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How LinkedIn Algorithm Will Help You to Grow Your Business

LinkedIn has a 645 million global user base. The platform attracts ‘record levels of engagement’. But LinkedIn’s algorithm is underrated in spite of these impressive statistics. The professional social network has updated its algorithm over the last two years. As a result, viral activity has increased by over 50 percent. So, consider LinkedIn’s unique algorithm when marketing your business or developing a brand in 2019.

What’s So Special about the LinkedIn Algorithm?

LinkedIn does not want users to repurpose viral content. They upgrade their algorithms to combat the same and increase member engagement. Thus, the goal is not to penalize you but to encourage new users to share their voice. Focus on your story, what happened and why it matters so followers understand you better.

Deciphering LinkedIn Content Filters

The LinkedIn algorithm powers the newsfeed and focuses on native, organic content. You are more likely to find engaging, relevant content instead of recent content. Your content ranking depends on your account reputation and past user engagement. The following filters come into play:

Filter #1

The LinkedIn feed algorithm categorizes your posts into low quality, spam, or good to go.

Filter #2

If your content is good to go, it will show up in the feed temporarily. During this stage, the algorithm monitors how users engage with your post. If your content receives many likes, shares, and comments, it will pass the next filter. But if it gets hidden from your audience’s feed or marked as spam, expect a penalty.

Filter #3

LinkedIn determines if your content will keep showing up in your audience’s feeds. LinkedIn rewards unique, engaging content and accounts with viral visibility. So if your network enjoys your posts, it will stick around for further review.

Filter #4

Editors review the content to figure out the future course of action. They either display it more or include it elsewhere. They also use insights for future product development or algorithm modifications. So, your post continues its algorithmic journey as long as it receives engagement.

Show Up in the LinkedIn Newsfeed with These Ranking Signals

The LinkedIn algorithm ensures your post stays in the feed as long as the performance is strong. But maintaining ‘good performance' requires effort, strategic decision-making, and luck.

Focus on Personal Connections

Remember, people love to share their opinions. So, you should give users something to comment on or try to get their opinion on your business. Develop a strong yet approachable personal profile and pay attention to your summary. Share who you are, why you do what you do, what your business has to offer, and how to get in touch. This will convert users of the platform.

Consider Engagement Probability

The cornerstone of the algorithm’s success is interaction. Ranking for this component happens in two stages.

First, the LinkedIn algorithm decides whether you will comment, share, or like a post. They measure this on the basis of your past likes, shares and frequent interactions. LinkedIn refers to this as multi-objective optimization.

LinkedIn also monitors how fast your posts get interactions after publication. The quicker your content racks up the numbers, the greater the possibility of featuring in other users’ feeds.

Pay Attention to Interest Relevance

Personal connections don’t mean other users enjoy the same content as you. The algorithm compares a post’s affinity to someone’s interests. This depends on the groups they join, and the people, pages, and hashtags they follow. It also considers the language of the post and the topics, companies, people mentioned therein.

Use LinkedIn Algorithm to Boost Your Business

Optimize Your LinkedIn Posts

Follow the same tactics as other social media channels but tweak them for LinkedIn’s algorithm:

Always Stay Current

Relevance is crucial for content creators. And it all starts by understanding your target audience. Get data and analytics from other platforms or competitors. Use it to generate personas, track interests, and understand your audience’s interests. Relevance is important when it comes to formats as well. For example, LinkedIn users engage more with rich media. So, posting videos on LinkedIn earns you thrice the engagement of text-based posts.

Expand Your Network

LinkedIn prizes useful or inspiring content. The platform reviews the relevance of your content by monitoring your audience’s careers. It works with that demographic information, which is why you should:

Get Your Timing Right

Optimize interactions and secure faster likes and comments by posting at times when most LinkedIn users are online.

Find Your Niche

LinkedIn knows what content it wants to display on the feed. The professional network focuses on content that is relevant to your brand and audience. It ensures that posts are useful to users’ careers, have industry relevance, and come from a reliable source.

According to LinkedIn, the conversation flows better when it involves niche ideas. Pick niche hashtags that connect your brand to enduring customers. But, do not avoid generic hashtags. Strike the correct balance. Remember, LinkedIn recommends the use of three hashtags at most.

Take Advantage of LinkedIn’s Bias

LinkedIn favors specific formats over others. Share long-form content with LinkedIn Publisher. Apply conference frames in  your videos. This appeals to industry people. Upload videos natively and often go live.

Harness the Power of LinkedIn Analytics

LinkedIn Analytics helps you understand users who connect and engage with your business. The free data helps you make strategic business decisions, both offline and online. LinkedIn analytics covers:

Understand LinkedIn Content Marketing Score

The Content Marketing Score of your business profile impacts your content performance. The platform’s algorithm evaluates and adjusts this score based on four factors:


LinkedIn analyzes the frequency, quality, and relevancy of your content. Good audience engagement means your business shares useful content within the network.

Partnerships, Employees, and Influencers

LinkedIn focuses on specific areas of influence compared to others. It monitors the number of likes, shares, and comments your posts receive from influencers, employees, and partners.

Employee Shares

LinkedIn tracks the number of employees who tag your business page in a post. High employee engagement gives you an advantage.

Paid Efforts

Pages that invest in the platform get rewarded. So, devise a smart, effective paid campaign on LinkedIn to boost your organic posts.

Come up with suitable strategies for each of the four factors to improve your business page’s Content Marketing Score. Even if you post high-quality content, LinkedIn will never promote it in the organic feed if no one shares it. Encourage key influencers or partners to engage with your brand or content. This improves the score.

Concluding Remarks

LinkedIn wants more user engagement and pushes content that promotes the same. LinkedIn will reward your content as long as your business or profile offers something valuable and keeps people talking. The LinkedIn algorithm provides the attention you need to grow your business in 2019.


Author Bio

Vishal Vivek is an eminent Indian serial entrepreneur. Despite having to shoulder huge family responsibilities at a tender age, lack of proper training, and a dearth of resources and funding, he started SEO Corporation and scaled it up to a well-known SEO company with sheer will power and integrity of character. In the uncertain world of search engine optimization, he is one of the few experts who gives guarantees and honors them.

The Times Group recognized him as a legendary entrepreneur and published his biography in the book  I Did IT (Vol 2) when he was just 30!

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