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Ways to Attract Clients and Sell to Them Without Feeling Salesy or Slimy About It

As an online business owner, one thing that’s on my daily to-do list is: selling. Did that sentence just add anxiety into your day? If yes, it’s okay, because in the past, selling is the one thing that I avoided like the plague.

Today? Selling is one of my favorite things to do in my business because I’ve learned that selling isn’t about me, it’s about them, my ideal client. And in order to sell, you must connect with your potential clients to create a like, know, and trust factor with them to convert them from a lead to a paying client.

Connect with Your Ideal Client

To attract your potential clients, you must connect with them and show them that you can help solve their problem. How? By sharing things such as: your story, struggles, your clients’ struggles, how they overcame them, what’s possible for them, etc.

Humans make a purchase based on one of two reasons: to move closer to pleasure or further away from pain. Your ideal clients want to see that you can help them achieve this with your solution (your service/product/offer).

As you start to create content on social media, start asking yourself questions based on your ideal client. Does this content help them? Will my ideal client care about this piece of content?

Add Value & Educate Your Ideal Client

Your ideal client needs to trust you before moving forward with any purchase and you can gain trust by adding value. Send them your top tips to overcome their current struggle. Why is this a key factor? The value that you provide is actually your pitch….but your ideal client doesn’t know it yet. By adding value you are:

1) Showing your ideal client that you’re an expert in your field
2) Providing them a quick, tangible win from your value
3) Giving your ideal client a glimpse into what working with you could look like

Adding this value weekly to your ideal client will help move them through the customer journey lifecycle from lead to paying client.

Master Your Sales Mindset

Before spending any of your time on sales strategies, you must master your mindset around sales. You can’t become better at sales until you spend time to change your beliefs and stories around sales. Your beliefs around sales directly affect how good you are at selling. For example, if you believe that selling is bad, you will subconsciously avoid doing it.

Start to create new stories around sales, such as: promoting is necessary to run a business. Without selling, nobody will know about your offer that can solve your ideal clients’ problem.

Offer Your Solution and Offer it Often

On average, humans need to see something 7-10 times before they move forward with their purchase. This means that your service/product/offer that you provide must be seen by your ideal client on average 7-10 times before they purchase too.

As you are selling, keep in mind that your ideal client wants to hear about the destination, not the plane ride to get there. Buyers want to hear about the incredible transformation they’ll be receiving and how their life will change after purchasing your product. They don’t want to hear every detail about the product but they do want to hear about the impact it will make in their lives. Sell the destination and show them why your service is exactly what they need.

In conclusion, as you connect with your ideal client, spend time relating to them. Show them how your product can move them closer to their pleasure point or further away from their pain point. Paint the picture of what’s possible for your ideal client when they decide to say yes to your services.


Author bio

Melissa Lin is a previously successful chemical engineer turned multiple six-figure business coach, business owner, and podcast host. Over the course of 2.5 years, she was trying to DIY her online business and it went nowhere. She was barely making $1k most months until she decided to push past her fears and take real action. After figuring out powerful strategies and shifting her mindset, she went from barely making it to fully thriving in it. Now she helps other women do the same with their businesses!

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