The Blogosphere is here and it is not going anywhere. It’s not just for people talking about what they’re eating for lunch or their next celebrity crush. Blogging is big business for entrepreneurs and business owners. CEO Blog Nation has a blogging community and we regularly blog for entrepreneurs and business owners and there are numerous reasons to blog. Rescue a CEO asked some businesses how they use blogging to help their business.
#1- For education

We've written a plethora of informative blog posts to help educate our readers. Every post we write and publish is intended to answer a question concerning property management, with themes spanning from accounting, leasing, maintenance, and legal. In our articles, we strive to provide practical insights and pertinent information so that our readers may make informed decisions
Thanks to David Bitton, Door Loop!
#2- Determining audience's desires

You must understand what your visitors are seeking and what they expect from your site. When the correct people come to your site, you'll be able to make a stronger impression if you know how you can benefit your target audience. Understanding your target demographic allows you to develop a blog that is both useful to your readers and effective for your business. Doing keyword research to determine what terms and phrases people are actually searching for is one of the finest methods to know what your audience is looking for.
Thanks to Carl Panepinto, CloudTech24!
#3- To get web traffic

To get people to visit my company website, I write about things that will help my ideal customer. It's essentially a way for me to use content marketing for my business, but with a more personal touch. Increasing our brand awareness by using the blog only for providing value to those who are looking for discounts is achieved by putting some bought traffic behind it. We often try to ‘answer the question' they ask about discounts. Through keywords and internal links, we are also able to improve our search engine optimization.
Thanks to Andrey Priobrazhenskiy, Discount Reactor!
#4- To improve SEO

We use our regularly updated blog to help improve our SEO. The content also helps us rank highly for keywords relating to our business. Our blogs also help us establish ourselves as an expert on digital marketing subjects. We provide expert tips and information about our business. It also acts as a trust signal for our potential customers who visit our website. People are more likely to buy products from or do business with us if they trust us. A blog lets them familiarize themselves with our business and helps our potential customers feel good about spending their money with us.
Thanks to Nick Antonopoulos, SEO Design Chicago!
#5- To educate clients

I use our blog to coach clients into mastering their e-Commerce businesses. It’s not enough to offer clients Inventory software and leave them to fend for themselves. I started SoStocked to solve problems that I struggled with as a seller. The truth is, stock levels intersect directly with marketing and sales. So it only made sense to continue supporting our clients with tips that they could use to maximize their profits and overall
success from each of those angles.
Thanks to Chelsea Cohen, So Stocked!
#6- As a knowledge center

I would say my blog is a kind of molten metal which I can give any shape as per my requirement. Whenever there is an announcement to be made about any new idea, I make a short blog and attach it to my social media posts. As a knowledge center, which is a better place for your customer to learn about you other than your business website. Also, it helps the business to earn some amount of topical authority over the competitors if the content published is really helpful.
Thanks to Parag Pallav Singh, Parag Pallav Talks!
#7- Increasing awareness of my business

Blogging can benefit all businesses, but it takes the right approach. As for me, I use my blog to spread information related to my business. Since my main goal is to help passengers regarding flight cancellation, I make it a point to share some bits and pieces of what they should know when they encounter a flight cancellation scenario. Moreover, I help them be more knowledgeable of what they have to know when they have a flight. In this way, my readers will find our site more reliable, thus helping us to gain their trust more.
Thanks to Anton Radchenko, Air Advisor!
#8- Showcasing uses of products

Using a blog for business helps showcase the various ways products can be used and drives traffic to the website. Blogging gives consumers new creative ideas on how to use products in more ways than one and inspires them to think outside the box. For example, many buyers will use protein powder after workouts. Blogging can show them that they can not only use protein powder for post-workout shakes, but they can also use their powder to make protein waffles, pancakes, or other snacks that fit their lifestyle.
Thanks to Lance Herrington, UNICO Nutrition!
#9- Positioning me as a thought leader

I use my company blog to position myself as a thought leader in my industry. By sharing my knowledge about topics related to the polycystic ovarian syndrome, people looking for treatment options can learn more about their condition and how to cope with it. I think it also helps to build a good rapport with potential customers because I am offering information for free on my blog, and I get a lot of good feedback from people about the information they find there. It’s a treasure trove of helpful knowledge.
Thanks to Rachel Blank, Allara Health!
#10- As a storytelling platform

Blogs are excellent outlets for storytelling. While marketing, social media, and video are great ways to tell short-form stories to lead to eCommerce pages and purchases, blogs allow you to tell medium-length stories that develop a relationship between you and your consumer. Talk about the successes of your product, personal stories, and how your product interacts with individuals who have used it for a long time. Take full advantage of the blog medium as a storytelling platform.
Thanks to Ari Sherman, Evo Hemp!
#11- For traffic to my website

Blogging is one of the best methods to drive traffic to your website, and we’ve been doing just that. Many people believe that blogging requires more effort than it is worth, but I would disagree. Updating your blog with fresh, relevant content has more benefits than its costs. The content we post on our blog is in-demand and trending and helps establish us as trustworthy experts in our field. This drives our readers to our landing page and helps increase our brand awareness and consequently sales.
Thanks to Basheer Alebdy, DaBash Deals!
#12- For better SEO and traffic

