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23 Entrepreneurs Explain How They Use Their Blog for Business

The Blogosphere is here and it is not going anywhere. It’s not just for people talking about what they’re eating for lunch or their next celebrity crush. Blogging is big business for entrepreneurs and business owners. CEO Blog Nation has a blogging community and we regularly blog for entrepreneurs and business owners. There are numerous reasons to blog. Rescue a CEO asked some businesses how they use blogging to help their business.

#1- To build a community

Photo Credit: Michael Sorrentino

Each sector we work in, be it healthcare, retail, technology, or entertainment, has its unique needs and challenges. Our blogs give us a platform to share our stories, demonstrate our expertise, and illustrate how we tailor our services to meet those specific needs. It's not just about marketing; it's about building a community and starting conversations. By sharing information and insights, we engage with our audience, foster relationships, and establish ourselves as thought leaders in the industry.

Thanks to Michael Sorrentino, Sorrentino Media!

#2- To define our audience

Photo Credit: Haley Slade

We utilize our blog in a specific way. We first define our audience. We identify our ideal clients and understand their needs, challenges, and preferences. This helps create content that resonates with them and offers valuable insights. Then we develop a content strategy. We also optimize for search engines. We encourage interaction and engagement. We include calls to action at the end of our blog posts to encourage readers to leave comments, ask questions, and share their thoughts. We share our blog posts on social media platforms, relevant online communities, and industry forums.

Thanks to Haley Slade, Slade Copy House!

#3- To establish authority

Photo Credit: Vikrant Shaurya

At Authors On Mission, we use our blog as a key tool for engagement, education, and establishing authority. Our blog posts provide valuable insights into the writing and publishing process, tips for authors, and success stories from our client base. We aim to create content that not only educates our audience but also instills confidence in our expertise and services. By consistently delivering high-quality and relevant content, we have been able to attract more traffic to our site, generate leads, and enhance our brand's credibility.

Thanks to Vikrant Shaurya, Authors On Mission!

#4- To make relatable content

Photo Credit: Lou Reverchuk

The core objective to use our blog is to publish content that relates to our target audience, educates them, and resolves their pain points. With this activity, we attract new consumers and also try to understand their behavior and journey-an aspect which is essential for effective business and sales management. In addition to increasing brand awareness. In this broader context, our blog is a great help to understanding consumer behavior to create more targeted and personalized marketing campaigns by identifying the most important touchpoints to increase conversion.

Thanks to Lou Reverchuk, EchoGlobal!

#5- To share industry insights

Photo Credit: Christy Pyrz

Businesses can leverage blogs as a platform to share valuable content, industry insights, and thought leadership, which positions them as experts in their field. By providing informative content, businesses can attract and engage their target audience, establishing credibility. Blogs offer opportunities to showcase expertise and demonstrate a deep understanding of industry trends and challenges. Consistently publishing high-quality blog posts can help businesses build a reputation as trusted authorities, attracting new customers, and fostering long-term relationships with existing ones.

Thanks to Christy Pyrz, Paradigm Peptides!

#6- To establish trust

Photo Credit: Matt Sunshine

In addition to sharing our company blog posts, I make an effort and dedicate time to contributing to our company blogs to build my thought leadership around topics and to establish trust with our company’s target audience online – speaking to their pain points from my viewpoint or expertise. These blog posts I write are a great tool when communicating with prospects and clients.  I send links to posts to answer questions they might have, follow up on a prior conversation with a blog post related to our discussion, and reinforce our company’s expertise and thought leadership.

Thanks to Matt Sunshine, The Center for Sales Strategy!

#7- To educate people

Photo Credit: Brian David Crane

With the CallerSmart blog, we create advocacy around the need for good cybersecurity practices and generate content around simple steps anybody can take to remain safe from internet scams, fake calls, and phishing attacks. We use our blog to engage with our audience on cybersecurity best practices, reach out to new users looking for solutions against online spams & scams, and nurture leads and improve search engine visibility. Through the CallerSmart blog, we create relevant content pieces like tutorials on online scams & phishing attacks, etc.

