The Blogosphere is here and it is not going anywhere. It’s not just for people talking about what they’re eating for lunch or their next celebrity crush. Blogging is big business for entrepreneurs and business owners. CEO Blog Nation has a blogging community and we regularly blog for entrepreneurs and business owners and there are numerous reasons to blog. Rescue a CEO asked some businesses how they use blogging to help their business.
#1- Rank for statistic based keywords

Recently we have been writing blog posts in an attempt to rank them for statistic based keywords. These are keywords that indicate that people are looking for statistics, possibly to enrich an article or blog post that they are writing. These articles contain a combination of curated and original statistics around a big topic in or industry, The idea is that people will find our article when researching their own post and link back to our post in theirs. This should, over time, improve our overall link profile.
Thanks to Mike Skoropad, United Tires!
#2- Forms a part of my business representation

Seeing as I'm trying to promote homes in many different geographic locations, I'm able to provide lots of insight into cities, neighbourhoods, and communities by providing ‘snapshots' of a specific area in each of my blog posts. I find that my clients really appreciate my guides, as it helps them get a feel for the neighbourhood, and all that it can offer.
Thanks to Trey Van, Discover Homes Miami!
#3- Create a series of interviews

Interviewing thought-leaders, entrepreneurs, and influencers for my blog is one of the most productive blogging methods I've utilized to promote my business. Having an ongoing interview series will allow you to reach out to people you know in your field, as well as people in industries where you're desperately trying to break into. People enjoy talking about themselves and appear to jump at the opportunity to be profiled and featured on the internet. Create an interview series on your blog to continue the new friendship offline.
Thanks to Adam Fard, Adam Fard' UX Agency!
#4- Expand my content footprint

I wanted to have a blog, but just rehashing what I was up to in my overall art career didn't seem worthwhile. I decided to focus on my 3D printing practice as a sculptor to put that aspect of my work as an artist the spotlight. The blog has allowed me to expand my content footprint while giving my innovative work in large format 3D printing more visibility and credence.
Thanks to Kevin Caron, Kevin Caron Studios, L.L.C.!
#5- Attract the right readers

When creating content for your blog, keep in mind that engaging, high-quality posts will attract more visitors. And what you'll want to ensure is that you attract the right readers. Take a close look at your target audience, and be sure that you pay attention to trending topics that will be of interest to them. Additionally, always find a way to tie your content into your services or products. After all, the main purpose of your blog is to create brand awareness, invite mutual collaborations, and, ultimately, generate sales.
Thanks to Moody Nashawaty, MuteSix!
#6- Three ways

My blog is jam-packed and I regularly post updates of my travels and also helpful guides and tips for travelers. Using new keywords in my blogs helps me start to rank for those keywords and associated words which all brings relevant traffic to my website. It's not just for SEO though, oh NO, looking at google analytics my blogs generate the most page views and page viewing time across my whole site – dwarfing my home page and other big hitters. This results in me bringing more customers to my site, colabs with Brands and fruitful relationships.
Thanks to Michelle Halpern, Live Like it's the Weekend!
#7- SEO and to position myself as a thought leader

I use my blog as a way to boost my website's SEO, but also to position me as a thought leader. It also gives me something to push out in my newsletters and on my social media channels to drive people back to my website and convince them I really know what I'm talking about. Again, it's all about positioning myself as a thought leader in my industry.
Thanks to Alison Ver Halen, AV Writing Services, LLC!
#8- Provide quick tips for homeowners

We use our blog as part of our SEO and content strategy. It provides quick tips for homeowners who are trying to DIY their own garden, landscaping, or lawn work project. It also makes a clear distinction on when to call a professional and how to go about finding the right one. We point customers from our blog directly to our services.
Thanks to Jeremy Yamaguchi, Lawn Love!
#9- A number of ways

We use our blog to educate about our product and hero ingredient, Mekabu, to highlight partnerships and other founders of brands we love and to tell deeper brand stories. We also weave in SEO terms so that our blogs are easily searchable. We post them across our social channels and they give us a good opportunity to provide storytelling content in our emails.
Thanks to Lynn Power, MASAMI!
#10- Showcase transparency

Your blog should be able to explain what your company stands for, as well as provide in-depth insight on your services and/or products. It offers you a chance to be transparent, and to let your customers really come to an understanding of what your company is all about. Think along the lines of how-to guides, or posting information that you know will appeal to your target audience. Your goal is to become the one-stop-shop for information, so create high-quality blog posts – and post them often.
Thanks to Ryan Rottman, OSDB Sports!
#11- As an information center

Wiz-Tec we use our blog as an information centre for our customers in the fuel retail, car wash, and First Nations point of sale markets. We always try to survey our current customers to ask them what content they'd like to see on our blog because we want our site to be a good resource for any and all retailers in our verticals. Our blog posts go from the best car wash security system set ups to what a point of sale system is an improvement over a simple cash register. Having these resources available makes it easy to do a quick search about things that a lot of retailers in the same space have questions about. We use our blog as a sort of value added feature to our services since we do the research and put it together in a concise way for our current or future customers. Our most popular blog post, for example, is a guide to how tax exemptions work in each province for fuel and tobacco retailers on First Nations reserves. This topic is quite niche so there isn't enough information on the processes in a single place. We decided to change that and have seen a great response from both potential customers and non-customers that are curious about the topic.
Thanks to Carla Rodriguez, Wiz-Tec Computing Technologies Inc.!
#12- Elaborate on what the company does