We dress our blog up as a few different categories on our website – we have an ‘Insights’ section that includes Latest News, Knowledge Hub, and Case Study pages. All of them are updated frequently with informative articles that keep our website fresh and full of relevant content. They all do the same job as a blog – they support our SEO strategy but also offer interesting reads to visitors of our site, they just aren’t titled ‘blog’ as that doesn’t sit so well with the position of our business.
Thanks to James Parkinson, Personnel Checks!
#13- Engaging with an audience

Blogs help us to connect with our audiences in a better way. Some of its usages are: Use 1: All the strategies of the business, its goals, its decisions, etc., are conveyed through it. As a result, customers get a fair idea of what to expect from the business in the few following months to come, projects the business will invest in. Use 2: The blog of a company is like a mirror that reflects its products, its policies, its market cover, its performance, etc., in the past few years.
Thanks to Rahul Vij, Webspero Solutions!
#14- Providing solutions to readers

My team and I are constantly developing need-based and want-based content. Our need-based content, such as our loan calculators, answers questions and links our readers to the solutions, while our want-based content stimulates demand for something my readers didn't realize they needed at first. The key is to keep these blogs interesting and compelling so that people want to read them more. These types of content are a bit challenging to develop.
Thanks to Roie Raitses, Fast Capital 360!
#15- Building trust

Many people may believe the use of blogs is not essential for your business. Well, it totally depends on how you utilize that blog. Here at ER Marketing Services, we use our blog to give not only clients but anyone on the web different kinds of content. It totally varies from optimized website content, tips for blog posting, email newsletters, social
media, health & wellness, time management, goal setting, and entrepreneur lifestyle tips. The use of these blogs gives anyone scrolling through our business an insight into how we work, and it also helps build trust with potential customers.
Thanks to Elizabeth Ruth, ER Marketing Services!
#16- For better SEO

Our blog is used in a variety of ways. Our first goal is to generate content for our audience about travel and safe travel. We also recycle this blog content to make posts and short videos for social media. Additionally, our articles always follow the best SEO practices to have better positioning in google. In conclusion, we use our blog to both generate quality content for our audience and to create SEO best practices to improve our awareness on the internet and reach new people.
Thanks to David Adler, The Travel Secret!
#17- To bring value to our website

We use our blog to bring value to our website visitors but at the same time also to attract Google bots to crawl our website. Following all essential SEO practices, we write articles on topics relevant to us and use them to establish relationships with journalists, bloggers, and other relevant stakeholders. It feels like a win-win combination: our visitors and customers get a quality copy of the topics they are interested in. We get the desired recognition in the media and on Google search.
Thanks to Tytus Gołas, Tidio!
#18- To understand the target market

We use our company blog to drive relevant traffic to our website. In addition. we use our blog to help current and future customers overcome their pain points. We do a lot of customer research to understand our target market. We know the problems that these people are trying to solve and we know how our services are helping people solve those problems. We simply write blog articles that show how our solutions can be used to alleviate certain pain points. The more details and screenshots, the better!
Thanks to Luke Genoyer, Global Call Forwarding!
#19- To discuss topics of interest

We use our blogs as a panel to discuss all topics. We didn’t want our blogs to be passive. We have an internal team that moderates the discussion that happens on the blog page. We invite customers to write expert articles based on their past engagement. This gives customers agency and a sense of ownership. It also helps them speak their mind. This has helped us create a robust community of readers and customers invested in our work. This has greatly helped in increasing our brand awareness and image.
Thanks to Jared Stern, Uplift Legal Funding!
#20- To get online traffic

Blogs generate online traffic to your business through a third-party link. For my business, I have a team of content creators who reach out to online journals and magazines to post about my business. This content markets to online browsers, who then stumble upon my website, and some of this traffic converts to actual clients. The key is to use SEO and high-ranking keywords in blogs to appear higher up in Google Search when someone searches for services such as ‘relationship consultancy'.
Thanks to Sameera Sullivan, Sameera Sullivan!
#21- Establishing authority

A well-crafted blog section makes a website more authoritative, no matter which industry you're operating in. We use the blog section of our website to provide valuable resources for our existing and potential customers. Our informative blog posts drive traffic to the website and help generate leads organically. Anyone who looks at our blog will understand that we know exactly what we're doing, and how we can help them out with certain aspects of their business.
Thanks to Jeroen van Gils, EcomContent!
#22- To reach out to maximum people

Our blog is another resource we can provide the world as we try to get our product and content out to as many people as possible. We take pride in the content we create for our blog and work hard to make sure it is on-brand, is easy to read, looks good, ranks well, and appeals to the people who visit our website. Our content changes over time as we cover a wide variety of topics and issues, but one thing remains the same: our blog is an extension of the company we try to create which we take great pride in!
Thanks to Yazan Sehwail, Userpilot!
#23- To communicate with customers

Most businesses use their blogs to communicate with current customers and readers, inform new customers and readers about their services, promote products/services and information about discounts, give information about updates and the latest developments in the business. To achieve the above goals, companies spend a lot of time writing detailed content. They also spend a lot of time promoting the blog through avenues like social media.
Thanks to Brice Gump, Major Impact Media!