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Finding the Right Formula: Balancing Motherhood and Being An Entrepreneur

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Being a wife and a mother of 2 boys and 2 girls is HARD WORK.  Running 2 businesses, in addition to the responsibilities of running a household, makes it extremely hectic.  How does one do it all and do it well?  This is a question that I get asked all the time.  Honestly, I don’t think I have the perfect answer but finding the right formula that works for you, your family, and your business takes time, patience, perseverance, practice, flexibility, and support.

Balance – What does that really mean exactly? Balance is what I strive for everyday.  I think we all do. However, as with life, everyday is different.  Sometimes with the same result and other days with complete chaos.   I can say this as a mother of 4.  My children – ages 14, 12, 9, and 7,- keep me on my toes with their never ending activities and schedules – homework, tutoring, play dates, sporting events, etc.  Being a parent is 24/7.

As a business owner, I have daily responsibilities in order to run and build my businesses.  It is about prioritizing, managing, and delegating my time.  A nice perk to being an entrepreneur, I have the ability to work around both my work and family schedule without the guilt.

Finding enough hours in a day to get everything done and spend quality time with your family is a challenge.  However, finding that right formula to balance it all takes time, and more importantly, practice – you really have to work hard at it.  Practice makes perfect, right?

Here are a few of my tips for Balancing Motherhood and Being An Entrepreneur:

  1. I’m a mom first and foremost and a businesswoman 2nd. Simply put my family is my #1 priority and they are taken care of first before my business responsibilities.
  2. Ask for help. We often think we can do it all and do it well but in fact, asking for help makes life more manageable and at the same time keeps you sane.  I am fortunate that my husband is an equal partner in raising our children as well as helping out with the business when needed.
  3. Be flexible. Being a parent and running a business takes time management and one should always expect the unexpected.  As much as one tries to plan a day, week, month, or year in advance, something is bound to change at a moment’s notice so it is imperative to be flexible.  Take a deep breath and re-focus.
  4. Accept Failure. Let’s face it. We have all failed at something in our lives.  It is a part of life. Learn from it and move on!
  5. Celebrate and cherish your successes. Being a parent is the hardest job in the world and the most rewarding. You’ve worked really hard raising your kids and providing for them and you are busy growing your business(es). What an accomplishment! Pat yourself on the back for a job well done.
  6. Make time for your self to reflect and re-charge. I like to call this a Parent Time-Out.  It is good to step away once in awhile.  Once you take that much needed break, you have a different perspective on things – to re-think and strategize differently and more importantly, you are more productive.
  7. Make the commitment to “unplug” to be with your family and friends. This is a tough one for me but taking a technology break is a good thing.  Try it sometime.  What I realize is that when I put my phone away and log off my computer, I am completely “in the moment” within myself and with my family – with no distractions!  More importantly, I am 100% ‘present’ for my family.
  8. Go for a walk or run and clear your mind.  It is amazing how a little exercise can make one feel.
  9. Laugh hard and often. Who doesn’t love to laugh? It relieves stress and it makes you happy!
  10. Have fun. Life is an incredible journey full of successes, failures, and lessons learned along the way.   Go out and enjoy it.

Balancing motherhood and being an entrepreneur takes time to find that right formula that works for you, your family, and your business.  The formula may not be perfect the first time but at least you have the ability to make changes and adjustments along the way to make it work within your lifestyle.

This guest post comes courtesy of Grace Welch, CEO/Principal at {g}Collaborative and Founder, President, Mom Inventor at patemm inc.

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