Just like videos, the use of podcasts is turning to be a preferred engagement tool for many entrepreneurs. It can be used to educate your audience on diverse topics and highlight news in the market. Podcasts can also be a great engagement tool with your clients and audience where you give them a platform to share their knowledge, expertise, and opinions.
We asked entrepreneurs, podcasters, and business owners how they use their podcasts for business.
#1- As a recruiting tool

At Rootstrap, we utilize podcasts as a recruiting tool and a way to share longer-form content. We don’t look at podcasts as one lens or goal, if we are trying to recruit (both customers and employees), we also use them for our sales efforts too. Podcasts are easy to consume and a great tool for outreach covering topics is much more interactive and leads to more exposure. It is more challenging to get our message across due to the amount of noise out there; podcasts help us differentiate our message.
Thanks to Patrick Ward, Rootstrap!
#2- As an educational tool

There are many ways how I use podcasts for my business, first of all, I determine the audience by doing some research. Once the audience is identified, I use proper equipment to make my podcast look high quality so that it may appeal to the customers. Now I choose a nice interesting topic that attracts the audience and they could develop an interest in my podcast. Podcasts prove to be a very good return on investments. I make sure my podcast is educational and informative so that people should subscribe.
Thanks to Emma Collins, Safe trade binary!
#3- By telling stories to create connections

When someone listens to our voice on a podcast, we become more acquainted and engaged with our target audience. This strategy has always been beneficial in enticing new customers and clients. We can establish rapport and show them our authentic side. We also utilize podcasts as a platform for storytelling, like talking about particular experiences we have in our business. We tell our goals, inspirations, and struggles. These stories enable us to create meaningful connections with diverse people.
Thanks to Mike Falahee, Marygrove Awnings Co.!
#4- As a companion piece

I like to think of my podcast as a companion piece to my business. As a business owner, you need to be delivering unique forms of audience engagement. I love that consumers can listen to my podcast and actually get to know me as a person and yoga lover. This helps them feel more connected to my brand. A fully engaging experience from purchase to use is the only way to maintain customer retention, and a podcast that supports that kind of engagement is a surefire way to make that happen.
Thanks to Brett Larkin, Uplifted Yoga!
#5- To get ideas from professionals

We created a podcast for our marketing agency to be a mutually beneficial experience for both us and the guests. We aim to have professionals in various fields on the podcast to give us a fresh perspective on different topics. We want to make sure our guests gain some exposure by being a part of the podcast. As an agency that works primarily through web-based platforms and media channels, we love to stay up to date on what is influencing the space we work so heavily in.
Thanks to Kat Green, Online Optimism!
#6- To explain what we do

For our real estate investment business, we use podcasts to interact better with the customers who are in dire need of selling their homes immediately for hands-on cash. We utilize our podcast episodes to explain what we do, how we move ahead with estate investment, and our vision to help homeowners get out of tricky situations. We also use the testimonials of the customers who benefitted from our investment services to give others a better idea of what they are getting into.
Thanks to Devon Wayne, ASAP Cash Offer!
#7- For increasing reach of business

Podcasting has been the reason behind the successful launch of my business. I’ve been wanting to share my knowledge about time. Podcasting was my initial way of helping other people having problems with waking up in the morning. I was a heavy sleeper but managed to overcome it. So I wanted to share it with other people facing the same problem. As the podcast’s listeners increased, I realized there was another way of extending help. To date, our podcast serves as an extension of the business and is one of the major contributors to the business's increasing reach.
Thanks to Burak Ozdemir, Alarm Journal!
#8- To share insights

I use my podcast as a method to share those insights that have made me successful in hopes that people can use that knowledge to their own advantage. From a business
standpoint, podcasts are a great method of brand awareness. Through my podcast alone, I've been able to speak with some of the top entrepreneurial experts in my field and provide various different perspectives. I see this as a win-win because not only am I building up that trust by consistently sharing credible information, but I’m also picking up some things from guests myself.
Thanks to Tommy Mello, A1 Garage Door Service!
#9- For lead generation and research

My podcast does two things for me. First, it tells me what my audience is interested in. I see what people listen to more and this highlights topics of interest. Second, my podcast lets me tell people about products. When I noticed that people listened to episodes about Project Management Training, I put together my first product on the subject. I then used my podcast to tell listeners about the product. That product is now the gold standard for PM education, and my new product, an exam sim for PMs – is starting to become the same in its own sub-niche.
Thanks to Cornelius Fichtner, OSP International LLC!
#10- By offering solutions

