Just like videos, the use of podcasts is turning to be a preferred engagement tool for many entrepreneurs. It can be used to educate your audience on diverse topics and highlight news in the market. Podcasts can also be a great engagement tool with your clients and audience where you give them a platform to share their knowledge, expertise, and opinions.
We asked entrepreneurs, podcasters, and business owners how they use their podcasts for business.
#1- To inspire prospective career pivoters

I use my podcast to inspire prospective career pivoters to take the leap and find better work-life integration. I've made many career changes thus far, and I expect to make more by the time it's all over. I want people to not fear a zig-zag path and to not fear change, but rather be prepared to benefit from the change. Beyond this, my podcast, which is also in video and newsletter form (13,500+ subscribers), is multi-media content that enhances viewership and SEO for my main website.
Thanks to Mike Gardon, Career Cloud!
#2- To get more exposure for my business

I use podcasts as a way to get more exposure for my business. I've had some of my best clients come from the podcast, and it's allowed me to reach a wide audience that I wouldn't have otherwise been able to reach. I love being able to share my story with others, and hearing what they have to say in return. It's a great way to connect with people who have similar problems or struggles, which is something that's really important to me.
Thanks to Gauri Manglik, Instrumentl!
#3- As an extended infomercial

The subjects and themes that I explore can all be tied back to my brand, the content that I produce on my site, and the product that I create for my audience, so even though said audience is learning something new by listening to my cast, they’re also being reminded about my brand and product. I always think of my podcast as an extended infomercial, that’s there to both inform my listeners and advertise my brand and business to them.
Thanks to Adam Enfroy, AdamEnfroy!
#3- As a way to establish my brand

I often use podcasting as a way to establish my brand and the values that come with it. Different types of media help my customers see me and my brand in different ways, and I feel that podcasting is the rawest and most intimate way of knowing me through the lens of my company. When customers listen to the podcast, they feel closer to the company and therefore have a newfound respect for it.
Thanks to Kevin Harris, NANBF!
#4- For staying up to date

I started using them a few years ago as a way to learn new information, but I didn't really start using them for business until recently. Now, I see them as an important tool for staying up to date on the latest trends and developments in my industry. Podcasts are great for learning about new technology, and industry news. Podcasts help me to stay ahead of the curve, learn new skills, and build relationships with important people in my business network.
Thanks to Radhika Gupta, One Digital Land!
#5- As a way to establish long-term relations

From time to time, I conduct podcast sessions and take all possible steps to ensure the maximum number of individuals participate in them. I have observed that regular podcasting helped me grow my business by 15% in the last three months. Apart from this, my company got more fans and followers on multiple social media channels. It is an effective way to establish long-term relations with customers and keep getting repeat business opportunities from them.
Thanks to Karthik Manoharan, WeCodee Innovations Pvt. Ltd.!
#6- To promote a new discount deal

People are always looking for great discount deals. So, we decided to reward our exclusive podcast audience. We promote a new discount deal for every new episode, and that makes our listeners excited for the moment we announce the deal. Giving your podcast listeners an incentive is a great way to grow your fan base and business. This strategy worked great for us and also helped us drive up sales and build a loyal audience.
Thanks to Ryan Cassidy, Triangle House Hunter!
#7- To build brand awareness

I use podcasts for my business to build brand awareness amongst the target audience. We use podcasts to inform consumers about our products/services and how we are better than the competition. It allows me to reach the target audience beyond our locality, which helps improve our market share. Podcasts help me build credibility when I share my insights and opinions about our niche industry. It helps improve our conversion rate through an increased customer acquisition rate.
Thanks to Ava Martin, Quality Water Lab!
#8- For generating traffic for my website

There are a lot of things my podcast does for my business. But the most important role it plays in generating traffic for my website. Podcasts are a great way to attract a large audience without investing a lot of money. We've found it to be quite effective in driving traffic towards our website. I put a link to our website in the description of each podcast. I even make sure to mention it at the end of the podcast. This acts like a typical CTA. We've been diverting a lot of people toward our website this way and converting them into customers.
Thanks to Werner Jorgensen, HeatXperts!
#9- To help people understand entrepreneurship

I use my podcast to help people get a better understanding of what it means to be an entrepreneur. I think that most business owners would agree that there are some fundamental challenges and lessons that apply across the board. For example: how do you find work that's interesting and fulfilling? How do you balance your personal life with your professional life? How do you manage risk? And so on. In my podcast, I talk about all kinds of issues that come up in running a business—and then give practical advice on how to handle them.
Thanks to Brian Greenberg, Insurist!
#10- To build my credibility

