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5 Things You Should Do For Your First Marketing Campaign

Globalization has opened new ventures and markets for businesses and companies. But not every company has been able to capitalize on the vast market that their product has access to. Many company leaders fail to understand the importance of a strategic market plan for expanding their business. Setting up a good marketing campaign helps in retaining and winning new customers. Such a plan also helps in channelizing and strategizing better actions in achieving the goals of the company. Most of these actions are defined by keeping the customer in mind and hence executing these actions in a disciplined way can accelerate the growth of your business.

Executing a marketing plan needs a lot of time, effort, and resources. A slight blunder in the marketing strategy can cause huge losses to the company. And if you are a first-time marketer, then it is even more important for you to get the marketing campaign right in the first step as you would be in the phase of establishing your company or product. Below is a list of 5 things that shouldn’t be missed while defining your first marketing campaign:

1.Buyer persona: Before even starting on your marketing strategy, make sure that you have researched well on the target customer population. This way you won’t be taking shots in the dark. Some of the basic questions that will help you in preparing a buyer persona are

    1. Who are your present customers?
    2. Why did these customers choose your product over others?
    3. How did these customers get to know about your product or brand?
    4. What other companies did they consider in evaluating this product category?

Once you have listed down answers to these questions, your marketing team will be clear about the target audience population that you want to reach out.

2. Content strategy: Content in a marketing strategy is of utmost importance. The content of your marketing campaign should be driven in a way that you are able to address the concerns of your target audience. To give you an example, if you wish to increase ‘Free Trial’ signups for your product, then you should aim at guiding your target audience to the blog posts that have all this information. You can use platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, email, etc. to provide the necessary information. Don’t forget to create eye-grabbing social media visuals to add.  If the audience interacts with your blog posts then you can start building customer relations with them and try to turn their interest into an association. If the content is good, then you will easily grab the attention of your potential customers.

Note: 86 percent of B2B marketers use content marketing as a part of their marketing strategy.

3. Quality over quantity: A marketing campaign should be a constant affair. Forums like social media platforms, blog posts, emails, etc. should be used regularly to engage with your potential customers. In an independent study done by HubSpot, it was discovered that companies that used to publish four blogs per week got 3.5 times more traffic than those who posted four blogs in a month. You can set your rhythm in doing blog posts, but make sure that the content is of high quality before posting it on various social media platforms. The three main categories of content that engage with an audience are entertainment, problem-solving, and education. Try to create content related to these categories to keep the interest of the reader alive. Above all, the content should be interesting and helpful and should provide some insights for the reader to keep coming back for more.

4. Monitoring the progress: BigData and analytics are the proven tools that have helped multiple companies and brands in strategizing their marketing campaign based on the trends observed in audience interaction. You could constantly review the progress of your marketing campaign and pivot from strategies that are unable to achieve the goals that you have set. For taking the most out of these tools, create a metric that you would like to track. These metrics could include some features like clickthrough rates, blog post views, traffic sources, demographics of the website’s traffic, count of leads generated, etc. Change your strategy based on the insights that analytics gives you in terms of these features. The faster you pivot; the better results your marketing campaign will deliver.

5. Space out actions: One of the worst mistakes that a marketing campaign makes is starting on all the strategies at once. If you blindly start executing multiple actions like blog posts, social media posts, email marketing, etc. then it will become difficult for you to monitor and evaluate the progress. Since it is your first marketing campaign, it should directly align with your brand story. Until and unless you build trust among your audience and provide them some value in the content that they are reading, then you will lose the readership within days. Take a step-by-step approach in executing your marketing campaign, so that the audience has ample time and space to engage with your brand.

A good marketing campaign should be able to engage customers and help you in achieving your business goals. Whichever course of action you plan to take to reach out to your target audience, the way you plan to do it will have a huge impact on its success. So, incorporate the above-mentioned points while defining your first marketing strategy to create a powerful impact on your target audience and achieve success.


Author Bio:

Prince Kapoor is a seasoned Marketing Analyst and Blogger. With his skills, he has been helping fellow marketers and brands worldwide.

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