Small Business Saturday is around the corner and for this post we asked some small business owners what they were doing to celebrate the day. Remember when you shop small, you are helping a parent buy their child a musical instrument or helping them hire an employee. Celebrate Small Business Saturday on November 28, 2015.
#1 – Positivity

In order to show my support for Small Business Saturday, I plan on showcasing success stories of previous and current clients who have done business with my company, Jumpstart:HR, LLC. Since we are an HR Outsourcing and Consulting Firm who works exclusively with small businesses and start-ups in the US, I'd like to highlight some positivity surrounding our customers and the work we do for them. I'm also a podcaster so I will run an episode of my Business, Life, and Coffee podcast that focuses on small business leaders in my circle of friends. I'm always excited about this time of year because I'm a huge advocate for small business success!
Thanks to Joey Price, Jumpstart:HR, LLC
#2 – Open House

For Small Business Saturday Colorado Aromatics will be having a customer appreciation and open house celebration. We are not normally open on Saturdays because we are at the Farmers Market, but we will be open Saturdays starting on Small Business Saturday until Christmas. At our open house customers will be able to see all of our gift sets we've put together for the Holidays. We will have our esthetician on hand to answer any questions customers might have as well as offer $20 product facials with our brand. We will also have snacks and games. If the weather happens to be warm, we have a nice courtyard we can spread out into. We are looking forward to greeting our regular as well as new customers that day.
Thanks to Cindy Jones, Colorado Aromatics
#3- Sitewide Discount

Being a business that caters mostly to small businesses, this has actually become one of the most important days of the year for us. We usually start out a week or two in advance with an email to customers letting them know to be on the look out for our Small Business Saturday (SBS) promotion. This plants the seed in their head and makes them remember our company when SBS rolls around. For 2015 we'll be doing a 20% sitewide discount that will be good for 24 hours only – one email will be sent out Friday afternoon and then another around 10am local time the next day just as a final reminder. This approach has yielded us the best results and definitely locked in SBS as something we'll continue to do every year.
Thanks to David Batchelor,
#4 – Pledge Card

While the SBA is always focused on advancing small businesses, our Michigan District Office is making an extra effort to put their work into practice on Small Business Saturday. All the employees have signed a pledge card to patronize a small business in their local communities on November 28th and will take photos/exhibit their support with signs “SBA supports Small Business Saturday” signs. They will share their efforts and activities in their newsletters, via social media and more to amplify the small businesses participating and that SBA employees are truly dedicated to small businesses! One employee is going to a dog boutique, City Bark, in Grosse Pointe, Mich. The owner is utilizing marketing materials from the American Express Shop Small campaign. And because she's so creative in her window displays and provides great service and unique products, she's been successful in her first year despite the fact that a Pet Supplies Plus store opened across the street six months after she started. Another staff member is visiting Circare Gift in St. Claire Shores that sells designs and creations from artisans around the country. Its success is based on the different products and attentive customer service, even though it's situated across from a Hallmark store! Someone else plans to visit a new retail store in the heart of Midtown Detroit – the center of a great commercial revival – and where many independent restaurants and retail locations are thriving. This unique effort is just one of many ways the SBA supports small businesses across the nation on Small Business Saturday. Those looking for assistance can tap their local SBA district office for additional details.
Thanks to Andrea Roebker, U.S. Small Business Administration
#5 – VIP Give Back

As a psychotherapist and neuromarketer, I want to add that a small business could use this day to not only create sales but to create buzz; mailing lists, one day workshops, free webinars, etc., these are all ways to catch potential clients/consumers who would purchase at a later date, but see worth in spending time, energy on signing up for a “Small Business Saturday Kick Off”. When consumers feel that there is a connection that takes their interest at heart, and as long as the organization does in fact, have transparency and authenticity, the consumer is more apt to continue a developing relationship. Another unique idea for a small business would be to create a VIP give back or connect with a nonprofit to help give back, to the community or, current clients.
Thanks to Michele Paiva
#6 – Coloring Book Page

When I moved to Douglasville, Georgia ten years ago, little did I know that my life would improve drastically. Learning to turn my creative hobby into a viable small business led me into a world of new Alice-in-Wonderland adventures and an incredible growth of spirit. The recipe for small business success is simple: spend lots of time, effort and enthusiasm getting to know small business owners and entrepreneurs who have a vast amount of knowledge they are so willing to share with others. They know that small business is the backbone of a community's economic security, strength, and success. I discovered that it's never too late to dream big with a small thought and a community of business friends who support each other. For Small Business Saturday I am creating a coloring book page with a Shop Local theme and will be distributing it to all the restaurants, shops and businesses along Broad Street, the historic business district of downtown Douglasville.
Thanks to Alice S Shapiro, The Awesome Adult Coloring Book and More
#7 – Unique Promotional Program

As a company pillar, “Act like a neighbor and get involved” embodies the spirit of Valpak, which is the savings arm of Small Business Saturday. Every day we convey the Valpak brand essence of being an awesome neighbor – we are out in our communities meeting with businesses owners and putting our tools to work to make their businesses thrive. For Small Business Saturday, Valpak presents a unique promotional program to support sales efforts: 1.) Promotional insert templates will available featuring Small Business Saturday and local advertiser, which can be with new or existing clients. 2.) New clients with the Valpak Small Business Saturday promotional program and add a digital package will receive a free Business Profile Page for one month. 3.)Valpak will promote Small Business Saturday on and through social media and press. 4.) Small Business Saturday will be featured on-pack envelopes in all markets. 5.) Video 6.)Small Business B2B Blogging (year-round)
Thanks to Samantha Rego, Valpak
#8 – Spend

We are supporting small business Saturday in these ways: by earmarking a certain amount to spend with businesses in our area and offering business owners an exclusive code to use our services in the future at a special B2B rate.
Thanks to Camille D. Jamerson, CDJ & Associates
#9- Little Boxes

Several years ago, my partner and I created a Black Friday and Small Business Saturday event for local retail shops in Portland, Oregon, called Little Boxes. We saw a need for a spotlight to be shone on the smaller local shops in our city on a day historically known as the biggest shopping day of the year. The event was an instant hit and five years later, it has become a household tradition. Over 200 Portland shops participate, people who typically avoided the hubbub of
big box shopping on Black Friday, now spend their time and money perusing our shops on those days; and people who love the door buster sales, come to our shops after. It's a massive coming together of the community and something that has helped our shops' bottom lines as we jump into the holiday season.
Thanks to Betsy Cross, Betsy & Iya
Thank you so much for including my Shop Local promo in this great article. I thought you might enjoy seeing the actual coloring page completed. Douglasville is a happy camper getting prepared for the Christmas season. Wishing you all bunches of satisfied shoppers. Alice