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How to Dominate B2B Content Marketing In 2021

Developing a successful content marketing strategy is critical for increasing conversions and enhancing the growth of your company.

But to rise above and become an industry leader, you must be aware of the latest trends.

That’s exactly what you’ll learn in this article. You’ll discover 7 trends that will help you dominate B2B content marketing in 2021.

#1. Produce Long-Form Articles

In B2B marketing, every lead matters. So, you should focus on maximizing your conversion rates. And one of the easiest ways to achieve that is with long-form content.

This is because you can dig deep into the topic and answer all questions your leads might have. You’ll also show expertise and authority which increases your trust and credibility in the eyes of customers.

It’ll also help you rank higher, which is incredibly important in today’s competitive era.

Companies write blog posts and publish them insanely fast – there are over 4.4 million blog posts published every day.

And long-form posts rank best and also generate 9X more leads.

Therefore, make sure to produce high-quality, long-form blogs consistently to win in 2021.

#2. Search Intent & Topic-Focused Content

Blog posts are no longer about keyword stuffing and concentrating on specific keywords.

Nowadays, it’s more about satisfying customers’ needs by matching their search intent and concentrating on the topic as a whole.

There are three main search intents, depending on the type of content you write.

Make sure to concentrate on the topic as a whole, not keywords. Looking at the topic as a whole will help you answer all customers’ questions and satisfy their needs.

In an ideal scenario, you should start building topic clusters.

So, it’s important to match searcher’s intent and create topic-focused content to dominate the B2B marketing scene in 2021.

#3. Implement Videos

Videos combine visuals and action – two things our brains can’t resist.

That’s why 54% of consumers want to see more video content from a brand or business they support. We just can’t help ourselves, we love video.

Grabbing attention and delivering a better user experience isn’t the only thing videos do.

They’re also instrumental in the customers’ journey and buying decisions. In fact, 70% of consumers watch some sort of video through their buying journey.

Implement videos in your B2B content marketing strategy to dominate in 2021. Just don’t forget to use a high-quality video hosting platform for delivering a seamless experience.

#4. Offer Online Courses & Webinars

The coronavirus has made going to lectures and conferences nearly impossible.

But, what you can do is learn online. And you should use it to your advantage.

To educate your leads, you can use online learning platforms to create courses. A great example of a successful online course is the Legendary Marketer from the genius marketer David Sharpe, who has made over 9 figures in sales.

So in nutshell, offer education and make your leads more qualified through online courses. It’s definitely a winning content marketing strategy in 2021.

#5. Voice Search

Many people don’t bother typing text to the search bar anymore. Instead, they use voice search.

It’s much more comfortable because you can be lying in bed and just dictating your smart speaker what to search for. Voice search is the future and it’s only going to grow. It’s estimated that by 2021, 5 billion searches will be voice searches.

So, how do you adapt to it?

Shift your focus and concentrate on how we say things, not how we type. Instead of typing, “best marketing tools”, we say, “What are the best marketing tools?”

You must make your content conversational and include quick answers.

It’s a huge digital marketing trend you should follow to elevate your strategy and set it up for success in 2021.

#6. SERP Features

Getting your long-form articles featured in the SERP is a MUST to dominate the B2B content marketing scenes.

These include things like a featured snippet, the People Also Ask section or the Knowledge panel.

The easiest way to get there is to dive really deep into your customers’ minds. You must understand how they think and what questions they might have. After that, you must briefly answer these questions in your post.

It’s ideal to combine it with the voice search and answer questions people ask, not type.

Being in the featured snippets and other SERP features will go a long way in increasing your web traffic and lead to more conversions. It’ll allow you to rank on top of all search results and dominate the B2B content marketing scene.

#7. Hyper-Personalization

Many B2B companies make the same mistake – they present themselves as a company.

Consumers aren’t attracted to that though. We want to feel like we’re talking with a friendly person, not an intimidating, giant company.

Instead of saying “Dear customer”, say “Dear Derek”. A tiny amount of personal touch can increase your conversion rate, especially with email marketing. Emails with personalized subject lines get 26% more opens than those without personalization.

The second thing is relevance.

We live in a fast-paced era, and we don’t have time to read irrelevant content or emails. That’s why you should put all your efforts into showing your customers only the most relevant content.

You could achieve that with email segmentation, which shows a 760% revenue increase.

You have many other personalization strategies for increasing sales.

Go all-out on personalization, improve user experience and deliver only the most relevant content to your audience


You just discovered the most important B2B content marketing trends of 2021.

They’ll help you increase your growth, boost sales and conversions of your business, and dominate the marketing scene.

Strive to implement all of them for the best results.


Author Bio:

Colin Shipp is a marketer who has been working remotely full-time since 2015. He specializes in growth marketing, content marketing, online courses, and remote work. On he writes about strategies he is using in his own life.

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