I started my podcast, For the Love of Goats, to reach people that I was not already reaching through my books, blog, and YouTube videos. And it worked! I've had many people who said they discovered me through my podcast. They have gone on to purchase my information products. I've also used my podcast to build my credibility by interviewing goat researchers, veterinary professors, and people who own goat businesses, such as goat dairies and goat landscapers.
Thanks to Deborah Niemann, Thrifty Homesteader!
#11- To disseminate vital information

We use podcasts to feature our clients who are willing to participate in our finance-related how-to discussions and research, as well as generate traffic that turns into leads and sales. In addition, we utilize podcasts to disseminate vital information surrounding financial literacy—so that they know they're in good hands if they were to avail of our services. Ultimately, podcasts for us are an avenue to destress and simply stray away a bit from heavy responsibilities. It gives us time to reflect, reroute, vent, teach, and simply have fun.
Thanks to Alvaro Moreira, Moreira Team!
#12- Inviting and interviewing industry experts

Having more than just one voice in our podcasts, make them more engaging and interesting to listen to. Another huge advantage I see is that experts will then share our podcast with their audience as well. Whether that particular expert has 1,000 people or 10,000 people in their audience, we'll at least get exposed to people who would not have heard about the podcast otherwise. Surprisingly, you can get more famous people to come on your podcast as guests than you might think. All you have to do is ask.
Thanks to Yanis Mellata, Kosy Office!
#13- As a language learning tool for listeners

Our Ling App has a dedicated podcast page, wherein listeners can learn more about a new language using smartphones and other mobile devices. They can actually hear the proper pronunciation of the words and phrases of foreign languages, like Thai. This podcasting marketing tactic helps us position our product better in the most accessible and convenient way, boosting lead generation and conversion rates. I’m proud to say that because of podcasting and other marketing efforts, our app has reached more than 10 million downloads.
Thanks to Simon Bacher, Ling App!
#14- To share our entrepreneurial journey

We use our podcast to share our entrepreneurial journey. We use it to introduce ourselves and our vision for the future. We also use it to connect with other entrepreneurs and learn from their experiences. We want to help other entrepreneurs who are going through similar struggles we've been through. Our podcast is one of the ways we build trust with our audience. One of the ways we validate our business is by hearing from our listeners and taking action on their feedback. I would encourage you to find a way to use your podcast as a way to continue to build trust and engagement.
Thanks to Deepanshu Bedi, Exhalewell!
#15- To create a community that supports

I use my podcast to create a community that supports and encourages me. I want people to know how much I love what I do so they can be inspired by it too! It's always hard to have a bad day when creating something for the first time. You never know if it will be good or not until you put it out there for everyone else to hear. But in the end, all of the work is worth it because we get to share our stories with others and make them laugh!
Thanks to Joshua Rich, bullseyelocations!
#16- In a story-telling manner

I'm keeping the podcasts short, 20 minutes per episode, and in each episode, I talk about two examples of marketing stints that either soared the business or signed it a death warrant. It's addictive content, really, narrated in a story-telling manner to keep the listener hooked, but also compare their journeys and learn about the best marketing practices to follow.
Thanks to Simon Brisk, Click Intelligence!
#17- To increase exposure and reach people

We use our podcast to increase exposure by taking full advantage of all the ways valuable content can be used to reach people. What we provide has to be highly valuable to viewers and our marketing has to use every medium and outlet to cast the widest net possible. We put excerpts of your podcast on YouTube and link to it on our Twitter page because we care about the content we make and we want to increase the odds that interested viewers will see it.
Thanks to Adam Bém, Victoria VR!
#18- By utilizing the content upgrade strategy

I used to provide a content upgrade for patrons who purchased a membership, contributed to my Patreon page, or subscribed to my email list if they wanted to support my work financially. If the material of your free podcast is of high quality, many listeners will gladly pay for further episodes or subscribe to receive them. I have been successful in growing my email list by utilizing the content upgrade strategy.
Thanks to Michael Lees, EZlease!
#19- Transforming episodes into blog posts

I think some people in your target market will prefer reading over listening for a variety of reasons, including the ability to skim directly to the important parts, read along while they put your advice into practice, or perhaps simply the simple fact that they learn better through reading. Blog postings have the ability to attract organic traffic from search engines, exposing you to new audiences. I, therefore, use the content from my blog posts for my email newsletter.
Thanks to Josephine Lee, Cicinia!
#20- To explore subjects related to my area