Blogging is not only a great way to elaborate on what your company does; it also gives you the chance to reveal the personality of your business. Although our blogs give practical advice about healthy habits, our writing style also demonstrates a sense of warmth, nurture, and a passion not only for physical health but for spiritual health as well. Being transparent in terms of showing the unique personality of our brand helps us stand apart and it also allows us to discover which customers truly connect with what
we do and why we do it.
Thanks to Mary Berry, Cosmos Vita!
#13- For instant accessibility

I am an Illustrator, and Blogger and my website has helped me get my online business in front of so many women – all over the world. I use a combination of blog posts and email marketing to get readers hooked to my website and they eventually end up buying my eBooks and eCourses. They also hire me to create personalised illustrations for their businesses. Having my website is a boon because I don’t need to go door to door to market my business or find people to buy my products or hire me as an Illustrator. I have become instantly accessible thanks to my content and quirky illustrations and I have carved a niche for myself and my business with my blog.
Thanks to Angela Mary Vaz, Stray Curls!
#14- Discuss non-wheel and tire topics

We use our blog to highlight any specific situations that would come up around dealing with wheels and tires, such as how to polish certain kinds of wheels or whether to repair or replace your tires. The blog section of our website is a place where we can discuss topics that non-wheel and tire experts probably wouldn't even think of.
Thanks to Matt Seaburn, Rent-a-Wheel!
#15- As part of my overall content marketing strategy

I plan a content schedule in which the same or similar content is woven throughout my blog posts, videos, tutorials, and email newsletters. Obviously, this is essential for consistency while also making my planning pretty straightforward. I consider content marketing to be one of the best strategies available, with the highest ROI and the most sustainable benefits. I know that my prospects and customers value what I give them. Even if they're not signing up immediately for all of my services, I'm confident that a large majority of them will convert because I provide so much value through my content.
Thanks to Brett Larkin, Uplifted Yoga!
#16- As an example for my business

When my blog Healthcanal just started out it was simply a way for me to motivate myself to stay healthy. Today I use Healthcanal as an example for my business, the crisp layout, the organized background, and the professional feel it gives is a good way to show potential customers that my business is legitimate and they can trust it to offer quality service just as we promised. I could simply tell my customers that my business is good but the better option is to show them my website and let Healthcanal speak for itself.
Thanks to Erik Pham, Healthcanal!
#17- Several ways

We use our blog to boost our overall SEO efforts, increasing our authority in the world of digital marketing. Our blog articles provide relevant answers to search queries of our niche, and this increases the chances of us ranking in Google. We also use our blog to educate readers with information that’s been tried and tested. Blogging enables us to keep our site visitors interested, and helps us connect with more people. We equip our articles with a comment section and this helps us engage with our current prospects, creating a two-way communication. Our blog articles also add a human touch to the brand because each post showcases a member of our team. Finally, from an analytics perspective, it helps us learn vital information about our audience like what topics they are interested in, and when they’re most active.
Thanks to Eric Ang, One Search Pro!
#18- Provide supplementary content

At Novorésumé, our blog is a way for us to provide supplementary content to our users that is complementary to our product. We pride ourselves on being experts in our field, and our blog is another way to demonstrate this. Not only are we able to produce compelling resumes and cover letters (our product) but we can use our blog alongside them to offer interview tips, career advice, and to delve deeper into specific resume types. Once our customers have finished using our product, we know they will return time and time again for our insightful blogs.
Thanks to Andrei Kurtuy, Novorésumé!
#19- Cover a variety of different topics

Our blogs cover a variety of different topics such as Earth Day and 90's pop culture. While these may seem like random topics, they all end up relating back to our t-shirt designs. It's good to cover so many different topics in our blogs because this increases the chances of people finding our blogs through online searches. Also, even if these people weren't originally looking for t-shirts, they may be interested in purchasing a t-shirt from us depending on which topic they were originally searching for.
Thanks to Mike Pasley, Famous In Real Life!
#20- Shed more light on skincare products

We use our blogs to shed more light on how our skincare products work. This is helpful because it shows that we actually have expertise behind the products that we're selling and why we're selling them. It also provides any additional information people may want to know about that may not be included in the product descriptions.
Thanks to Maegan Griffin, Skin Pharm!
#21- Obtain clients

My blog is the #1 way that I obtain clients for my life coaching business. I write weekly articles around achieving goals and overcoming limiting beliefs, which I then send out on my newsletter to remind current subscribers about my business and provide them with helpful content. I then post my article on Pinterest to gain new followers to my business. My blog is essentially my freebie in which I explain the philosophy behind how I coach, so my future clients can get a taste of what working with me is like and encourages them to sign up for a session.
Thanks to Zoe Alexander, Simply Lovely Energy!