Burnout can affect anyone, regardless of their profession or lifestyle. It's a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress and overwork. The symptoms of burnout can range from feeling drained and unmotivated to more severe consequences like depression and chronic health problems. It's crucial to recognize the signs of burnout early on and take steps to prevent it from happening.
We asked entrepreneurs some practical tips on how they stop burnout from happening and here are the responses:
#1- By setting realistic expectations

Setting realistic expectations is a key strategy for preventing burnout as a leader. Leaders are driven by a desire to excel and often set very high expectations for themselves and their teams. While it's important to aim high, setting unrealistic goals and timelines can lead to stress, frustration, and burnout. To avoid this, leaders should take the time to assess their resources, capabilities, and market conditions, and set realistic goals and timelines based on that assessment. By setting realistic expectations, leaders can reduce the pressure and stress they put on themselves and their teams.
Thanks to Tom Golubovich, Ninja Transfers!
#2- By learning meditation

Over 30 years ago, I was a victim of burnout while working as a Sales Executive. As an entrepreneur, I've come to realize that success requires more than just making a bank; it also involves taking care of your mental and emotional well-being. After a near-death experience, I learned a unique approach that combines non-traditional healing methods, meditation, and a deep understanding of the mind-body connection. With my secret weapon, Stress Buster, I can overcome pain, trauma, and depression.
Thanks to Amirah Hall
#3- By building a support system

Building a strong support system is crucial for entrepreneurs to prevent burnout. Entrepreneurship can be a lonely and stressful journey, and having a network of supportive people can help to alleviate the pressure. A support system can provide emotional support, offer advice and guidance, and connect entrepreneurs with valuable resources. This can include family and friends, as well as mentors, industry peers, and business partners. Building a support system takes time and effort, but it's a valuable investment in an entrepreneur's mental health and overall success.
Thanks to Cynthia Davies, Cindy's New Mexico LLC!
#4- By knowing what you can and cannot do

I think one of the major causes of burnout is the constant uncertainty you face as an entrepreneur: will my product succeed, can I raise enough money, how is my team doing, etc. The constant uncertainty and time pressure lead to almost-guaranteed burnout. To avoid it or stop it from happening to have to first understand what you can and cannot control. You can control what you work on, and how you work on it. Once you start getting into this mindset you will be able to limit the risk of burnout.
Thanks to Daniel Sieger, Stories for Good!
#5- By taking naps, eating well, and walking

Preventing burnout is a balancing act of each day’s energy. Before you start on a task, make sure you have the mental energy to complete it. Though it may feel like you don’t have the time, taking good care of yourself physically by taking naps, eating well, and going on walks will give you a mental break from work and more productive energy in the long run. Once you’re away from work, put your mind at rest and focus on enjoying the physical world around you.
Thanks to Victoria Yu, Making That Sale!
#6- By documenting wins

In my experience, burnout and feeling overwhelmed can go hand in hand. Instead of making excruciating big changes, it's better to make small changes that are within your control. Spend the last five minutes of your day documenting your wins for the day. There may be more than you think. Practice gratitude by remembering why you were interested in the job in the first place. Find what motivates you and see if there's an opportunity for it at work. Your journey to a happier work life is well within reach.
Thanks to Brian Staver, Acumen Connections!
#7- By evaluating life's happenings

I've found that one of the best ways to stop burnout is to take a step back and evaluate what's happening in your life. Are you neglecting other areas? Are you doing too much at once? Are you taking care of yourself? Are there things getting in the way of your goals? I also make sure to take breaks throughout the day, even if they're short ones. My team and I have a tradition where we all go outside at lunchtime and take a break from everything we use this time to get some fresh air and talk about our goals.
Thanks to Annie Morris, Made in CA!
#8- By taking breaks when I need

I have been working in this industry for many years, and I've had to deal with burnout more than once. It's not fun, and it's not pretty it can feel like you're in a dark pit and there's no way out. But the truth is that there are ways to get out of that pit, even if you don't feel like they exist right now. If you focus on taking care of yourself, taking breaks when you need them, and making sure you have time for other things besides your business, then burnout will never be able to catch up with you
Thanks to Dinesh Pandian, Lenders.fi!
#9- By setting priorities and time management

Working long, arduous hours without having a break will definitely cause you to lose effectiveness in your task. You might experience fatigue and resentment as a result of this burnout. Actually, there is no magic formula for avoiding burnout. It all comes down to setting priorities and managing your time, just like any other endeavor. It is not necessary for someone to be overloaded or overburdened if responsibilities are carefully structured, assigned, and carried out. Incorporate that with effective time management, and the problem of burnout won't probably occur at all.
Thanks to Timothy Woods, Carnivorestyle!
#10- Two steps

