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Why Should You Make Your Recruiting Process More Collaborative?

Collaborative recruitment implies involving company employees in the recruiting and hiring process, apart from the hiring manager. That way, it becomes a team effort to find a perfect job candidate and participate actively in selecting process.

Maybe this model may seem complicated and difficult at first, but this method actually enhances the recruiting and delivers better results when it comes to hiring the right candidate. Besides, it is a win-win strategy for all parties: HR professionals, candidates, and employees.

Therefore, without further ado, check some of the benefits that collaborative recruitment offers.

Write More Appealing Job Ads

Collaborative recruiting brings job advertisements to a whole new level. Instead of standard writing by HR professionals, ask your employees to help you with crafting a perfect job ad. Their impressions about the company, especially the reasons why they preferred your company over others and what they love about it, will give you valuable insights that you can mention in the ad and attract A-players for your team.

Write Better Job Descriptions

Another benefit of collaborative recruiting is improved and more realistic job descriptions. When you are looking to fill some position in your company, your current employees who work at the same or a similar position can give you a hand with adjusting and reviewing job descriptions. More importantly, they can share the best understanding of actual job requirements, responsibilities and expertise that specific role requires, instead of common ones that we read every day.

Enhance the Evaluation of the Candidates

A typical interviewing process involves an HR professional who questions a candidate, and the entire evaluation is based on his or her opinion. However, collaborative recruiting includes more people in the interviewing which contribute to a more diversified recruiting personnel. That approach provides a detailed, comprehensive assessment of each candidate. As a result, not only you will select an ideal candidate to fill an open position, but also a perfect team member to join your company.

Get Referrals with Ease

Involving your workers in the recruiting process makes them active participants, so naturally, they feel they are in charge and responsible for hiring the best people. Therefore, they would gladly recommend your company to their professional connections. Moreover, on that occasion, they are more likely to share job ads from their personal social networks. This exposure has more significant reach than the one across company channels, more precisely it goes 561% further according to Social Media Today.

Attract Right Candidates

As a consequence of writing powerful job advertisements, creating reasonable job descriptions and enabling effective referrals, more appropriate candidates will apply for the position. That way, you will have the opportunity to find the best ones without a hitch. More importantly, you will save your precious time and money because only the right fit talent will be attracted to your company, while others will be turned away.

Reduce Stress

During the standard recruiting process, hiring managers are in charge of everything. They juggle calls, interviews, testing, and other HR duties, so it's no wonder why they are usually under stress. On the other side, a collaborative recruiting process takes responsibility from one person and divides it equally among all people included. That way, all the stress, and tension are reduced which has a beneficial effect on employees' retention.

Improve Employee Engagement

Speaking of employee engagement, the lack of stress isn't the only factor that has an impact on it. Just by giving your workers a chance to be involved in an important matter as a recruiting process, you show that their opinion is highly appreciated and that they are a valuable member of the company. Hence, collaborative recruiting is an excellent way to boost employee engagement and encourage consultation and collaboration.

Hire in Less Time

With the traditional recruiting model, there is normally some friction between hiring managers and recruiters. Insufficient communication can create many bottlenecks and unnecessarily extend the entire process. While collaborative recruiting model, on the other hand, there is more efficient communication given that everybody is working closely. As a result, the recruiting process is smooth and fast, so you will hire a new employee in less time.

Improve Employee Onboarding

Collaborative recruiting allows employees to meet the candidate well, so once the person is hired the process of getting to know everybody is pretty painless and accelerated. Likewise, given that current workers were included in the selection process, they feel responsible for new hires, so they will be eager to help, train or mentor them. This practice improves employee onboarding process significantly and makes it a breeze.

Whether you squander a lot of time and company resources on the recruiting process or find it difficult to select the right candidates, collaborative recruiting may be the solution you need. Give it a try, you don't have anything to lose, but you can gain a lot!


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Peter Hill is a professional dissertation writer Best Dissertation. He is a socially active person, likes traveling and photo/video editing. He finds himself in writing essay writings for best essay writing service Best Essays. You can find him on Twitter and Facebook.


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