Thanks to Brian David Crane, Caller Smart Inc!

#8- To make meaningful content

Photo Credit: Katherine Mackenzie-Smith

In the online realm, particularly on social media and shallow interactions resulting from ever-changing algorithms can be overwhelming. This is where blogging has become a crucial tool for me. It allows me to create deep and meaningful content that continues to attract new clients and subscribers years down the line. Introverted individuals like myself showcase our expertise through long-form writing. Through blogging, I can invite people to take the next step without resorting to pushy sales tactics, which often make us introverts feel uncomfortable or lacking in confidence.

Thanks to Katherine Mackenzie-Smith, KATHERINE MACKENZIE-SMITH!

#9- To solve the customer's query

Photo Credit: Janine Leghissa

We strategically leverage our blog to target featured snippets by addressing the most searched questions related to our products, pushing us up in the SERPs, and positioning us as leaders in the jewelry industry. We also infuse our blogs with a touch of entertainment to ensure our customers not only find answers but also enjoy reading them. It's all about striking the perfect balance between education and entertainment, leaving our readers informed, delighted, and eager to come back for more.

Thanks to Janine Leghissa, Desiderate PTY LTD!

#10- To showcase my values

Photo Credit: Imogen Lamport

Blogging has allowed me to showcase my value and shine a spotlight on the benefits of my expertise and the solutions I provide my clients. This information is organically woven through each blog post and avoids aggressive hard-sell approaches. It also has the benefit of attracting my ideal clients who have already decided that I have the approach and best solutions for their needs, plus attracting clients from around the world, not limiting my reach to just my location.

Thanks to Imogen Lamport, Bespoke Image!

#11- To inform about expertise

Photo Credit: Steph Gobraiel

Blogs are one great example of being a marketing driver in business. Blogs are great for business for a number of reasons, they can be used on your website as an informative way of building your expertise, they can be re-purposed for social media, broken up into 4-8 social media posts, used in your newsletter, and a great way to build that know like trust factor with your audience. It also boosts SEO on your website.

Thanks to Steph Gobraiel, Virtual Associate Services!

#12- To advise the latest trends

Photo Credit: Fabiola

LUXit provides content that aligns with their interests, advising them on the latest trends and products. Our blogs share valuable content on beauty and wellness tips, fashion, makeup, hair trends, travel, and wellness ideas, ensuring readers stay up to date with the latest advice, tips, and tricks. The blog serves as a powerful tool to stay on top of mind for consumers seeking hair and makeup services, facials, massages, and more. This approach fosters wider engagement and enhances the company's search engine optimization through strategic keyword usage.

Thanks to Fabiola, LUXit!

#13- To apprise our clients

Photo Credit: Temmo Kinoshita

My business uses our blog to educate our clients and future clients. We provide a service to them by analyzing and synthesizing all sorts of data about the latest trends in their industry. Obviously, there is something of a content marketing angle to some of this, but the primary goal is educational. A more knowledgeable client base is good for us and for the industry as a whole. I run a digital marketing firm that serves funeral homes.

Thanks to Temmo Kinoshita, Lindenwood Marketing LLC!

#14- To set up a physical presence

Photo Credit: Jimmy Hiller

On occasions where our blog content receives a positive response, it often prompts us to establish new service locations in these high-potential areas. This approach allows us to establish a physical presence and cater directly to the demands of the local market. Alternatively, in certain instances, rather than opening new service locations, we may opt to collaborate with local providers in the identified areas. Through these collaborations, we receive a predetermined percentage of each client who approaches the local providers through our referral.

Thanks to Jimmy Hiller, Hiller Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, and Electrical!

#15- To assist customers

Photo Credit: Tracey

We use our blog to spread the word on a range of topics around lingerie and share our expert advice and how-to guides to not only assist customers but also to grow our brand's exposure. We have a few posts specifically which receive great traffic such as our how-to guide on applying boob tape. This brings us new customers and assists current customers on how to apply the product. We also use the blog to promote sales, new products, and guides to getting the best from your bras!

Thanks to Tracey, Illusions Lingerie!

