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Adapting Your Marketing Techniques During Crisis

COVID-19 has taken the world by storm, leaving business owners and consumers alike panicking. Grocery stores are still struggling to keep their shelves stocked, and restaurants and bars are constantly reopening and shutting back down.

Regardless of your industry, it’s important that your marketing strategy adapts alongside the rest of the world.

How to Communicate During COVID

The most important piece of marketing advice you’ll receive during this time is:

Let go of today. Focus on how you want your company to be viewed after the pandemic is over.

This doesn’t mean ignoring the current crisis, however. After all, the last thing you need right now is your customers thinking that you just don’t care or are trying to profit off their suffering.

You need to be very careful with how you word your copy during this time. Prioritize staying at the forefront of your consumers’ minds without looking like you’re trying to benefit from them. Here are a few ways to do this:

Post on your site’s blog

One of the best ways to communicate with your audience is through your blog. You can use this space to answer any questions that they may have about your new hours, steps you’re taking to keep them safe, and more. Blogs are also ideal for posting long-form content explaining the new changes you’ll be making and how COVID-19 has affected your business.

Start using your email list

Email marketing: the perfect middle ground between blog posting and social media. By sending out regular mass emails to your email list, you can stay at the forefront of their minds and reach your consumers directly while they’re bored at home.

When writing these emails, keep in mind that their format should be very similar to your blog posts— just with a personal touch.

Create a social media plan

LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are must-haves for businesses of all industries. These are free opportunities to reach your customers—why pass that up?

If you’re not on social media, we recommend signing up immediately. With everyone stuck at home, this is where all your customers are congregating.

When creating your social media plan, it’s important to note that the content you put out should be brief. Right now, your consumers’ attention spans are shorter than ever, and they don’t have the patience to read long posts on social media.

Despite which avenue (if not all) that you choose to communicate with your consumers, you can remain relevant by creating content that details what you’re doing to aid your community, consumers, and employees.

This content should also discuss how your company is being proactive and flattening the curve, as well as any changes you’ve made to your operations.

We’re here for you. For more crisis digital marketing tips and tricks, check out the Bizzuka blog. Stay safe out there and wash your hands!


Author bio

Faith Munsell is a Digital Marketing Specialist and Content Writer at Bizzuka, one of the leading web and app development companies in the U.S.

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