In the hectic work environment, dealing with burnout becomes the utmost priority. The first step is to recognize the need for a break. Understanding the fact that the break is needed before burnout hits are the key. Second, to deal with burnout or a similar situation, perform the activities you love and relax. Painting, dancing, and watching space movies are all activities that can make you happy. The key to lowering your risk of burnout is to take care of yourself on a regular basis rather than waiting until it's too late.
Thanks to Daniel Thompson, Salt Water Digital!
#11- By sticking to a healthy schedule

What worked well for me was sticking to a healthy schedule. As an entrepreneur, I can find many things to do, and the list could not end. However, as an entrepreneur, it's important to stick to your schedule and set healthy boundaries. You must be intentional in having a work-life balance, or else it will just be empty words. You may be your own boss and feel like you need to do everything, but there are ways to drive your business forward while still taking care of yourself. Try delegation and hiring the right people.
Thanks to Jackie Lange, Panama Relocation Tours!
#12- By planning strategically

What worked well for me was delegation and prioritizing things. Delegating tasks helped me greatly in saving my time and using that time to do more critical tasks. As a CEO, it's also important to learn to prioritize to get the work-life balance you need. While there are times that I need to work late, I prioritize having enough time for my family and friends. For urgent tasks, I do those in the morning to make sure I can accomplish what I need to accomplish at the end of the day.
Thanks to Josef Carmeli, If-So!
#13- By always making time for exercise

No matter how hectic my schedule gets, I always allot time for exercise. Sometimes I can do a full-body workout after work, other times I can only squeeze in a quick jog in the morning, but I made a promise to be consistent. It’s my way of integrating some movement and cardio to compensate for spending hours on end sitting down in front of my computer. I also exercise for my mental well-being since it’s a great source of endorphins, which help mitigate my stress levels.
Thanks to Mark Woodbury, Minerva Equity!
#14- By taking nature trips

Taking weekly nature trips has been a part of my regular routine for several years now. My weekends are reserved for driving out to remote destinations where I can unplug from work and spend time with my loved ones. Nature trips help me disconnect from the stress of the everyday hustle and bustle. Being surrounded by a serene view of the sun setting by the sea or waking up to birdsongs in the mountain is a great way to recharge and reset my brain for another week of work.
Thanks to Garrett Smith, GMB Gorilla!
#15- By setting the boundaries

Burnout occurs when the person is exhausted physically, emotionally, and mentally due to stress or overwork. Therefore, set the boundaries for work before it puts you out of the boundary. Shorten your working day and only do overtime once or twice a week. Delegate work that others can do, and hire skilled and talented people who offer solutions to problems. Don't bring work home. Above all, sleep properly for at least 7 hours every night. Working towards ambition is important but not getting lost in work is.
Thanks to Doug Van Soest, Socal Home Buyers!
#16- By offering paid time off

Paid time off is actually offered by organizations to help prevent burnout and give employees the upper hand to be able to utilize this benefit, decide for themselves when they need a break, and ask for paid time off to recharge, relax, and come back energized and more productive. In fact, using paid time off as a benefit expresses that the company is asking employees to put their mental health and well-being first and be able to speak up and say that they need a breakout in order to prevent burnout from occurring.
Thanks to Denise Hemke, Checkr!
#17- By prioritizing time with family

One of the best ways I have for avoiding burnout is to prioritize time with my family. As a business owner, it can be easy to get caught up working long hours and putting my business first. I have had to create more boundaries around work to ensure I can log off for the night and enjoy dinner and time with my family every night. I also take time off to go on vacations and spend holidays with family.
Thanks to Cody Jensen, Searchbloom!
#18- By fostering an empathetic culture

I find that fostering an empathetic workplace culture is extremely helpful in preventing burnout. By this, I mean that employees feel comfortable coming to leadership with any stressors or concerns, without fear of ridicule. By creating an open, communicative, and empathetic workplace atmosphere, employees are more likely to speak up before becoming burnt out. As such, their stressors can be removed or lessened before burnout becomes an issue.
Thanks to Jared Weitz, United Capital Source Inc.!
#19- By delegating responsibilities

There are certain moments in life when we are caught up in periods of intense work for the company, and the key to controlling it is time management. When I talk about time management, I mean taking a break, scheduling vacations, and spending quality time with my family. For me, maintaining mental well-being is fundamental to running a company. Delegating responsibilities and maintaining high trust in my team is also a great relief. That helps you control burnout.
Thanks to Victor Anaya, Serviap Global!
#20- By fostering work-life balance culture

As a CEO, one of the most important things we can do to prevent burnout is to promote a healthy work-life balance. This means encouraging our employees to take breaks, prioritize their physical and mental health, and avoid working excessive hours. By fostering a culture of work-life balance, we can help our employees avoid burnout and achieve sustainable success in their roles. This also helps to create a positive and productive work environment that benefits everyone.
Thanks to Keith Melanson, Renos Group!
#21- By prioritizing hobbies

