#3- Delegating work
Shattering company objectives is required for every firm to take flight. The best way to do so, in my opinion, is to practice proper delegation. There is nothing wrong with letting others handle a particular task if you know that doing so will help you achieve your goals faster. I have accepted that delegation is something I must learn to embrace there are things I cannot handle all by myself. I ask and accept help from other people if that means I am going to be a step closer to shattering those goals I have set.
Thanks to Hays Bailey, Sheqsy!
#4- Recognizing achievements
I believe, even little victories should be celebrated during the goal attainment process. By rejoicing, you are honoring the work that has gone into your accomplishment while also encouraging yourself to keep moving forward toward your objective. You'll be able to more effectively follow through with your long-term objectives, while also taking modest steps toward accomplishment each day when you follow this effective goal-setting method to meet all your business-related objectives.
Thanks to Mellanie Ullrich, Lashfridays!
#5- Tracking achieved tasks
When I design my goals and set a guided list for myself to work towards it slowly but surely. A very handy tactic in this respect is also keeping a log of all the tasks that are
achieved over time as it gives you the validation of knowing you are capable of fulfilling your goals even when you are having a bad day. Always keep in mind that you have the option to reset and start over again if things don’t seem to be working with one method. There is never a singular way to do things, give yourself the leverage to find the path that best suits you.
Thanks to Lattice Hudson, Lattice & Co!
#6- Leveraging your power hour
I shatter my business goals by working during my personal power hour. Everyone has a different time of day where they are most productive. Instead of just working the same way throughout the day, take advantage of your personal power hour. Protect it by blocking off your calendar. Prioritize your toughest projects for that time of day. Use that time to dream big. Leveraging your power hour is key to staying productive! My personal power hour is late in the evening, I can get more done between 9:30-11:00 p.m. than almost any other time of the day.
Thanks to Logan Mallory, Motivosity!
#7- Structuring the day
Breaking up your day into different focus blocks helps you stay productive and makes it easier to work towards your goals. Have a block for answering emails and Slack messages, a block for meetings and phone calls, and a block for deep work. This gives your day structure and ensures that you maintain productivity throughout your day rather than getting sidetracked by things that aren’t necessarily urgent but simply pop up.
Thanks to Mark Pierce, Wyoming Trust & LLC Attorney!
#8- Taking consistent actions
I take daily steps toward the ultimate goal with what CAN I do mentally. Even if making a decision is difficult, staying indecisive is considerably worse. As a result, taking one small step is preferable to taking no steps at all. I also have a great support network that I tap into when I require assistance. We make connections and form partnerships so that we might assist one another in reaching greater heights of accomplishment. Goals are attained and lessons are acquired through remaining active.
Thanks to Justin Nabity, Physicians Thrive!
#9- Having a hardworking team
If I focus on my vision, nothing will stand in my way of getting closer to it. In addition to smart work, I work hard to shatter my business goals. This way, I complete more work within a minimum duration. Moreover, by working hard, I expect a minimum 50% increase in production. I have a hardworking team, having a good work ethic, and a commitment to putting my goals into action. Overall, the hard work of my team and me help me shatter my business goals.
Thanks to Sharafudhin Mangalad, Edoxi!
#10- Always remember ‘WHY'
Don’t be afraid to dream big. It’s always smart to set realistic business goals, but if you really want to exceed your expectations you need to think outside the box. First, identify the “why” behind your goal. Then, plan for the entire year. Set mini-goals that you can accomplish each month, as well as a large annual goal. Be willing to make adjustments along the way if need be, but always keep your “why” in mind.
Thanks to Seb Evans, Banquist!
#11- Monitoring your goals
I use a life vision to keep me motivated during low moments. This is both in the form of pictures of desired goals and written texts. I make sure to always put those in parts of my room that are well-noticeable. We know that we're the average of the people we spend the most time with, that's also true in business. I use 3 different types of project management tools: 1 a to-do list, 2: a focus matrix, 3: Gannt timeline. That helps me see my goals from micro and macro perspectives and allows a more granular approach to goal shattering.
Thanks to Sal Damiata, Attraction Truth!
#12- Never give up
I can safely say I shatter my business goals by not giving up every time I mess something up. Of course, just like all other entrepreneurs in the world, I make mistakes and bad decisions quite often, but instead of regretting my actions and focusing on the bad things, I acknowledge what I did wrong, get at least one positive thing out of it. I always keep in mind that it's practically impossible to crush your business goals on the very first try because, after all, you'll need both hard works and failure to achieve them.
Thanks to Sam Shepler, Testimonial Hero!
#13- Setting realistic deadlines
I set deadlines to motivate and keep me on track in achieving my business goals. Putting a concrete deadline on what I want to achieve keeps me on my toes and discourages me from slacking off on my action plan. Slacking off is the deathbed of goals and milestones, and deadlines make sure you are rerouted from it. However, note that it is important to set realistic deadlines so as not to put unnecessary pressure on you and your team, which will be counterproductive.
Thanks to Brogan Renshaw, Firewire Digital!
#14- Setting S.M.A.R.T goals
It's good to be ambitious with your goals, but don't be unrealistic. Start by setting S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Sensitive) goals. These would be goals that are substantial, but not too lofty. This way, it will be easier to shatter these goals because your standards wouldn't be too high. If your goals are too big, to begin with, you'll feel more pressure and stress trying to reach them, which will make it harder. Start with smaller and more attainable goals to ensure that you can reach them, and then gradually reach higher.
