With each New Year comes the newest trends in business. Sometimes the trend for the next year is starting a technology-based business and other times it may be clothing or food. When planning to start a business, an entrepreneur must look at the trends for what business is at the top of the list in terms of longevity and strength in the new business climate. While an entrepreneur may move ahead with their unique startup, they still must keep an eye on the trends and perhaps implement some of the aspects of other trending businesses into theirs.
Rescue a CEO and CEO Blog Nation asked entrepreneurs what they think the best industries to start in 2013 are.
Focus on the government sector
One of the best industries for 2013 is the government sector. The US Government is the largest buyer of goods and services – IN THE WORLD! They spend over $600 Billion USD per year on anything from dental services, armored tanks to pens and pencils and bullet proof vests. Fiscal cliffs and sequestration will certainly have an impact on budgets of the agencies, but still the government sector is a great way to diversify your customer base. There is stability in knowing you will get paid. This customer will not be going out of business anytime soon. There is a push to focus on small business and many free educational seminars hosted by SBA (Small Business Administration) on how to sell to the US Government. It's easy to find out how much they spend on your product, who buys it, competitive analysis and more – as this information is public data. Anyone can bid!
Thanks to Jennifer Schaus, Jennifer Schaus & Associates
Working with the ‘Cloud'
2013 is going to be the year of the business-to-business industry. Cloud technologies have finally become acceptable and accessible for most companies. Software as a service (SaaS or “cloud” services) used to market only to very large or very small companies, but the technology and innovation have grown to the point where we will probably see a tipping-point in this industry which will push it into the mainstream of business applications. Businesses that come up with creative cloud services tailored to specific industries will be highly in demand in 2013.
Thanks to Tripp Watson, The Watson Firm
Using Podcasts to get the word out
The best industry to start in 2013 is Podcasting! With the explosion of smartphones and tablets, and wi-fi access cropping up everywhere, people are flocking to the on demand, targeted content that podcasts provide. Just months after launching EntrepreneurOnFire.com, I am generating over 100,000 unique downloads in over 100 countries EVERY month! By interviewing the top Entrepreneurs in the world, I have been able to gain instant credibility, authority, and an intimate connection with my rapidly growing audience.
Thanks to John Dumas, Entrepreneur on Fire
SAAS will be huge in 2013
I would say that there are two industries that are becoming hotter. Anything subscription based like software as a service (SAAS) and anything in the cloud. Mobile, agile and accessible storage along with subscription based services will continue to rise and if I had to pick one to start that would be what I went with. I think that there will be a return to physical products that marry technology with awesome product design, but that’s a slow grower. The winners right now are SAAS and cloud services.
Thanks to Michael J. Flanigan, Expressionary, LLC.
Leaning on open source technology
My wife and I are looking to move in 2013. As we examine neighborhoods I find myself noting what brick and motar shops are not present. I believe that 2013 is a great year to open a brick and mortar store because cloud and open source technology have paved the way to make this happen. Social media can help you find an audience and clientele over a weekend. You can follow reviews of what is working in your market place and what isn't then tailor your offerings to that. Why open a niche bar / movie theatre on a hunch when you can perform incredibly detailed localized market research before you even sign a lease?
Thanks to Ted Hessing, Charlotte Web Development
Looking at equity crowdfunding
My prediction as to the best industry to get into in 2013 is equity crowdfunding. In an article on Forbes they had predicted equity crowdfunding to be a $500 billion dollar industry in 2013. This is way overshot and won't happen due to the governments slow process to implement the new laws, but shows the impact equity crowdfunding will have once legal in 2013. While the laws should have been implemented late 2012 or Quarter 1 of 2013, many close to the industry are predicting the new laws will be implemented in the third quarter of 2013 which gives plenty of new business plenty of time to set up shop before equity crowdfunding really begins to take off!
Thanks to Eric Burns, VenReport
Variety in the Tourism Industry
I recommend anything in the Tourism Industry. I'm NOT talking about Travel Agents. Travel is a $1.9 trillion travel industry and its 14.4 million-strong workforce and yet very few know of the opportunities available. The opportunities are endless, i.e. tour operators, CMI (meetings, conventions and incentives), destination management companies, services including transportation, linens, florals, team building, tour guides, tour directors, receptive services, training, entertainment, website development, accounting and much more. Personally I train professional Tour Directors, Guides, Travel Staff (travel with professional groups) and Cruise Hosts local, domestic and international travel.
Thanks to Cherie Anderson, Tour Training
The medical and nursing field
The medical and nursing field is definitely one of the best industries to start a business in 2013. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that 96 percent of new employment positions will be in health care, including home nursing, hospital facilities, services for the elderly and disabled, physician offices, and many more. People will always need health care, and such an industry that can keep the American people healthy and also help them save money on care will provide the most business opportunities.
Thanks to Ian Aronovich, GovernmentAuctions
Utilizing the smart phone market
There are currently over 91 million smart phone users in the United States, and by 2013 that number will grow to over 100 million. Statistics show that 60% of all smart phone users who view your website on their smart phones will immediately leave if your website is not mobile-friendly. This can create a huge loss of business for you and a bunch of new business for your competition! Smart phone users want just the basic information about your business…phone number, location, hours, etc. They do not want to see all the information that a traditional website has. Our mobile websites will give just the necessary information, but also include the option to view the entire website if wanted. Many large corporations already have mobile-friendly websites, but this is something new to a lot of the small and medium sized business. But in order to compete with the big dogs, you've got to follow suit!
Thanks to Lori Schroeder, L.S. Website Designs
Leaning towards computer and technology growth
In 2013, any industry focusing on computer and technology growth and services will be the best to start a business. It makes sense considering that technology is constantly growing, demanding more and more qualified individuals to join the frenzy. Computer software and hardware, administration, and mobile applications development are just one side of the deal. There will also be many openings involving management and consulting services to go along with the already booming technology industry. It's not too late to join the fray and start a business in the industry come 2013.
Thanks to Michael Pesochinsky, GovernmentBargains