Site icon Rescue a CEO

What Do You Need?

You are running a business and you’re getting frustrated and stressed.  You keep banging your head and then the magical words come out, I wish I had…

There’s good news, the Rescue A CEO Genie has appeared and you are granted 3 wishes. Tell us what you’ll wish for and why.  The more creative (we all need finances and would love 3 more wishes), the more likely to end up in our article.   Tell us what 3 things that you wish was you had.

Q: Entrepreneurs! What Do You Need?


(1) A Make-over! I have been working on my couch for so long I hate to even get up and dresses when I need to go out. I am working on getting my brand global recognition but right now I would be embarrassed to be seen to represent myself! (2) An assistant! I am spinning my wheels all day doing silly things an assistant should be doing so I can do more creative things I need to get done! (3) A PR rep! The only way I will really get the word out as wide spread as I’d like will probably require some professional help (but this requires that finance wish to come true first!)

Thanks to Lisa Yaker!


(1) More qualified traffic and purchases from my site. (2) A mentor who will write out my “Recipe for Success” based on my current realities and my goals for the future. (3) The power of alchemy.

Thanks to Nicole Bienfang!


(1) A coaching sessions with a seasoned small business owner to learn how they manage social networking, marketing, clients, and growing their business. (2) I have a fantastic computer, but I’d like a bigger, faster one – the ASUS G73SW-BST6. I’m a photographer and blogger and a great deal of my business is spent on my computer. (3) I would like to re-brand myself beginning with a new website.

Thanks to Kimberly Gauthier!


(1) Sponsors for some of my events and activities for children. (2) Turn more website traffic into paying clients. (3) A new surrounding networking community of serious business owners.

Thanks to Michelle Shannon!


(1) A mentor to guide me with growing my business and to help me take our True Partner program national. (2) Two employees: a graphic/web designer and a marketing expert in the B to C and B to B market. (3) A solid and committed mastermind group with fellow entrepreneur’s.

Thanks to Becky Creighton!


Private time with the Dahli Lahma on a private island with Donald Trump 🙂

Thanks to Eliza Kendall!



(1) I wish for a Business Strategist! From the beginning, the strategist would dig deep into my soul and craft a business that would accentuate my strengths, diminish my weakness and set quarterly and yearly goals for the future. (2) I wish for a full time Admin (at part time prices) that is technically savvy, hungry for a challenge, process oriented, Type A organized, and there at my beckon call. (3) I wish for eternal youth as any small business owner knows, running a business is a young man’s/woman’s sport.

Thanks to Christine Galli!


(1) I would love to find an editor, writer or producer who actually reads their mail. (2) A bigger miracle would be to receive back a response! (To my pitches) (3) I would flip out if I someone read, responded and then acted!

Thanks to Sarah Baldwin!


(1) Someone to help me with a successful Facebook PR campaign. (2) I now produce my toothbrushes in China as I could not find a manufacturer in the U.S. I buy the materials in U.S. and ship to China to be produced. My second wish is to have a U.S. company make my toothbrushes. (3) As I am socially responsible, I would love to have a partner help me out who is socially responsible and has experience in the business world.

Thank you Mitra Ahadpour!


(1) I wish to hit the main artery of my target market – Why because once you hit it everything else will flow. (2) More speaking engagements and speaking on panels – Why because this will give me more exposure for my business. (3) Open up an office across the pond – There are many opportunities to build your business around the world. Thanks for the opportunity to pitch my wishes.

Thanks to Derrick M. Guest!


(1) Someone to teach us all the tricks about Facebook. (2) The Government to give us a interest free loan to test and register our Smack that Mozzie Insect Repellent. (3) A major Newspaper/Magazine to do an amazing, glowing, order producing article on us- We just need a little free advertising, and considering we are both reasonably “hot” looking, it may even boost their sales.

Thanks to Tonya McGinley!


(1) An Australian brush manufacturer that can make my body brushes. (2) I wish I didn’t have to pay for storage of my brushes every year. (3) I wish I was at the top of every search engine on the internet

Thanks to Jodie Smith!


I need someone with vision to see my work and hire me to create something for them that their friends will envy enough to want me to create for them too. It sounds so simple. Right? I need more work. Not money, not fame, not power. I am happy but not working to my capacity.

Thanks to Michele Palenik!


(1) Hundreds of developers to work together to optimize the automation of our back end system. We use this system to better communicate with our customers and add a big “wow!” to the customer experience our customers experience with MyCorp. (2) Parking spaces for everyone (hey, we just got a staff of over hundreds added!) and much more office room! (3) An SEM expert in the area of Pay Per Click (PPC) work who could make a real difference by improving our ROI and increasing conversions.

Thanks to Deborah Sweeney!

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