When people are desperate after having an accident there's nothing better than a trustable voice offering them solutions. We created these easy to consume, brief podcast capsules talking about various aspects, questions, and concerns regarding Personal Injury cases distributed on platforms but also throughout our website. This helped us increase engagement with our visitors by creating the feeling of talking with their lawyer in advance and resulted in overall lots of new leads.
Thanks to Adrian Gas, Spaulding Injury Law!
#11- By giving helpful advice

Podcasts are vital in my business since they are a great way to engage with customers and develop stronger relationships. We use it to give our audience helpful travel advice that will make their journey go more smoothly. Podcasts make it incredibly simple to help consumers grasp the essence of your business and build a deeper, more *engaging connection with them. We usually try to give them a general idea of what they should see while touring a specific country.
Thanks to Axel Hernborg, Tripplo!
#12- To share marketing tips

When I first started out I decided that to show my clients I knew what I was doing, I had to create content that gave aspiring entrepreneurs tips on how they could grow their social media presence. Using my platform branded me as an expert in my field. But I needed to think of what kind of content I could do. Therefore I started my own podcast, The Millennial Entrepreneur with Harrison Tanner Baron. Creating my own podcast where I could give marketing tips, showed me as a man who knew what he was doing. This increased how many clients I got made me extremely successful in my field.
Thanks to Harrison Tanner Baron, Growth Generators!
#13- Establish as an industry authority

I utilize podcasts to establish myself as an industry authority. Podcasting establishes my authority in my profession and is one of the most inventive methods of generating interest in my business. If we are passionate about a particular subject, knowing what our listeners want to hear enables them to place their trust in us. Keeping abreast of the latest developments or subjects in your business is another excellent technique to demonstrate our expertise to them.
Thanks to Marc Bishop, iDigiMagnet!
#14- To expand the reach

Podcasts enable us to expand our reach and reach new audiences. Additionally, it contributes to the development of familiarity among a diverse audience. Our listeners would subscribe and tune in regularly. As long as the podcast series continues, listeners are likely to continue. Additionally, our subscribers may promote our podcasts to others. This can help us expand our audience reach and boost our lead generation strategy. While podcasts are a one-way communication channel, they can also significantly impact our conversion rates. This builds trust over time, increasing conversions in the long run.
Thanks to Christopher Pappas, eLearning Industry Inc.!
#15- To establish connections

Podcasting enables me to establish a genuine connection with my audience. Podcasting enables me to establish more meaningful connections with my listeners. It creates the illusion that listeners are conversing with the podcast's host. People typically listen to a podcast because they identify with the speaker or the brand they represent. This contributes to developing trust and encourages listeners to associate with the brand over time. This can also increase conversions since individuals are more willing to purchase from someone they trust than a stranger.
Thanks to Derek Warburton, Mrwarburton Media!
#16- To build brand trust

When we use our podcast to build brand trust, we'll see a boost in conversions to our brand as a whole or to a single product or service. Our listeners' trust in us and our brand has grown over time as a result of the time they spend listening to our broadcast. I endeavor to constantly provide great content, ensuring that my podcast sessions are of the highest possible quality, and doing all possible to make each podcast session something worth tuning in for.
Thanks to Robyn Newmark, Newmark Beauty!
#17- To market our business

We use a podcast to help market our business in a few different ways. One way we use it is to create a podcast that is focused on providing helpful content for our target market. Also, we use a podcast for marketing by promoting our products or services through short commercial segments that are aired during the show. And finally, we can also use our podcast as a way to generate leads by including call-to-action buttons and links in the show note that direct listeners to special landing pages where they can sign up.
Thanks to Max Benz, remote-job.net!
#18- Increasing web content and traffic

The initial focus of a podcast for business growth should be acquiring new listeners. I use my podcast to gain new customers by increasing web content and traffic. Usually, I mine the content in my podcasts for blog copy through informational articles and interview Q&A. I embed my audio files, show notes and provide links to the podcast. It also includes providing creative call-to-actions to get the audience to visit my website.
Thanks to Jonathan Tian, Mobitrix!
#19- To help people learn about public speaking

