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10 Startup Tips For Businesses In 2014

Today’s business environment is hyper competitive. You have to do everything you can to stand out and become visible to those who are looking for your products or services. When you establish your business, it’s important to think of all the big-picture aspects that go into your planning.

How you organize from the beginning will impact the way that you operate on a day-to-day basis. Here are 10 tips to consider as you look to create your startup business in 2014:

  1. Understand Funding Options – There are more funding options available for businesses than in the past. If your company has a really cool project, consider a crowd sourcing campaign.
  2. Structure Accordingly – The way you structure your business can have a significant impact. Incorporating, becoming an LLC, or operating as a sole proprietorship can mean far different things for different businesses.
  3. Plan Accordingly – It’s hugely important to come up with business and marketing plans for your company. The plans should lay out some larger goals, with realistic steps in place for achieving them. These become great documents to look back on in the future for guidance.
  4. Understand Your Industry – Anything you can do for a leg up in a competitive marketplace will help you succeed with your customer base. If you’re in a business that is constantly changing, it’s best to have your finger on the pulse of what’s happening. Your customer base will be looking to you for insight, as well as sales.
  5. Create A Unique Environment – It’s important to hire people who are excited about what they do, and who embody your company’s values. You’ll also want to do what you can to foster a creative and unique work environment that encourages your employees to think outside the box as they develop the ideas that will propel your business into the future.
  6. Understand What You Do Well – It’s important not to spread your business too thin by taking on added work that maybe isn’t within your wheelhouse. Concentrate on what you do well, and find the people who need it. 
  7. Differentiate Your Business – It’s a crazy, competitive business environment out there, no matter what industry you are in. That means that you’ll have to do everything within your power to differentiate your business from the competition. What do you do differently? What is your unique selling point? Convey these things well in your marketing materials, and you’ll stand out.
  8. Know When To OutsourceChances are, you didn’t launch your own business because of your knowledge of accounting, graphic design, or content marketing. But these are all skill sets vital to running your own business. You may not need to hire these employees, but at least know when to outsource the work.
  9. Think And Grow Social – Social media is quickly becoming a way for people to find your business. That means having a strong, personable presence on the platforms that your potential customers are using.
  10. Understand The Importance Of Your WebsiteYour website is home base for all of your marketing needs. It’s the place you should be encouraging people to visit. It’s the place where you’re not limited by space, or playing by someone else’s rules. Make sure it’s well-designed and mobile friendly.

Matthew Brennan is a marketing writer based in the Chicago area. He regularly writes about content marketing, blogging, and engaging with your audience. He has been published on ProBlogger, Soshable, and Business2Community. Connect with Matthew on his website,, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+

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