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How to Transition a Business into a New Workspace

Photo Credit: James Anderson

Uprooting your company and moving it into a new space is a painstaking process. There is usually so much to do and so little time, not to mention pressures from management to complete the transition. More often than not office supplies get lost in the move, making it that much more difficult to get by once in the new space. But, for those looking at move on up into new terrain, there are some things that can be done to make settling in that much less of a headache.


Well thought out preparation is the first step in any move. You want to have your strategy mapped out, your people in the right places and your loose ends tied up as best you can. Although you can’t account for variables that could potentially halt progress, planning for the worst is highly recommended as you move through the process.

This goes for not only the space you’re moving out of, but the space you’re moving into as well. It requires the same amount of preparation on both ends, and if the proper infrastructure isn’t in place prior to the move, expect some fallout. Facilities such as bathrooms, lockers, internet access and other accoutrements should be installed and ready to go upon your employees entering the new space.

Making a checklist of all the tasks you need to complete and all the pieces of the puzzle that need to be moved is a great way to make sure everything gets to where it needs to go. Failing to keep track of your inventory while in transit can mean some serious losses in the long run. Don’t let carelessness or a lack of attention to detail affect performance.

Before you hit the road, check, recheck and then check again. Always be thorough in your analysis and planning period so that you can prevent simple mistakes from becoming costly. Also, be mindful of what you’re moving. In many workplaces there is expensive hardware that you most likely can’t afford damaging, so never underestimate the load you’re carrying.


Once moving day rolls around it’s important to be both careful and efficient. As the saying goes, “time is money,” and the more you can save during the move, the better. You don’t want to overwork yourself, the movers, your employees or anyone else willing to help out, but running a tight ship will prove beneficial in the end.

It’s bound to get chaotic while you’re moving, don’t let that get to you. Whether people are running around, computers, keyboards and personal belongings in hand, or sitting idly by while everyone else works, use the increased amount of activity to get people involved and helping one another. This will help boost morale and will speed up the move as a whole.

When it comes to boosting morale, ensuring your employees are comfortable and stimulated is a great way of doing so. You don’t want them standing around and twiddling their thumbs, but you don’t want them busting their humps either. If people appear to be bored or unwilling to help, create some incentives for those that are breaking a sweat. You don’t have to make a game out of it, but a little fun can make even the worst moves go by faster.

Settle In

Once you’re in the new space, make sure that everyone and everything is settled in. If there are designated areas for your employees and their possessions see to it that they get to where they need to go. Communicate clearly and concisely and assist anyone that appears to be confused or unclear about where they’re supposed to go.

Settling in is the easiest part of this whole process, but it’s an important part nonetheless. If possible, take care of any housekeeping duties on sight and encourage your employees to lend a hand. After everyone has had a chance to breathe, reward them by letting them take off early for the day.

By rewarding your employees, or anyone else involved in the move, you can strengthen interoffice relations and build a stronger team vibe. At the end of the day, it is these rewards that keep your employees happy and coming back to work with a positive attitude. After all, it is your employees that keep the dream alive, and your business afloat. Don’t ever forget that.


This guest post is courtesy of James Anderson

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