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Business Storytelling Tips Every Entrepreneur Needs To Know

You don’t have to be the storyteller of the year to engage in business storytelling. What you do need is to understand its relevance and how to use it for your marketing strategy.

Nowadays, businesses around the world are embracing storytelling. Not because it is yet another marketing trend, but because it works.

People make an emotional connection with stories. An emotional connection that can help you build trust.

Stories can also make a lasting impression on the readers. The research found that messages shared as stories can be up to 22 times more memorable than facts.

Moreover, the compelling nature of storytelling can turn any information into engaging and digestible content.

If you want to lift your company on the wings of storytelling, there are some things you should know. That's why we present to you the business storytelling tips that can improve your marketing strategy.

First Establish Context, Then Tell the Story

As a marketing method, storytelling demands some planning. If you want your story to achieve a certain goal, first, you need to know what that goal is.

Your stories will be more successful if you start with outlining some basics. Those basics include:

Once you pinpoint these elements, you’ll be able to clarify what kind of story you need to craft.

Win People Over with Honestly

Don’t think that over-the-top stories will make a bigger boom. False and exaggerated stories mostly just provoke a “What the heck did I just read” reaction.

If you want to build a trusting relationship with consumers, be honest. Tell the story of your beginnings as it was. Share the stories of your team’s successes as well as challenges.

People can recognize a true story when they see it. It’s best to tell real stories that people can relate to than try to wow them with unbelievable and unrelatable situations.

Give People Something They Would Want to Share

In the world of viral content, you shouldn’t miss the chance to get your story out there. To make that happen, you first need to find a topic your audience would be interested in sharing.

Dorian Martin, a content writer and contributor writer at the Best Writers Online, said that “Business storytelling isn’t about business owners venting about their ups and downs. It’s about telling stories that consumers would want to read.”

Shareable stories are the ones that people can relate to. They are also the stories that people can learn something from.

To evoke people's desire to share a story, aim for a certain emotion and also aim for a topic they would be drawn to. That's why you need to do research on your audience's interests and come up with stories that match those interests.

It’s Not Just About What You Tell, It's Also About How You Tell It

Would you tell a story in the same way to a 5-year-old and a 45-year-old? Probably not. The listeners of the story determine how you’ll shape it.

To make your story impactful, you must share it in a language that resonates with your consumers. You should also intertwine your brand identity in the language you use.

For example, Dollar Shave Club‘s primary target audience is men. Additionally, their brand identity is characterized by humorous and bold language. Combine the two, and you'll understand how clever they are to share the story of their beginnings and mission in the following manner:

We disrupted the shaving industry in 2011 by delivering “F*cking Great Blades” at an awesome price, right to your door. We've been listening to our Members' needs ever since and now have you covered from hair to toe with a growing list of top-shelf grooming products. We spend our days focused on helping you look, feel, and smell your best (with the occasional office dog in our lap).

Keep Your Story Straight Across All Channels

The unity and consistency of your website, social media, and other marketing channels need to be ever-present. This applies to storytelling as well.

Use storytelling across all channels and align your stories. Share stories both offline and online. The versatile nature of storytelling allows you to use it on the site, Instagram, LinkedIn, podcast, blog, etc.

Storytelling is a powerful tool for building brand identity. However, you can’t build that identity if your storytelling isn’t consistent. Let your story out in the world through every possible door.


Wrapping Up

When done right, storytelling can lead to living and breathing stories that consumers would want to be a part of. Take the road that will bring you more traffic, more customers, and the reputation of a trustworthy brand. That road is paved with stories and compelling storytelling.


Author bio:

Erica Sunarjo is a professional writer and editor with a Master's degree in Marketing. She writes thought-provoking articles for publications in a variety of media. She is a regular contributor writer for dissertation writing services, and she also reviews for Best Writers Online. Even though she is an expert in numerous fields of business, Erica is always dedicated to learning new things. She actively visits conferences and takes online classes to keep her mind open to innovative ideas.

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