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Your Health: Don't Subscribe to Charge Card Living

You might have seen the entrepreneur with the blood-shot eyes that answers every question with one, four-letter word: work.

Person 1: Larry, how have you been?

Entrepreneur: Work.

Person 1: (puzzled look) Okay, but I haven’t seen you at the gym this past month, what have you been up to?

Entrepreneur: Work.

Person 2: (puzzled look) Hmmm. Larry, who do you think is going to win the game tonight?

Entrepreneur: Work.

Person 2: (sigh) Yea, that’s what I thought.

I’ll sleep when I’m dead. This might be the mantra for some entrepreneurs, but all entrepreneurs don't have to subscribe to this mentality.  Every entrepreneur has a million tasks on their “To-Do List” and only 24 hours in a day.  Often at the expense of personal health and wellness, entrepreneurs skip out on essential sleep time or skip over exercises all for the hope of getting extra time to devote to their business.  Haralee Weintraub said, “The big thing about all work all the time is mistakes. Errors are made when you are not clear headed or well rested.”


Charge Card Living

While everyone may not endorse this mentality, there is a perception that entrepreneurs shouldn’t sleep and should have a 24/7 mindset to be successful. Dr. Elaine Wilkes calls this mentality “charge card living.” This is when entrepreneur “abuse their bodies now and their health pays later in compound interest.”

According to a WebMD article “10 Things To Hate About Sleep Loss”, a lack of sleep can result in car accidents, heart disease, heart failure, high blood pressure, diabetes.  Also it can result in lack of sex drive, depression, skin aging, weight gain, increase risk of death, or impairment.

What Can You Do?


Your Healthy Business Plan

Author Dr. Marlene Caroselli tells herself everyday: “ ‘if you do nothing else today, do something good for your body.’ It gets me into and out of the gym before the craziness and chaos of the day begins to make demands on me.”

Just as your business has a long-term plan, be sure to take the same approach to your health.  If you need to sit down and write a “long-term business-plan” for your health, then do what you should do to maintain your health.  Karon Gibson said, “entrepreneurs need to force themselves to relax or they will have the repercussions and burn out later.”

Image: Michelle Meiklejohn /

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