#16- To speak to my market

Photo Credit: Rachel Preston Broughton

Blogging also allows me to speak to my target audience, by producing content that is interesting and engaging to them. My business targets new parents and those close to them, and I have written many blogs directed specifically to these audiences. I have also used blogging to collaborate, build credibility, and gain backlinks from other websites. I have interviewed and exchanged blog posts with a number of other small business owners in complementary niches to my business

Thanks to Rachel Preston Broughton, Baby and Mumma Gifts!

#17- To redirect customers to us

Photo Credit: Cameron

The Luxury Chalet Company is based in England. We're a luxury ski travel agency but we're small and niche. We have several uses for our blog as follows: First is to try and send users to the other main pages of the website. We’ll have several buttons and links on our blog posts to try and send users to our luxury chalets pages to increase bookings. The second is to send to clients who have booked to provide information about the resort they are traveling to. The third is to hit keywords that we otherwise wouldn’t be found for.

Thanks to Cameron, The Luxury Chalet Company!

#18- To capture business leads

Photo Credit: Dani Peleva

Proper on-page SEO tactics can give your website a boost to rank in search engines like Google. As an industry leader, it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest professional trends and tools. Our blog content planning starts with keyword research. This shows us how our target audience is searching the topics we cover in our blog and, also, helps us generate new article ideas. We’ve had a lot of success using our business blog to capture relevant business leads. Your business blog is a great platform for showcasing your expertise and building credibility in the field.

Thanks to Dani Peleva, Franchise Fame!

#19- To achieve topical authority

Photo Credit: Brian Campbell

We use our blog to publish content to achieve topical authority and reputation, improve search engine rankings, increased organic traffic and engagement, increased social sharing and backlinks, and allow affiliate partners to promote their product which in turn generates revenue for my business. I’ve been quoted and featured in The New York Magazine, New York Post, and How Stuff Works, and I’m a regular contributor to two major water quality industry publications: Water Quality Products Magazine and Water & Wastes Digest Magazine.

Thanks to Brian Campbell,!

#20- To provide helpful tips

Photo Credit: Thomas Samuels

As a company that provides trade show services to exhibitors, we use our blog to share information that these customers would find valuable. This includes tips for new exhibitors, the pros and cons of different kinds of booths, how to work the trade show floor, entertainment you can provide for your booth, how to measure ROI, ways to use social media or video as an exhibitor, and more. We’ve also given tips about exhibiting at specific trade shows where we’re already doing business, helping to attract high-intent potential customers whose business would increase our margins on these shows.

Thanks to Thomas Samuels, Cardinal Expo!

#21- To create quality content

Photo Credit: Bridget Reed

A great idea for using your business blog to attract more viewers is by creating high-quality content. This means writing informative and engaging articles that provide value to your target audience. Additionally, optimizing your blog posts for search engines can help improve your visibility online. This involves conducting keyword research and incorporating relevant keywords into your content.

Thanks to Bridget Reed,!

#22- To create reliable sources

Photo Credit: Jonathan Zacharias

A stellar idea to use your business blog to become an expert in your field is to consistently provide valuable and insightful content. This can be done through informative articles and expert interviews. By sharing your knowledge and expertise, you can establish yourself as a reliable source of information and build credibility within your industry. Additionally, engaging with your audience further enhances your reputation as an expert. Remember to optimize your blog posts with relevant keywords and promote them through social media to attract a wider audience.

Thanks to Jonathan Zacharias, GR0!

#23- To engage new customer

Photo Credit: Peter Sutrin

We leverage our blog in multiple ways to effectively engage both new and existing customers. Our blog posts are designed to address common customer questions throughout their product research journey, ultimately converting them into leads. Our Sales Team also finds our blog posts invaluable for sharing quick guides and providing answers to potential clients, and our Marketing Team uses the content in our EDMs and Social Media posts. By regularly updating our blog, we not only enhance our online presence but also attract more traffic to our service and landing pages.

Thanks to Peter Sutrin, Proven Energy!

How do you use your blog for your business? Tell us in the comments below. Don’t forget to join our #IamCEO Community.

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