Building a customer base now goes beyond offering cheap substandard products. Improvement and ease of marketing have made this all possible thanks to the rise of social media platforms. On the other hand, this also creates an environment for a hyper-competitive market across various sectors even those that looked immune to technology such as healthcare. How can one stand out?
#1- Avoid personalizing it

Surprisingly, following this advice is challenging. When a student appears to be making a concerted effort to disrupt your session, it can be difficult to remain objective. But in almost all circumstances, if you step back and approach the problem as objectively as you can, you will be able to deal with it more effectively and be more likely to stop a repeat recurrence.
Thanks to Cindy Corpis, Search people!
#2- Be ahead of everyone

To be disruptive, you need to be ahead of everyone. Find resources where you can listen to what people will want next. With all the technology and social media around, this has become easier as each day passes by. If you can predict what your market will want next by looking at their history and activity, it will be easier for you to think outside the box to help your business or company become disruptive.
Thanks to Luke Lee, PalaLeather!
#3- Improve the existing process

Disruption means utilizing non-traditional means to improve an existing process, the key word here is “improve.” Many disruptors believe that their new, innovative idea is enough, but it’s only as good as the benefit it provides to the existing way of doing business. For example, we saw a problem emerging in our industry where consumers were becoming stressed and confused, and we created our business in the hopes of simplifying the journey for consumers.
Thanks to Matt Woods,!
#4- Predict and shift with consumer behavior

In a highly competitive and dynamic industry, you are either being disruptive or getting disrupted. When a company can adapt to the rhythm of constant disruption they are in alignment with the movement of the industry. The most important thing to consider in this process is consumer behavior. Much like technology, consumer behavior is constantly evolving. Therefore, if you aim to be disruptive, study the market and your target audience to know the steps you need to take.
Thanks to Benoit Lacroix, Portmoni!
#5- Make agility your priority

When it comes to making big decisions and implementing them, the companies that can do it fastest have an added advantage. Moving quickly keeps you relevant and ahead of the game. This is why it’s critical to make agility your main focus. When you and your workforce become adaptable enough to move quickly, you can keep up with any new technology or processes with ease.
Thanks to Marc Roca, 4WD Life!
#6- Be creative and innovative

You can't just be disruptive out of nowhere: To be disruptive, you also need to be creative and innovative. You can’t disrupt an industry with the idea that has already been done – you need to think about something that’s new and exciting. You need to foster a culture that encourages creativity and innovation. When you do this, you’ll slowly learn how to be more creative. As you learn, you’ll be more likely to come up with amazing ideas and will be more likely to be disruptive within your industry.
Thanks to Teri Shern, Conex Boxes!
#7- Don't follow the status quo

Being disruptive might sound like a bad thing, but actually, it is an excellent part of business when done with care and intention. The best way I have found to be disruptive in business is to not always look to follow the status quo. One of the best things you can do is interrupt and disrupt the flow of things by thinking outside the norm. Shake things up and take some calculated risks. Being comfortable is wonderful, but not always the way to break free and experience amazing breakthroughs in life and business.
Thanks to Aunia Kahn, Rise Visible!
#8- Researching relevant information

Researching relevant information from the past be it five years back or fifty the connection between today’s techniques and previous methods will create a window to implement disruptive strategies. Also, connecting the dots contributes to moving forward at the same time understanding and steering clear of the mistakes committed. Browsing through past mistakes or projects is one of the best ways to commence a new task and flex your brain muscles.
Thanks to Brandon Lee, Reptile Maniac!
#9- Be willing to take risks

If you want to be truly disruptive, you need to be willing to take risks. This means being open to new ideas and embracing change. It also means having the courage to stand up for what you believe in, even if it means going against the grain. Disruptive entrepreneurs are often those who are willing to think outside the box and challenge the status quo. So if you're looking to be disruptive, don't be afraid to take some risks. So if you're feeling discouraged, remember that it takes time to make a difference.
Thanks to Catherine vanVonno, 20four7VA!
#10- Recognize trends and patterns early