I've learned that prioritizing my hobbies outside of work is essential for my mental health and overall well-being. I find that my hobbies help me to disconnect from work and enter a state of flow that's both relaxing and energizing. It's really important for me to get a sense of accomplishment that's unrelated to my work and career goals. Being engrossed in my hobbies helps me to recharge and come back to work with renewed focus and creativity.
Thanks to Brandon Mackie, Dink Technologies, Inc.!
#22- By finding a space to get the energy out

When you’re feeling anxious, agitated, or otherwise activated, find a space to get the energy out. Try jumping jacks, running on the spot, or even screaming if you have enough privacy. Moving for a few minutes helps take the lid off the kettle, so your body can calm as you move into relaxation techniques, like meditation, deep breathing, actively enjoying a coffee – anything that helps you feel calm and happy. When we start working to manage our daily stresses better, feelings of burnout can improve or disappear.
Thanks to Maximilian Wühr, FINN!
#23- By allowing fun time at work

I’ve been practicing mindfulness for quite a while and know how to treat myself to avoid burnout. My challenge was to help my team without imposing any philosophy. So I decided to make some time for fun at work. This includes organizing team-building exercises and allowing employees to take short breaks during the day. We even hired a happiness manager who happens to be a jack russell terrier.
Thanks to Laura Adams, Happiest Camper!
#24- By taking mentorship help

I believe the main reason why, unlike my fellow entrepreneurs, I haven't experienced burnout is that I'm lucky to have an excellent mentor. She provides an extra layer of motivation and guidance to keep me motivated and on track. Having someone to bounce ideas off of helps me make better decisions. And I rarely face the stressful consequences of making wrong choices. I also know I have a listening ear when problems seem insurmountable. My mentor is the one to remind me to be kind to myself and take care of myself, both mentally and physically, to prevent burnout.
Thanks to Alex Croucher, B2B Marketing Consultant!
#25- By avoiding multitasking

I often find myself in situations where I must manage multiple tasks simultaneously. Although multitasking may seem like a quick and easy way to get things done, it can lead to burnout, causing an overload of stress. I taught myself to focus on one task at a time and prioritize them based on importance and urgency. I force myself to disconnect by taking short breaks throughout the day. The biggest challenge in accepting this routine was to convince my inner self that I eventually accomplish more by bustling less.
Thanks to Vincent Luca, On Demand Pest Control!
#26- By shuffling the workload

Before I started my electric ride business, riding electric scooters is my way of relieving stress. Now that I am operating a business out of it, it doesn't work anymore. Worst, people who experience burnout, fall out of love with what used to be exciting for them and I don't want that to happen to me. That's why whenever I feel that there's low stimulation at work, I step back from my regular duties and find new ways in dealing with them efficiently. In other words, my secret coping strategy is shuffling the workload once in a while so that there's always something new that I look forward to.
Thanks to Daniel Carter, Zippy Electrics!
#27- By getting enough sleep

Lack of sleep will make you feel irritated and distorted, hard time understanding and functioning, and lastly, it can lead to mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and burnout. Our mental health and energy also depend on our sleeping routine. If you get enough or more than enough sleep, you'll likely be more attentive and in good shape which will help you to be more productive.
Thanks to Guy Hadas, Age Group!
#28- By connecting with supportive people

Reach out to friends and family for help if you exhibit signs of stress or exhaustion. Stress can often be reduced by simply talking to others, and if you ask for help, family members may give you advice or assist you in taking action to make things better. Also, attempting to forge closer bonds with your coworkers may enhance your attitude about your work and make you feel more connected.
Thanks to Joanne King, ICMP!
#29- By giving autonomy to employees

Micromanaging every employee not only impacts their morale negatively but also contributes significantly to my burnout. To prevent overworking, I have given autonomy to my employees and flexibility at work. It helps employees to unleash their creative side. Also, the ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach does not work. My idea is to lead by example and complete work tasks during office hours. This has helped me a lot to prevent burnout. I am only available to employees in case of any queries or important meetings.
Thanks to Aima Irfan, Inside Tech World!
#30- By changing work location

Changing the location of my work helps me prevent burnout. I work from home and usually switch up my routine and the sitting area of my work. I believe that a simple change of scenery work wonders for your productivity. Sitting in the same chair and doing the same work daily can drain your energy. Therefore I switch up my routine every now and then, especially when I dread work time. I frequently change my work location. Sometimes I work from my home office, and sometimes from my coffee shop or a park near my house.
Thanks to Jeremy Dawes, Jezweb!