Thanks to Brandon Amoroso, electrIQ marketing!
#15- Being consistently proactive
As a woman in a highly male-dominated field, I’ve had to work my way up the ladder to get to where I am today. And as I’ve done throughout my career, I’ve achieved my business goals by being consistently proactive. By always being one step ahead, I’ve been able to foresee challenges and overcome them through innovative strategies. So as you’re working through your career, look for opportunities to showcase your skills and address potential problems before they even arise.
Thanks to Liz Raad, eBusiness Institute!
#16- Seeking advice
Once you have identified your business goals, seek advice on how feasible it could be with entrepreneur friends, business coaches, or even a consultancy group. These are people or organizations who can share business experiences with you and provide concrete pieces of advice on how you can particularly achieve each business goal. Before I launched Jettproof, I was lucky to have entrepreneur-colleagues who more or less shared similar goals with mine. They were generous enough to provide tips on the concrete action plans to move the business forward.
Thanks to Michelle Ebbin, JettProof!
#17- Staying flexible
Let's be honest sometimes things don't go to plan, both in business and life. Therefore it's essential to be able to adjust to changes and revise your plan to take your business to the next level. We all have a clearly defined business plan for accomplishing our goals, but try to avoid becoming too narrow-minded. Sometimes we need to take a step backward that will assist us to make progress in the face of unexpected hurdles. The faster we can respond the quicker we get back on track and shatter those business goals.
Thanks to Joe Bowab, Lobster Anywhere!
#18- Breaking micro-goals into tasks
When I set goals for myself or my business, I take a step back and think about what I need to do to achieve these goals. My mind instantly breaks the goals down into smaller, more attainable ones. A big goal may seem daunting at first but breaking them down into smaller, more manageable steps makes the whole process much easier. I further break these micro-goals into tasks. These can be daily tasks or weekly. Working my way back from a much larger goal to everyday tasks is a practical and convenient method.
Thanks to Thomas Cafarella, Ocean City Development!
#19- Celebrating success
To shatter your business goals, it is vital to remain focused and focus on the good things that happened in your business. For example, you completed small goals like increasing revenue for that particular quarter. You should celebrate small wins to recognize the effort and hard work it took to achieve that goal. It keeps you motivated and focused on the progress you're making. By celebrating the success, you are wrapping up a stage of the process and are now ready to set and achieve a higher benchmark.
Thanks to Hope Trory, Hopeworksdesign!
#20- Setting higher goals
A great way to shatter your business goals is to set goals higher than what your actual goals are. This way even if you fall short on the stretch goals, you still hit your actual goals. This helps secure your business in a good growth trajectory. For example, if your goal is to hit 5M in revenue, set your stretch goal at 5.5M in revenue, this way even if you don't hit 5.5M, you likely hit 5M in revenue. Always set stretch goals to keep your business shattering business goals.
Thanks to Chris Gadek, AdQuick!
#21- Being accountable to a partner
I find that being accountable to someone is essential for me to achieve and exceed my business goals. My accountability partner ensures that I feel obligated to be consistent in pursuing my goals. Every week I have a 30-minute session with my partner during which I report on the progress I have made. I would recommend every entrepreneur find an accountability partner. Look for someone who has achieved a similar or greater level of success than you and be open to people from a different industry to your own.
Thanks to Craig Hewitt, Castos!
#22- Setting accurate and appropriate goals
Shattering business goals isn’t an issue I’ve run into as long as they are clear, tangible, and realistic. Once a dedicated professional like me has a target to look at and aim for, they will work as hard as they need to meet (and shatter) it. If the goals are accurately and appropriately set, then you can set up a dedicated path that allows you to reach these goals. If your goals are foggy, unrealistic, and inaccurate, then you’ll struggle to find the strategy and timeline that allows you to shatter them.
Thanks to Yazan Sehwail, Userpilot!
#23- By prioritizing
As a business leader, it is a totally normal feeling to want to expedite the growth of your company and get operations moving as fast as they can but working towards too many goals at the same time can be overwhelming and also cause you to lose focus. When setting large goals, priorities are key. Obviously, you can't only focus on one specific goal for an entire quarter, but having your priorities straight will help you figure out what steps to take to accomplish whatever you are looking to accomplish. Shattering one major business goal is much better than falling short on multiple.
Thanks to Gabriel Dungan, ViscoSoft!
#24- Targeting look-a-like audience
The mission of your business should be bold and original. If you can find a gap within a market that no one else has touched, then this will be half of the battle before dealing with funding, product or software development, marketing, and sales. No matter what your particular business goals are, the ability to connect with a particular audience who would not be able to find what you have to offer anywhere else will definitely help.
Make sure that your product or service definitely connects with a particular audience.
Thanks to Joaquín Roca, Minerva!
#25- Utilizing the pygmalion effect
I continuously shatter business goals by utilizing the pygmalion effect. What’s stopping you from crushing your five-year business goals in one year? Mindset. The pygmalion effect even states that people are likely to perform better if high expectations are placed on them. For this reason, I incorporate the pygmalion effect into my career. My goals always exceed my current capabilities. This mindset enables me to go beyond by creating feasible plans of action toward goals that were otherwise impossible to achieve.
Thanks to Nick Drewe, Wethrift!