Inventing Anna is a mini-series thriller on Netflix. It is based on true events of how a con artist named Anna Delvey convinces the elite of New York that she is a German heiress. She not only steals people's hearts but also their money. This show has been gripping for everyone. Interestingly this mini-series has shown the skills and mindset that have made her a very successful founder and entrepreneur. We too can learn from her, regardless of what her motivation or methods are.
#1- Ambition and boldness can get you very far

My biggest lesson from Netflix's Inventing Anna is that ambition and boldness can get you very, very far in life. From the very beginning, Anna had a clear idea in her mind: to leave her mark on the world. As the show ends, we can see that Anna is still happy with how things turned out even though she got caught and punished for her actions. Still, her ambition and boldness are to be admired, and other big-time executives also recognized and gave her respect for that.
Thanks to Harry Campbell, The Rideshare Guy!
#2- Trust someone only after doing your due diligence

The main lesson that entrepreneurs can learn from Inventing Anna is to trust someone after doing your due diligence. Networking and businesses heavily rely on trust. Doubting a person’s financial standing could cause damage to the relationship. Nevertheless, it is crucial to know who you are in business with. Checking the credibility of their existence is the first step. Ask around your networks and enterprises if they know of this person. Social media profiles don’t mean much when checking their credibility.
Thanks to Jared Stern, Uplift Legal Funding!
#3- To have confidence in myself

As an entrepreneur, I found Inventing Anna to be a particularly useful show to watch. The biggest takeaway for me was to have confidence in myself as a woman entrepreneur. Her story was interesting and fascinating, and it has given me the drive that I need to always strive for success. Often it can be easy to worry about failure, but without putting yourself out there and reaching for the stars you’ll never know if you will be successful or not!
Thanks to Aimee White, Keyboard Kings!
#4- Success is a state of mind

Success is a state of mind, and if you want to achieve success in life, you need to have the drive and ambition to do what is necessary. What we can definitely learn from Inventing Anna, is that your upbringing has a pivotal role in whether you will succeed. You can’t ask for a seat at the big table with the elite, you just have to take it. Those who want to succeed don’t ask, they just take. They took Anna seriously and assumed she was rich because of her mindset. And while I don’t support any illegal actions, I cannot deny that people can achieve anything in life, if they want it hard enough.
Thanks to Rune Sovndahl, Fantastic Services!
#5- To know your customers inside and out

The show taught me a lot about operating a successful business in a subtle way. As a business owner, I could realize how critical it is to know your customers inside and out. Only then will we be able to present them with the desired solution. This also assists organizations in identifying clients across devices, ensuring that their privacy, channel, and frequency choices are always taken into account. Understanding insights from both online and offline channels, establishing stronger profiles, and providing a better customer experience are just a few other learnings from the show.
Thanks to Dominic Rosa, LanatanaRecovery!
#6- Fake it till you make it

Of course, Anna has taken this too far, but when used within reason this can be a great strategy without any moral implications. In business, you have to market yourself and your company in a way that you want the world to see you. Often this image is a projection of what you're working towards, but have not reached just yet. Sometimes people are too shy to even talk out loud about their vision and goals, as it already feels preposterous. This is definitely not about Anna! She shows us how to own our dreams and goals.
Thanks to Kateryna Reshetilo, Greenice!
#8- Utilizing the right opportunities

The best lesson that Inventing Anna can teach entrepreneurs revolves around utilizing the right opportunities. As much as she faked every step she took, you cannot deny the fact that she was obsessed enough to utilize the opportunity by feeding people the lie they wanted to believe, the lie that revolved around her picture as “the heiress” and changed her life. Similarly, entrepreneurs have to be obsessed enough to utilize the life-changing opportunities that come their way to survive the competition.
Thanks to Peter King, Authority Builders!
#9- Facing your fears

Fears are the root of failures and they hold back one from trying something and achieving goals. Another thing for entrepreneurs to learn is to not let other people’s opinions control them. Understand that others’ opinions of you are from the image of you they have created in their minds, you cannot control that. Yes, do take good criticism that can help you improve. Entrepreneurs should believe in themselves and should not lose faith in what they are doing. Those are other lessons to learn from Inventing Anna.
Thanks to Christopher Sioco, Parachor Consulting!
#10- Get rid of fear of failure

Our belief systems about failure or success limit us. It's not easy to do but one has to try to get over the self-limiting beliefs and use the power of their mind. Entrepreneurs should take risks. Failure is not about able to do it but, not even trying is a failure in the real sense. If you want to achieve your goals, you will have to believe in yourself. It's the first step in one’s life to succeed and live a dream life. An entrepreneur's life will be full of setbacks and challenges. But they shouldn’t lose faith. That’s one of the things to learn from Inventing Anna.
Thanks to Nathan Watson, Lion Locs!
#11- Communication happens at every turn

