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Step Up Your Game: Top 5 Sure-fire Marketing Tips For A Start-up

After launching a start-up, your most pressing obligation is to get as many eyes on it as possible. If you are good at discovering and taking advantage of markets through clever uses of social media and the internet, that won't be a problem.
However if you need some tips, or even if you need a few new techniques, you're in luck; below are five sure-fire marketing tips that all start-ups should take on board.

1. Consistency on social media

Social media is a way to build your brand's identity, and it's free to use. A common mistake a lot of start-ups make however is taking their foot off of the gas just as it is starting to pay off. You have to remember that social media is filled with different groups all vying for the same audience and the moment you stop you posting good content you are at risk of losing a majority of your audience.

Use apps such as Buffer, which allows you to schedule posts as well as monitor the data. Remember to make sure that your content links your followers back to your site and that you don't over post.

2. Use videos

People want to engage with other people, if your brand is overly impersonal, you will be closing yourself off from a huge portion of the market. Your clients and customers will react much better to a friendly face instead of a distant company, and the way to draw those people in is with the use of videos.

Use YouTube, post videos on Facebook and Twitter and make sure the content is sharp, professional and entertaining.

3. Be charitable

Being associated with charities is a great move when it comes to making your start-up look good. Not only will you be reaching a whole new audience, but you will also be helping good causes and people in need. Look in your community for a charity that needs help or one that means something to you, hold fundraisers, offer deals that tie into donations and show your support via social media.

Some might see this as a shrewd business move, but the reality is that this is a great way to get publicity,which is your job, as well as help people, so its a good tip to consider.

4. Use trends to your advantage

When a topic is trending on Twitter or a news story is making headline news, millions of people have their eyes on the same thing at the same time, and you can take advantage of that. For example, if you were a cafe that sold home made ice cream nd the there was a heatwave in your city that was the number one trending topic on Twitter, you could post a funny tweet or make an interesting video on that topic, directing people to your store and your website.

5. Engage and listen to your customers

As I have already mentioned above, people enjoy interacting with other people, and coming off as a faceless corporation won't do you any good. You need actually to listen to your customers because you will gain perspective on how you are performing and you will gain even more followers and clientele. Make sure that all of your social media accounts promptly respond to complaints and inquiries; if customers feel that you care about them, they will always come back.

If you are looking to step up your game and gain more followers on social media, more clientele, as well as a solidified online status, you will take not of the five sure-fire tips above, and start putting them into practice.

Sophia Mest is a Content Manager at BizDb where she aspires to put her writing passion into practice and spread her words across the world. She spends her free time travelling and exploring the wonders of nature. Follow her on Twitter @MestSophia.

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