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How to Design a Modern Office Space

A modern office has to be both trendy as well as classic to capture the attention of your clients and other visitors. Do you ever wonder what is the success equation? It is very simple really. The age-old adage ‘the first impression is the last impression’ still holds as true today, as when it was first coined. There are certain points to keep in mind when you decide to design a modern office environment. You should also know what a modern office space should be equipped with, to ensure the smooth operation of your day-to-day affairs. Let us take a quick look at what you can do to make your office as elegant as possible while retaining a modern look:

The old gothic Victorian-style soft lighting concept has now gone completely out of style. Not only does it look downright depressing, but it also gives a tacky look to the whole office. There is virtually no better workspace or office other than a bright and airy environment. It is pertinent to note here that pure natural light has a proven track record when it comes to making people happier and more productive. In other words, it’s the key on how to be successful.

You can use natural light to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your workforce. You can do this by getting rid of shades and soft lights in your office space and allowing as much natural light into the working space as possible. This means that you will have to get rid of all of your preconceived notions regarding office space. However, the results would be well worth it as your employees will not only be more productive but happier as well. There is also the added benefit of reducing dependence on artificial light. And that means lower energy costs that are associated with using natural light.

These partitions are also a nifty idea for creating a modern office space that would act to maximize natural lighting. At the same time, it will also help create a much more open workspace.  Glass partitions may be opaque or transparent, but they nonetheless provide an element of privacy for the occupants of an office.  This is a particularly great alternative to solid doors and walls when you want to create cubicles for your staff members.  You can also use them to create private areas for discussions, meetings, etc. A glass partition will help ensure that your office’s décor is not impaired but rather enhanced.  After all, we have all seen those huge, ultra-modern glass-fronted skyscrapers that tower over cityscapes all over the world. They exist because architects the world over have realized the importance of thick and strong glass for a modernistic look towards working spaces.

As with all things in life, if you decide to buy cheap, you might as well realize that you will have to buy many times. This is why you should never underestimate the importance of high-quality furniture that has been built to last. After all, office furniture is almost always in use, day in and day out. This is why it is almost inevitable that it will start to show the scars of heavy usage over time. Now, office furniture is not stuffed; you would want to keep replacing it every few months. Conversely, you would not want to embarrass yourself in front of important clients by making them use broken chairs and tables.

It is extremely important to equip your office with a state-of-the-art HVAC system to better maintain and make a more comfortable environment. The heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system acts as a comprehensive climate control system that will keep your office both warm and cool (as the case may be). Unlike conventional ACs and heaters, an HVAC system can function perfectly well in both summers and winters. This is especially a lifesaver when things are heating up as it keeps the optimal room temperature.

Designing a modern office space is not exactly rocket science. It is just a simple matter of making the right choices and following the latest trends.


Guest post courtesy of Amelia Frank

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