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Cupcakes Are Really Just Fancy Muffins

Such a delicious title certainly captivates your taste buds, right? I wish this were that type of article, the one that supplies you with all the baking secrets for making the world’s greatest cupcake. Consider it a colorful metaphor, because this is all about your business.

I’m talking to you–the entrepreneur who invested themselves completely into the business that they believe in so much that they are willing to go down with the ship if something doesn’t pan out.

You didn’t do this without weighing the risks and the benefits, just like when you were finding a business life insurance policy for security and to possibly benefit your business in the process. So let’s take a look at these baked goods and what they can teach us about being a successful entrepreneur.

Mixing Together Your Ingredients For a Successful Business

When you want to make something sweet and scrumptious, you follow a recipe. If you don’t follow a recipe, it spells disaster. The same applies to a business when it starts out. There are certain steps that have to be followed to start a business from the ground up.

It all begins with an idea, a vision of how you want your business to grow. You plot out the products you will offer, the customers you will serve, and the employees that you will hire. The idea and the dream are the fundamentals of beginning a business.

Dry Ingredients for a Successful Business

When you’re making muffins or cupcakes, you always start with the dry ingredients. These make up the foundation and provide the substance of the actual treat. In your business, the “dry ingredients” are your vision, the actual plan, and the funding to make it happen.

Funding can be tricky when you are first starting a business. Knowing where to look can seem overwhelming, especially when you have never done anything like this before. You are willing to put everything you have into your dream and you have to find someone else who is willing to share that with you.

Doing your research and learning from other entrepreneurs is a good place to start. You wouldn’t try to create a muffin and cupcake shop without having a great recipe for the product you intend to sell. Why should a business be any different?

Wet Ingredients for a Successful Business

When you’re baking, the wet ingredients are what hold the dry ones together to make it into a batter. From a foundation to a batter, it can be something you make for a celebration or simply because you can. It’s something you should want for your business too.

The “wet ingredients” in your business are the products you sell, the services you offer, the employees you hire, and the customers you want to come through your doors. These are all the things that hold together the vision, the plan, and the financial backing you need to keep the business going. They are all ultimately dependent upon one another. Without one, the others won’t stick.

Don’t Let Setbacks Destroy Your Hope

Setbacks happen. In our day-to-day lives, we find ourselves trying to dodge life’s little curveballs. What if we simply began accepting those bumps in the road as learning opportunities?

An increasingly large number of small businesses fail, especially when they are in the startup phase. If you approach this with the idea that you are “immune” to it, you might as well throw in the towel now. Understanding and recognizing the signs of a failing business may be what helps you identify the dangers and implement the changes before your ship sinks.

Reinvention Doesn’t Happen Overnight

Maybe you’ve recognized the signs that your business might be on the verge of failing. That’s good because the first step is always admitting you’ve got a problem. Now, it’s time for you to come up with a new strategy to save it. The old adage “Rome wasn’t built in a day” should be your mantra at this point.

If you have ever tried to bake a small army of muffins or cupcakes, you know there are variables that can either promote success or render failure.

These can all impact the final outcome of your product.

When at first you don’t succeed…

You can’t change all the variables in the scenario at once. If you do, you won’t know which one caused the failure to begin with. The same applies to a business strategy.

You have to slowly reinvent how you are running and marketing your business to find the culprit that was causing the bump in the road.

Sometimes you just have to know what recipe to look for when trying to change how you perceive success.

Dressing Up Your Business

Once you’ve checked off all the variables of your business structure, you may find it isn’t one of those that are creating the bumps in the road you are facing. Did you think that the answer could be as easy as looking in the mirror?

We don’t want to be the one to blame for the failure of a business. We treat our businesses like our babies, and sometimes we coddle them a bit too much when we try to protect them.

How can we take the cupcake batter and build it into a massive business empire?

Just Let It Happen

This is 2020. Social media controls peoples’ minds and we are all permanently fused to our smartphones and tablets. It’d be a lie to say otherwise.

No matter how hard you try, you can’t stop your business from evolving into the technological revolution.

Like the icing on top of the cupcake, giving your business that visually appealing edge makes it even tastier. People are driven by beautiful things. Give your philosophy some color and watch the masses come.

Instead of letting your confidence rain like confetti, maybe you should try letting it rain like sprinkles! At least those are edible…

Don’t Give Up After One Soggy Cupcake

If you’re trying to bake, the most important thing to remember is the same as when you own a business: don’t give up!

Life is going to throw some stuff at you, but if you choose to work with what you’ve got, chances are you’ll find a way to use it

One soggy cupcake, or one business mistake, shouldn’t discourage you. This should be your motivation to make the next batch better.

If at first, you don’t succeed, try try again!


Author bio

Sara Marcum writes for the life insurance site, She is a full-time wife and mother to two boys and the stepmother to a little girl. After many years of working outside of their home, she decided it was time to make a change and pursue her dream of writing. She is currently working on a novel while juggling all the other tasks in her life.

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