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Influence of Big Data on Millennials’ Career Prospects

Millennials are also called the “disruptive generation.” They don’t seek to conform to existing values, rules or regulations. Instead, they are insistent on trying to disrupt the existing situation and model the world according to their own rules.

One efficient way they decided to do this is by technological advancement and a better understanding of data. There is a new wave of AI and ML coming and with that many jobs will become obsolete in the next few years.

There are no more separate levels of expertise, where you are limited to only working in one industry. Technological improvements resulted in data science and analytics, or short – DSA. You don’t need a degree per se, but you have to be in touch with improvements in statistical analysis, planning and organizational sciences.

DSA disrupted the career prospects of millennials and gave them a myriad of new opportunities for their careers. In this article, we will explore the magnitude of the influence of DSA and what can you expect in the future.

The amazing versatility factor

The most interesting thing about big data and DSA, in general, is that this particular niche is not a niche anymore. What does this mean?

Well, people are starting to realize that mining and utilizing data has a place in every single industry, business or organization in the world. You see leaders, HR managers and even front-line executives utilizing big data to make the best decision possible.

We cannot forget about marketers, who have maybe the biggest need for data out of all the professionals we’ve mentioned.

When they’re looking to market a product or brand, they need as much data to be able to predict an outcome and curb any unexpected occurrences. Financial and IT sectors are also looking for more and more DSA experts with each day. Why exactly?

Career prospects for millennials have been positively influenced by the rise of big data, but the effects are felt far before they earn their first paycheck.

The whole educational system is going to undergo a lot of changes and most of them will come even before 2030. In the forthcoming section, we will see what these changes mean for both employees and their employers.

Shaking the foundations of education

Perhaps the most underrated way in which big data is changing the world is seen in the job requirements. Only 10 or 15 years ago, people would look at you strangely if you applied for any job without a college degree.

Nowadays, the situation has changed. Instead, people look at you strangely if you flaunt your diploma as the crux of your resume.

This change in the education system and its rapid decline led to the revolution of “new collar” jobs. People have realized that you can learn about cloud computing, big data and other facets of technology on the move. All you need is a smartphone, tablet or computer and you have the ability to educate yourself.

Traditionally, public and private universities are slow to develop and add new programs and courses to their curriculum. Millennials want to act, to disrupt and to advance and traditional institutions failed miserably to provide them with these opportunities.

Exciting job opportunities

Like we’ve mentioned before, millennials want excitement. Going to school, to college and doing the same job over and over again has become a depressing future for money. Big data solves all that.

Because every organization needs big data solutions and professionals, they have managed to offer millennials interactive job opportunities that will make them want to work. An employee that works just for money is generally much less productive and organizations have taken notice.

Big data experts greatly contribute to automation, causing agencies to just gather the data, analyze them and them to any service offering content outsourcing options. These tools are known for their excellent work with data-driven content orders.

There is also the cooperation factor. A big data scientist can be a freelancer, too. One day, he might work in healthcare and offer better marketing solutions for hospital or private practice advertising. The other day, they might cooperate with a brand that sells fruit juice to give them the best possible analytical background for effective advertising.

Even big data experts who work in one organization have a myriad of things to do:

A massive potential for growth

Nobody wants to work in an industry that is doomed to fail. Big data is the future and the fact that there is a 12% predicted growth until 2024 just reinforces this point.

As machine learning and artificial intelligence solutions are growing and becoming more prominent, big data will only grow and become more essential. This is a big factor in job security, as paychecks will also become bigger for members of this new and exciting profession.

In fact, we’ve seen a lot of college students dropping out and becoming specialized in big data. Some have even managed to enter IBM and Intel training programs, which are a massive boost for any person’s experience.

Doing something you love and that pays well isn’t equivalent to the Bigfoot myth anymore. It has become a reality and millennials are taking notice. And it’s not just big data – ML and AI are becoming more and more embedded into every profession. Who knows what might be next?


Concluding thoughts

Big data has shaken up the job market and the education system as we know it. DSA is an area that requires young professionals to stay engaged. Not only are they not limited to just one niche, but they are also deemed important by any company or organization that hires them.

As a big data scientist or analyst, you can work anywhere and you can also get education anywhere. There is no need for a college degree or for an expensive venture. The modern job market prioritizes skills and potential over qualifications and big data is all about using your skills to come up with the best solution. It’s the future.


Author bio

Michael Gorman

Michael Gorman is a big data expert who has worked to develop a college paper writing service as a legitimate marketing tool. His lectures and blogs have taught many marketers and brand managers to use big data and outsource content from services offering assignment help online. While at Superior Dissertations, he encouraged big data utilization to write better content. Feel free to contact him via Facebook or check his Twitter.

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