With so many fandangled marketing techniques these days, it can be easy to forget about the old reliables. This infographic from Colourfast draws our attention to one particular form of marketing that many will have forgotten about – the exciting world of promotional products! For marketing to get results, it doesn’t have to be exciting and promo’ products seem to be a great example of that in action. Research has shown that they have one of the strongest ROIs of all marketing techniques. Were you aware that 85% of people remember the name of the company that gives them a promotional product?
The type of promotional products that work for your company will largely depend on what industry you’re in so you will need to have a careful think about what will work best for you. However, ensuring that the products are of sufficient quality is a must across all industries. After all, how can people keep using them if they break after a few days?
Have a look through the infographic and have a think about how you can use promotional products to help grow your business. Can you incorporate them as part of your marketing mix?