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Reasons for Transitioning an Employee from a Senior to a Junior Position in a Company

Companies face a tough time when their key employees show a concerning performance or character. The key employees are the pillars of a company as they keep the wheel of the business turning. These top contributors possess specialized skills and knowledge that are essential for the success of a business. Therefore the decisions and actions of these employees directly affect the progress of the business. While most of the time, their actions contribute to the wellbeing of a company, other times, their actions can cause a nosedive or resounding success. In such circumstances, the company owners or CEOs have to take significant, bold steps to retain the progressive approach. However, there are many reasons as to why an employee is transitioned from a senior to junior position, which is as follows:

1.   Disruptive behaviour:

The behaviour of a senior employee significantly impacts the bottom line. When these employees adopt disruptive behaviour, all other employees under or linked to them are unnecessarily pressured, due to which they cannot perform to the best of their abilities.  The disruptive behaviour of the employees is categorized into two categories: Excessive control and disrespectful attitude. Excessive control is when the employee wants to keep the power and responsibility in his hands rather than dissolving it in the group members. This approach of the senior employees cripples the abilities of the junior employees' and causes a disappointing work environment. The disrespectful attitude of the employers includes lambasting the junior employees over their mistakes, belittling them in front of others, and many other such behaviours that can shatter their morale and confidence. A  majority of the employees think that disruptive behaviours are done in aggressive, passive ways.  In case of such behaviour that alters the performance of the employees, a senior employee can be demoted to a junior position.

2.   Breach of discipline:

An employee's transition from a senior to junior position can be a punishment for the breach of discipline or misconduct. There are cases when the employees are unable to company policy recurrently. If the employee is unable to follow the code of conduct even after reminders or warnings, he can be demoted to a junior position.

3.   Unable to cope with change:

Sometimes, an employee's demotion is not a result of his behaviour or attitude but his inability to adapt to change. Currently, the change in technology is growing at an unimaginable pace. In that perspective, the employees should be skilled and geared to adopt the newer patterns of executing actions. But if an employee with less knowledge, technical skills and the company needs to hire a candidate with updated skills, he might get demoted.

4.   Poor performance:

One of the valid and common reasons behind the demotion of a person is poor performance. No matter how senior a position one has if he is unable to benefit the company grow and develop, he may get demoted. After getting a senior position, many employees think fulfilled and give up on making substantial efforts, although it is the opposite. The senior employees have to lead a team and thus have more responsibility. In case of being unable to do so can result in their demotion.

5.   Unexpected budget cuts:

Another reason that leads to the demotion of an employee in a company can be the unstable financial condition of the company. In the situation of financial loss of a company, it may make unexpected budget cuts like shrinking the employee's pay or responsibilities. In that way, the senior position holders can be demoted to a junior position.

6.   Lack of skills:

An employee at a senior position with a lack of aptitude and skills may be demoted to a junior position because a company cannot risk its growth for the sake of the position of a senior employee. While sometimes, the job aspirants switching from one company may also get a junior position because their resume may not adequately tell what they are capable of.


Final Thoughts:

While the employees always expect the promotion, it must be kept in mind that the demotion can also be on the cards. Most of the time, it is due to incompetence or attitude and behaviour. And other times, it is a result of a crisis management plan. In any case, the demotion can be distressing, but the employees must reflect and look for improvements and new opportunities.


Author bio

Nellie Hughes is a content writer at ResumeCroc who has written hundreds of articles to assist students’ career life. He is managing a growing team of writers who love to help students with their career. As for his hobbies, he likes to read articles, newspapers, and magazines to keep himself updated.

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