What you say, do – and post on social media, which the character Anna Delvey loved to do – tells your story, whether you are aware of it or not. As entrepreneurs and business owners, we have a responsibility to our clients and our community, to be honest about who we are and what we do. We should be consistently reflecting on the narratives our words, actions and relationships tell. Otherwise, like Anna, when the truth comes out, it’s not going to end well for anyone.
Thanks to Amanda Staab, Folkwise PR!
#12- Honesty and patience are keys to entrepreneurship

Inventing Anna is a fantastic depiction of what impatient entrepreneurship can lead to. If you are looking for a quick road to success, you should not go into business. Being an entrepreneur is all about slowly but surely building the foundation of your business so you have longevity for years to come. This kind of longevity can only come from constantly reflecting on the state of your business, and being honest about your goals and needs.
Thanks to Nick Drewe, Wethrift!
#13- Dedication and commitment

While Anna Delvey doesn’t stand as the most positive and influential character in history, we can still adopt her dedication and commitment. She is never less ready for anything. Even for her trial, she shows up in a polished attire that gives out a loud image. Her boldness and sharpness are admirable. She was also highly committed to what she was doing with all her brains to it. If you decide you want something, you can have it. Try not to make it illegal though. Otherwise, dedication and commitment to their business are strong weapons for all entrepreneurs.
Thanks to Zarina Bahadur, 123 Baby Box!
#14- Creating demand by being rare

Scarcity is a strong tactic that most brands have incorporated to gain public traction. It heavily infuses the fear of missing out and allows the sales to grow. Just as Sorokin could have had anybody but chose to go with the son of a diamond mogul and a German Heires. Imagine a notification saying “last 5 left” on something that you added to your cart. It will tempt the person to revisit what they had saved and most probably buy it if they want it badly.
Thanks to Erin LaCkore, LaCkore Couture!
#15- Soft skills

The most important lesson from building Anna is the importance of soft skills or human skills, as many people prefer to call them. Empathy is a crucial skill that any entrepreneur or, better, any person must have to succeed in the market these times. In the case of Anna, her lack of empathy made her not reach her goals. People who used to like her
and believe her realized, at some point, that she could not understand the consequences of her acts and decided to stay away from her. It is the same in business.
Thanks to Ricardo Luís Von Groll, Talentify!
#16- Fight for your right to sit at the table

The invisible barriers to entry for new entrepreneurs are very real, yet it's also possible to break through with the right creative strategy. For example, many entrepreneurs start fresh on the scene without investors, industry connections, or money to spare – just like Anna. No one can deny that she put herself out there and believed that she was capable and worth the time of influential people. To be a successful business owner, you have to think outside the box to earn a seat at the table while keeping your dignity intact.
Thanks to Amrita Saigal, Kudos!
#17- The belief system is the factor

Entrepreneurs can learn that the belief system is the number factor in whether they succeed or fail in businesses. Although it might be a criminal act that is not supported by lots of people, the approach is what an entrepreneur could learn from it to succeed in their business. Here are the approaches to learn from Anna: Any entrepreneur who wants to achieve their goals should first believe in themselves and have the confidence to match.
Thanks to Lyle Florez, EasypeopleSearch!
#18- Develop authority

I think that one of the biggest things entrepreneurs can learn from Inventing Anna is that developing authority within your industry is key to success. Authority as in becoming a reputable expert, so that clients trust you. It's pretty much what big brands do, their name becomes a synonym with being the best or knowing the most, so clients will automatically trust anything they sell or do!
Thanks to Brandon Li, Power!
#19- Clear plan of getting your goals

I think one of the lessons entrepreneurs can learn from Inventing Anna is to have a clear plan for getting their goals. In the series, Anna has a clearly mapped out plan of her goals, and she knows how she can make those goals come to fruition. She knows the right people she needs to make those goals happen. Just like in business, clearly mapping out your goals is important for strategic planning and prioritization. It also guides your decision-making process as an entrepreneur.
Thanks to Ryan O’Donnell, Replyify!
#20- Don't worry about being likable

Inventing Anna is fascinating from a psychological perspective. Who is she, a sociopath, a machiavellian, a narc? Nobody knows. It doesn't matter. She's fascinating and disturbing at the same time. In every way, she was rude, entitled, and unlikeable, yet somehow managed to fit in and attract people to her. If she hadn't pretended to be a rich, white trust fund girl, could she have gained that many friends and followers? Maybe not. Entrepreneurs can learn from the lesson that being likable in your growth is not essential.
Thanks to Angus Chang, iupilon!
#21- Learn reciprocation