I acutely recognize trends and patterns early to help others understand how these shifts impact markets and consumer behavior. Disruption is very necessary to take the present technology to newer levels. The only way to disrupt is to create new things that can create a change in the world. So, if you have been given something to solve, try to think out of the conventional ways. This can give birth to new ideas and make you reinvent things.
Thanks to Justin Marshall, Desky!
#11- Keep up with your due diligence

My best tip for being disruptive is to keep up with your due diligence. This may not sound like a fun bit of advice, but all businesses come with a certain amount of necessary housework to complete. It's important to keep your business in compliance with its state of incorporation, especially if it grows and challenges the status quo within its industry. Make sure to meet deadlines for renewals on documents like annual reports and pay all necessary fees and taxes.
Thanks to Deborah Sweeney, MyCorporation!
#12- Find a new value

It's important to think of ways to create new markets, offering something to the consumer they didn't even know they needed. An important step in disrupting the traditional industry is to find a new value that will attract customers. What do you offer other organizations in your industry cannot offer? For a startup, this can be as simple as offering a twist on personalized service, something your big competitors cannot do. You can disrupt by using your own innovation to make your company stand out.
Thanks to Georgi Todorov, Thrive My Way!
#13- Do something that motivates you

If you do not begin with something that motivates and inspires you, you will never be able to make it and stand out. It is critical that you be out of your comfort zone and that the timing is correct. Regardless of how your strategy aligns with the marketplace, you are trying to target or what you intend to do, if you would like to be disruptive and benefit significantly from this strategy, you must closely analyze your market to determine the best opportunity produce your milestone.
Thanks to Mark Blakey, Autism Parenting Magazine!
#14- Look outside your industry
My best tip for being disruptive is to look outside your industry for inspiration. Search for groundbreaking discoveries, new business models, or new products that’ve completely changed these other industries, learn about them, and try to apply the lessons learned to your business and industry. Borrowing relevant and applicable ideas from sources outside your industry will help ensure that what you come up with is unique and effective and that it will catch the competition completely off-guard!
Thanks to Chris Roth, Highline Wellness!
#15- Step out of your comfort zone

Being disruptive means challenging yourself to do things that are new and different, even if they make you a little uncomfortable. That's because comfort zones are where complacency sets in and creativity go to die. To be truly innovative, you have to be willing to take risks and step outside your comfort zone. It simply means pushing yourself to try new things, even if they're a little bit out of your comfort zone. When you do this, you open yourself up to new possibilities and new ways of thinking.
Thanks to Harriet Chan, CocoFinder!
#16- Be bold and take calculated risks

The best tip I can give you for being disruptive is to be bold and take calculated risks. You have to be willing to put yourself out there and take a chance on something if you want to truly be successful. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, because that's how you learn and grow as a person. Be confident in yourself and your abilities, and don't let fear hold you back from achieving your goals. If you have a goal that you really want to achieve, the only way you're going to get there is by being bold.
Thanks to Connor Ondriska, SpanishVIP!
#20- Stay relevant

I believe that the ability to create experiences that are relevant to my clients is one of the most important parts of disruption. We should constantly consider the customers and look for ways to improve the quality of their lives. Disruptive marketing tactics should be centered on continuously deepening our understanding of our target audience. The first step in innovation is to find ways to make the current model better in order to maintain it relevant to consumers. Never simply accept dissatisfied clients.
Thanks to Caitlyn Parish, Cicinia!
#21- Observe your competitors

Always keep an eye on your competitors, as you may find some readily available opportunities to seize any day. You may even match or surpass their innovative actions any day. The goal is to observe your competitors but never copy them. This way, you will eventually lose out on major business opportunities while your product may no longer be unique in the market, which is the main criterion for any disruptive business idea to succeed. You can also hire a separate team in your company for this role.
Thanks to Ronen Ben-Dror, Blue Valley Marketing!
#22- Try out market experiments

