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Making it Big in Business Starts with The Belief You Can

If you want to make it big in small business, you have to believe it.  Regardless how good your product is, or how strong your customer service skills are, a great business success story starts with the belief that you are going to be a success.  Perhaps more entrepreneurs need to realize this because the statistics aren’t promising. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, seven out of 10 new employer firms survive at least two years, half at least five years, a third at least 10 years, and a quarter stay in business 15 years or more.

Today’s marketplace is filled with great potential for an eager entrepreneur with a great idea, but that’s not enough.  The challenges are many and often times much more difficult than previously estimated – with the small business owner having to wear multiple hats and be involved with everything from hiring, financing, client projects, payroll and so many other activities.

It is easy to become overwhelmed and not know what to do first.  One bad outcome can bleed into the decision making process of something completely unrelated, and before you know it, an entire company can be thrown off track just like that.

Whether you’re a new entrepreneur or have been at it for a very long time, before you make any business decisions, follow these five steps to make sure you’re prepared for the challenges that come your way:

Ultra-success comes to those who demand it and refuse to accept anything less. It’s a mindset. Never shrink yourself down to someone’s level because they refuse to rise up to yours. To make it big, you must take massive, unyielding and focused action. When you do, nothing or nobody can get in your way. The bottom line: It all starts with you.

This guest post is courtesy Croix Sather. He is the founder of success training programs. As a life and business expert, he speaks and teaches across the country. To exemplify his success strategies, Croix went from casual runner to a World Champion extreme ultra distance runner with a run across America and then setting a new World Record for running 146 miles through Death Valley without any assistance. All in under three years. To learn more about how you can get big, bold amazing results in your business and personal life go to for a free training program that will transform the way you think about success. 

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