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Ideas On How to Make a Potential Stay on the Page of Your Website for As Long As Possible

There are four simple steps, which will help to inspire new visitors to trust you and to stay on the page of your website longer!

Step 1. Business with the purpose

You created your own business and it’s website for some purpose, right? Perhaps you did not think about it earlier, when the idea was born. You just did everything to attract customers and to make them stay longer on your page. However, at a certain stage, understanding the purpose of your business is extremely important. In addition, this will give you an understanding of the sequence of all the further actions. The goal is the reason to do something. If you want to catch the attention of visitors on your site, you should win their trust. Therefore, in the way of building trust with customers, your first task is to determine the purpose of your business.

In addition, you have to determine the ideal visitor to your site.

  1. To do this, answer a few questions. First, find out whether your business is for individual customers or for entire companies?
  2. Next, determine the key queries in the search engines. You need the right words to be searched. You need to know what the readers are thinking about. Knowing the key queries in Google, you will be a few steps ahead of your competitors.
  3. Find out what your potential customers are discussing. The right audience will give you traffic to the site and the first customers. The relevance of the proposal is a key criterion that will help to find customers. So, before you offer your visitors to buy something, find out what they want to hear and know.
  4. Develop a unique trading proposal. This is the thing that will set you apart from the rest of the entrepreneurs. Make it clear to new visitors of your resource that you are different from competitors. Show what your uniqueness and advantages are.
  5. Hear your customers. There are several ways to do this:


Step 2. Understand what the visitor of the site who came for the first time thinks about

It is always important to remember one simple thing. The person who sees your resource for the first time does not trust you. Consequently, you need to try to change the situation. Social proofs work the best.

Reviews. They help to create the first impression of the resource. Studies show that 77% of buyers examine the reviews before buying.

Another way to form a good first impression is to use the results of research and statistics (which illustrate the client's problem, demonstrate your experience and the like).

Visitors who visit the site for the first time look at it for an average of 8 seconds. Only 8 seconds! You need to have time to interest them. Therefore, place it in your mind:


Step 3: Create a community

A group of grateful customers can make wonders. Likes, reposts in social networks, reviews on different resources can increase the conversion of your site significantly.

If you want to inspire the trust of visitors to your site, let them feel like part of the community.

When you invest time and energy in developing your customers, your sales will definitely grow. You will have fans – people who trust you enough to buy your product again and again, and tell others about you.

Creating such a group of fans is not the fastest process. You should be consistent and persistent, always listen to customers and catch the slightest change. Here are some tips to help build a strong relationship:

  1. Win attention with headings. An ideal name will attract more readers to the site.  Remember, people first evaluate the headline, and then decide whether to read the article further or to skip. Therefore, do everything to make your headline make visitors stay and read the next line.
  2. Use professional design and understandable navigation. 99% of people will not buy from you something from the first time. They hesitate, doubt, weigh all the pros and cons. Your task is to simplify this process and facilitate the decision to purchase. So get rid of a million pop-up windows and messy design. This all reduces trust. The design of your website must be clean and easy to understand.
  3. Remember about the content. This is the main thing, why visitors come. No matter how colorful the site is, if it does not have useful information, it is of no interest to anyone. Offer visitors something which will make them stay longer.
  4. Share something truly valuable. Make an exclusive offer for those who came to your site. This move will allow you to hook the visitor completely, and turn it from a random passer-by to your subscriber, a member of your community.


Step 4. Make the readers trust you

The concepts like Inspiration, trust, respect, professionalism are not material, but we recognize that they exist.

Motivation. Give people a reason to make an action. Let’s imagine that people are not eager to buy your product. They have no money or time to apply it, or there are still some reasons. However, you can change their attitude, instill confidence that they need it. To do this, use marketing. No, this is not trickery or deception. You just use the understanding of human psychology. You can motivate new visitors to stay. This is achieved by honesty and inspiration.

Information. We live in an era of information overload. When a person enters a query on Google, he is offered billions of articles and notes. More than 1500 articles are created every minute. It's tiring. The user suffers from this. He needs help.

You have something to stand out for. Write quality content, but do not rush to publish it. Always think in advance how it can help to build new relationships with clients. Check its contents. See if it is needed for a target audience. Maybe it needs to be corrected for better understanding.

However, even after the publication, remember your readers. Do not focus only on attracting new visitors. After you persuaded a person to stay on your site, you need to maintain his interest. Continue to offer something interesting and useful to the visitor.

Call to action. This is the last component. After you have interested the reader, motivated him to read your articles, get acquainted with the product, suggest to perform the action. For example, you can offer a visitor to try your free product, and leave his email in return. Create a subscription form and use powerful calls to action.



Your site is an important tool for doing business and finding new customers. It should not only help you attract the right audience, but also give you the opportunity to come in contact with it and leave a vivid impression.

Therefore, working on the site, always remember: the one who visited your resource today, can bring you money tomorrow. Make the building of a trust relationship the main goal for this year, and the result will not be long in coming!


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