Entrepreneurs can learn reciprocation from Anna. This principle recalls our inherent evolutionary desire to assist and give in return after someone gives to us. In the case of Tinder Swindler, he wined and dined his injured party lavishly, so when the time arrived to ask for money when he was in trouble, many women felt forced to give back. For people seeking to put this principle to good use, every time they consider doing someone a tiny favor as it’s likely to be reciprocated.
Thanks to Ellie Walters, FindPeopleFaster!
#22- Let rid of your worries

The fear of making a mistake, not knowing how to accomplish something, the list goes on and on, but your time is limited. According to Richard Branson, if someone offers you an incredible chance and you're not sure you can accomplish it, say yes and learn how to do it later. And guess what? He's correct. Don't let fear prevent you from growing. There are endless options open to you if you choose to let go of the fear that is holding you back and take a leap of faith.
Thanks to Tim Parker, Syntax!
#23- Don't give up hope

The lesson I took from Inventing Anna is don't ever lose faith. To avoid doubting my existence, I kept my eye on the prize: my long-term aspirations. As long as I had faith in my own abilities, I was confident I would make it to my desired location. And I accomplished it. Even though you may have experienced a brief setback, do not lose hope or doubt yourself. You'll succeed if you keep your eye on the prize and have faith in your own ability.
Thanks to James Angel, DYL!
#24- It's possible to create something from nothing

There's a lot that entrepreneurs can learn from the tv show Inventing Anna. One of the biggest lessons is that it's possible to create something from nothing. Anna started with nothing but an idea, and through hard work and determination, she was able to turn that idea into a reality. This shows that no matter where you start, it's always possible to achieve your goals if you're willing to put in the effort. Throughout the show, Anna faced a lot of setbacks, but she never gave up on her dream.
Thanks to Dmitriy Bobriakov, Solwiser!
#25- Relinquish your trepidation

Fear can also get in the way of developing a strong belief system and thus achieving success. Individuals are held back from achieving their dreams because of their fear of failure. While the reasons for being afraid to try new things are countless, the amount of time you have to do so is limited. Say yes to the amazing opportunity even if you're not sure you can do it. Don't let fear get in the way of your personal growth.
Thanks to Gerrid Smith, Criminal Defense!
#26- Reciprocation

Reciprocation, in my opinion, stems from our fundamental evolutionary drive to collaborate and reciprocate when someone provides for us. In the instance of the Tinder Swindler, he lavishly wined and dined his victims, so that when the time came to ask for money when he was in trouble, many ladies felt forced to return the favor. To apply this idea effectively, individuals should constantly consider giving someone a tiny favor because it is likely to be reciprocated.
Thanks to Kevin Cook, TrackRight!
#27- Be cautious about who you trust

I think if the controversial figure of Anna Delvey can teach the business world anything, it is to always be cautious about who you trust! In the business world, regardless of industry, people throw personal stories and epithets around like they are putting on a performance. Business should not be a performance, it should be an experience. You want to experience connection and pursue business with people who will uplift your goals, not take them from underneath you.
Thanks to Kyle MacDonald, Force by Mojio!
#28- Talk the language of those you are addressing

The lesson they should learn is that they need to know how to talk the language of those they are addressing and play those roles to get the chance to realize their dreams. It doesn’t mean to deceive but translate your ways to theirs. For example, investors have their jargon and expectations from a deck to a pitch. Once you fall inside those expected lines, your chances increase. The same applies to strategic partnerships, clients, and employees.
Thanks to Cristina Imre, Quantum Wins!
#29- Consistency is the key

One of the big reasons Anna was able to pull off her scheme was her consistency. She invented a persona and stuck with it even during the trial. Her commitment to the character can be judged by how she continued to wear high-end attire to keep up her appearance. Entrepreneurs need to understand the value of consistency. If Anna can present herself as a wealthy heiress through sheer commitment and consistent efforts, business owners can use these attributes to achieve success too.
Thanks to Elice Max, EMUCoupon!
#30- Invest smartly

The one thing that I learned from ‘Inventing Anna' is that before investing anywhere and on anyone, one needs to do the necessary background checks. To gain profits, don't go endlessly investing. You must know where the money is going and how it is used. Before investing. Plan your budget wisely. Keep in mind your expenses and revenue sources. Keep aside funds for unforeseen situations. Thereby avoiding the situation of going completely bankrupt. This is my learning.
Thanks to Rahul Vij, WebSpero Solutions!