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Why a Business Blog Is an Indispensable Asset in Your Marketing Strategy

In modern-day business, it’s not enough to simply “build it, and they will come.” You need to put time and effort into promoting your brand and refining your marketing.

Otherwise, the competition will eventually encroach on your market share.

One very powerful way to market your brand is through an online business blog. If done right, it can be an indispensable asset in your marketing strategy.

However, that is only if you leverage it correctly.

Therefore, in this article, we will discuss the ways in which a business blog can help your company grow.

That way, you can create a strategy to start using your website in a more comprehensive way to engage your market, drive leads, and convert your audience.

Let’s get started!

Refine Your Messaging

If you are unclear on your USP (Unique Selling Proposition), it will be difficult to persuade potential customers to purchase your product or service — leading to lower conversions.

By taking the time to blog for your business, you will do the hard thinking of determining what sales messages are most effective for your audience.

Even the research portion will be beneficial to your conceptualization of different pain points and the solutions your product provides.

Attracting Users and Customers

You need to attract more people into your company’s funnel in order to sell to them—and by blogging, you will increase your digital footprint.

Blogs don’t just exist on your site in a vacuum.

A great blog post can be repurposed into other content to share around the web, driving more traffic.

Links to your blog can be shared via your email list or social media channels.

Position Yourself as the Authority

People are more likely to buy from companies they trust. This means it is crucial that you create additional authority and credibility in your marketplace.

Starting a blog is a great way to increase the authority you have.

You will be seen as a thought leader if you constantly provide insightful content that demonstrates your knowledge and expertise.

Furthermore, word of mouth can spread to increase your reach.

Helps With Your Sales Funnel

The power dynamics of modern business have shifted to the customer. Consumers want to shop on their own terms and on their own time.

That means you need to change your sales funnel to accommodate them. Otherwise, you may fall off their radar.

One great way to bring people back into your funnel is to create engaging blog content. You can send this to people at the top of your funnel to increase brand awareness.

Then, you can send it in the middle of the funnel to keep them engaged.

Finally, excellent content at the bottom of the funnel can be the missing piece to earning the sale.

Develop Relationships

Most companies don’t make the bulk of their profit after one sale. Instead, the true value in a customer is in the long-term gain they bring in.

The more they repeatedly buy your product, the more profits you will make, and the higher acquisition cost you can afford.

The best way to ensure that you are profiting more from each customer is to build a solid relationship with them.

When you engage in a dialogue with your market, you are strengthening that relationship, and that’s what business blogging is all about.

More Professional

It can really hurt your revenue if your business lacks a solid online presence. People want to do business with companies that are legitimate.

A blog can help you appear more established, real, and professional in your niche.

Most consumers will do some basic research on your brand before pulling the trigger these days.

Make sure you give them some blog content to consume so they don’t think you’re trying to hide anything, and make sure your blog has a professional, yet friendly tone.

SEO Benefits

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a very important factor for online marketing.

SEO allows you to drive organic and free traffic instead of paying for ads every time, saving your budget for other investments in your growth.

When blogging for SEO purposes, you will create content with keywords that attract your audience in online searches from Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

It allows you to be found by your prospects before your competitors are, giving you a better opportunity to win their business.

Keep Your Audience Engaged

People have short attention spans these days. The modern consumer simply won’t put up with not being engaged.

They have distractions on their smartphone, tablet, and desktop devices that pull them away from your business.

So, to make sure you can convert more traffic, you need to blog about topics relevant to your market. This will naturally engage your visitors and provide value to them.

In the end, they will warm up to your marketing message, and some will become lifelong fans.


When it comes to running a business, you can’t afford to leave marketing for last. It needs to be a top priority if you are going to overcome the steep competition.

Of course, you can’t simply start blogging without a good strategy in mind.

Review the tips above about how blogging can boost your business results. Then, decide which elements could be most effective for your specific company.

Before too long, you’ll see more visitors, more engagement, and ultimately more revenue for your company.


Author bio

Joe Peters is a Baltimore-based freelance writer and an ultimate techie. When he is not working his magic as a marketing consultant, this incurable tech junkie devours the news on the latest gadgets and binge-watches his favorite TV shows. Follow him on @bmorepeters

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