The conventional benefit of proprietary research and development is becoming a liability in a world of better and less expensive disruptors. Internal experimentation gives you complete control over the creation and ownership of new products, but it also leaves you responsible for all expenses and risks. Still, the benefits gained from using already-existing technological platforms and having direct contact with actual users more than make up for the loss of control.
Thanks to Lyle Florez, EasypeopleSearch!
#23- Focus on the customer

The most successful disruptive companies always put the customer first. They think about what the customer wants and needs, and they design their products and services accordingly. This focus on the customer is what sets them apart from their competitors who are focused solely on chasing numbers and profits. By offering your customers an unprecedented level of convenience, choice, and value, you’re more likely to leave behind a long-lasting impact.
Thanks to Todd Saunders, BIG Safety!
#24- Never fear failure

Disruptive business ideas were never easy, with years of trials and failures. A business comes up with a disruptive idea that transforms the consumer market. Thus, when looking for disruptive business ideas, always encourage failure. Never fear failure, as initially, you may not be able to find out the most happening idea for your business. However, with consistent practice, dedication and persistence, you can gradually build the mindset to bring a disruptive idea and execute it with full potential.
Thanks to Hilda Wong, Content Dog!
#25- Challenge conventional methodologies

Disruptive business ideas are always unique and new to the world. Simply sticking to conventional strategies will never help. The key is to explore alternative possibilities and find out innovative business ideas. Encourage your employees to brainstorm new and innovative solutions every week. Chances are you may find some of the most groundbreaking and disruptive business ideas from them. This way, not only does this help in improving their analytical capabilities, but it will also bring some revolutionary
ideas for your business.
Thanks to Christian Velitchkov, Twiz LLC!
#26- Rely on Instincts

My tip would be to research the market and rely on analytics but the difference between a good entrepreneur and a great entrepreneur is the ability to take risks. Look out for new and unique products in the market that suit your business model. Start by investing low in case you cannot afford to get hit with heavy losses. You cannot disrupt the market when playing by the rules so forget playing it safe and take that risk to elevate your business to the next level.
Thanks to Eduarda dePaula, FindByPlate!
#27- Be passionate

An entrepreneur should be passionate about what they are offering and which problem it's helping solve. If you aren't passionate about your business, there's little chance you'll be able to differentiate from the competition. This may hinder your company's ability to disrupt the market. Although, during such challenging times, it may become difficult to have faith in your brand, but one must push through if they want to succeed. Passion can become your driving force when times are tough.
Thanks to Patrick Wilson, SkillCourses!
#28- Invest to learn about the industry

Traditional businesses have some specific trade secrets, if you learn them, you will avoid making expensive mistakes. However, it won’t help if you have been the CEO of a multi-billion dollar business in another industry, you will still have to learn about the diamond industry. It may take a few years, but the good news is that you don’t have to discover all of it by yourself, you can find people and mentors who already know how to do that
Thanks to Bianca Trembley, The Best Calgary!
#29- Develop current and new skills

Your collection of skills can be more than just talents or tasks that you are particularly good at—they can be a meaningful means to create solutions and change industries. Manifest skills that are fruitful assets that you can use to be a true disruptor. With discipline, focus, and tenacity, turn yourself into a gamechanger with a refined skill set that allows you to reach new heights.
Thanks to Ray Leon, Pet Insurance Review!
#30- Diversify the task force within

My tip for being disruptive is to diversify the task force within. When different minds from various backgrounds are put together, the collective benefit obtained is immense. The mantra I follow is that no idea is a bad idea. Competitive people tend to ask questions and correct what is required. When these are pooled simultaneously, disruptive ideas and methods are born. It is also necessary to inhibit a sense of independence so that they are free to use their minds creatively and not feel pressurized.
Thanks to Dan Farrant, Hello Music Theory!