My podcast has been an amazing way to network with experts in public speaking and share information with my audience without having to come up with my own material. I use my podcast to help people learn more about public speaking and grow my reach. Having my podcast and the guests on my podcast helps me become the authority in my space which gets people to know, like, and trust me. Through those three things, that's what converts strangers into followers and eventually into clients.
Thanks to Philip Sessions, Speaking Sessions!
#20- To empower female entrepreneurs

As a woman entrepreneur, podcasting has provided a platform to highlight the hurdles I faced throughout my business journey. Being vocal about my struggles has empowered other women to take the leap of faith to set up their businesses. I’ve imparted countless tips and techniques related to marketing and finances. Coaching advice and sharing personal stories narrated by successful women entrepreneurs are a prominent part of the podcast. There’s an enlightening talk about failures and success. Female entrepreneurs are enlightened and lifted to take a positive outlook on their talent.
Thanks to Linda Chavez, Seniors Life Insurance Finder!
#21- For getting sponsorships

I use podcasts to earn extra money for my business by getting sponsorships from other businesses. It helps me monetize my podcast and also raise awareness for my brand. Other companies advertise their products and services on our podcast, in return for a handsome fee. We invest these earnings back into our business. These sponsorships also help us in creating more networking opportunities for us. We build connections with the companies planning to advertise their products on our podcast.
Thanks for Kurt Walker, Cream City Home Buyers!
#22- Discussing current topics and news

It took a while for us to establish ourselves as an expert. Now what contributes to the business growth will be discussing current topics and news. This helps in keeping the podcast fresh and interesting. It also creates an opportunity for meaningful relationships with potential clients. When people talk about current events which affect them, it increases their engagement. Moreover, it also hooks the audience into the conversation.
Ultimately, it helps us in building a community.
Thanks to Nathan Grieve, Impersonate Me!
#23- To build my brand

As an entrepreneur, I rely heavily on my podcast to build my brand. Podcasts allow me a platform to provide short-form communication of my business’s products and services. Highlighting what my company is all about through podcasts helps me expand the reach of my business. This approach helps me build credibility by sharing my insights and experiences in a more personal way with my listeners. This, in turn, increases their loyalty
towards my brand.
Thanks to Carl Panepinto, Motion Simulation!
#24- To increase audience engagement

I utilize podcasts to help my business foster its authenticity. The authenticity offered by the podcasting platform might assist you in increasing audience engagement. The human voice is a powerful tool for engaging your audience that can be used with traditional face-to-face, print, and internet media content. It enables my audience to interact with me in ways that static web pages cannot. The more interaction we have with our audience, the more likely they will become clients.
Thanks to Karl Tippins, Age Group!
#25- For marketing purpose

I use my podcast primarily for marketing purposes, but this is incorporated in engaging audio content related to technology, as is my business. My organization's podcast covers trends in the tech industry and hosts discussions on the future of technology. However, these talks are purposed to promote company products with an emphasis on new products. To encourage interaction with our listeners, we accept submissions of topics they would like us to discuss. We also use the podcast to share company information and announce discounts and offers.
Thanks to Stephen Curry, Coco Sign!
#26- Making remote connections

Having an opportunity to speak with consumers or listeners who are interested in your industry or podcast subjects is yet another opportunity to establish a community in a time when face-to-face business relationships are more limited than ever before. We use our blog to invite listeners to submit topic ideas or call in with queries that we can answer as an industry expert. This ultimately allows us to continue to build a connection with our audience and to address their interests while remaining on a remote platform, which is quite beneficial.
Thanks to Jasen Edwards, Agent Advice!
#27- Building relations with existing clients

We amplify our clients' voices in the same way that we amplify the internal voices of our organization. Instead of praising ourselves, we let our clients or strategic partners do the talking for us. It's a win-win situation at the end of the day. The client can promote their company while discussing how our web hosting services helped them along the way. Testimonials can be an effective approach to convert new leads or attract returning clients. The fact that we invite our strategic partners to be guests on the podcast demonstrates how much we value their partnership and how we want to enhance it.
Thanks to Jamie Opalchuk, Host Papa!
#28- Enlighten listeners about our company

I have two podcasts, with the second focusing on the type of work we do, how we do it, interviews with others who contribute to our work, and information about my law company. I'm using it to educate others about our company. This should assist those deciding whether or not to hire us, as well as provide more insight and information to our current clientele. My most recent series has been interviews with my employees so that my clients can understand more about the people with whom they engage. Finally, the podcast is just another way for us to tell our narrative, educate people about our company, and promote ourselves.
Thanks to Mark Osborne, Orangeries UK!