I firmly believe that people will trust you more if you share your knowledge with them in a transparent manner. I have more time thanks to podcasting to completely explore important subjects related to my area of expertise and demonstrate the breadth of my knowledge. My firm benefits from having a podcast by gaining a reputation, expanding my audience, and giving both my clients and the greater PR and entrepreneurial community useful content.
Thanks to Lulu Albanna, WRC Media!
#21- Make a stronger connection with my audience

I make deeper connections with the people who make up my target market, and that contributes to my success. It is very evident that I am the ideal person to work with these customers since they have told me that they feel a connection to me as a result of their listening to my podcast. Because of my podcast, I've had the opportunity to meet and network with a great number of incredible souls, some of whom I've partnered with, and we've encouraged one other on our individual and collective paths to rise.
Thanks to Dean Lee, SeaLions!
#22- To promote our own products and events

Though we’ve had opportunities to sell ad space on the PleinAir art podcast,(1.7million downloads) we use the inventory to promote our own products and events. I can mention an event or product on the podcast and watch it sell out, fast, or at least grow with one mention. It’s also a chance to get repetition in multiple shows. It’s too valuable to give up or sell because it generates more than we could get selling the ads.
Thanks to Eric Rhoads, Streamline Publishing!
#23- By providing a call-to-action

In my opinion, the best use of a podcast for a business is to drive more traffic to the host site. Increased exposure for your business and its offerings might translate into more purchases if you use podcasts to reach your target audience. In every episode, I provide a call-to-action and a link to my website. I also include a lead capture form on my site to gather email addresses for use in future advertising campaigns. My sales will rise as a result of the targeted messages I provide to my subscriber base.
Thanks to Gerrid Smith, Joyorganics!
#24- To deliver consistent value

My podcast gives me the incredible opportunity to nurture potential leads and existing clients in ways no other communication platform can. We’re with our listeners while they’re doing some of the most solitary and personal activities of their day: walking the dog, driving home from school drop-off, or commuting to the office. While my podcast is a great place to talk about my services, the real value for me lies in the inherent trust I get to build with my audience by delivering them consistent value week after week.
Thanks to Kelly Mosser, Kelly Mosser Coaching & Consulting!
#25-To establish thought leadership and authority

We use our podcast to establish authority and thought leadership within our industry and reach a wider audience. Inviting thought leaders and experts as guests gives us exposure to their networks of potential leads. We can also offer referral opportunities to our guests. The guest has nothing to lose as they receive additional exposure and benefits from our referral partner program. Our customer acquisition costs are reduced, and we are able to bring in exponentially more business through one episode.
Thanks to Angus Chang, iupilon!
#26- Put my podcasts on YouTube

Making films out of my podcast episodes is a great way to reach a wider audience and spread the word about what I do. Many individuals use YouTube as a resource for learning more about a certain subject or finding solutions to problems they're having. In addition, they could happen upon one of my episodes while surfing the web. The best part is that you can easily embed a YouTube video on our website or post it on any of your social media accounts to increase our referral traffic.
Thanks to Ellie Shippey, EZcontacts!
#27- By joining other podcasts

To put it simply, nobody has a greater grasp of the ultimate goals of our organization and its offerings than we do. A great method to promote my company and increase my podcast's listenership is to appear as a guest on other shows. I'm going to take the initiative to contact podcasts in my field and request an appearance. When I contact out, I explain why they should have me on as a guest and how their audience will benefit from having me on.
Thanks to Robert Warner, VirtualValley!
#28- Bringing together a host of professionals

There are so many myths that surround this topic which means we're all missing out; organizations and individuals alike benefit from more creativity, connection, and continuous learning when we invite diverse and inclusive ways of working playfully. Our podcast brings together a host of professionals working with play – from writers to doctors to designers – to challenge stereotypes that we hold about what play looks like, spark questions and raise awareness for the incredible possibilities it holds for businesses.
Thanks to Tzuki Stewart, Playfilled Ltd!
#29- To reach a wide audience

I post two new episodes each week. My program in the metaverse is a members-only paid subscription, however, my podcast is free and available to the public on my website. This allows me to reach a wide audience and potential new members who may be interested in signing up for the subscription model by giving people a little taste of the types of topics we cover. It is great marketing for my business and brand. Hosting my podcast also gives me great practice when being recorded.
Thanks to Naomi Jean-Baptiste, MD, Hope4Med!
#30- Making people aware of their rights and justice

My aim for podcasting sessions is to enlighten people. Our firm manages law and wrongful doings. We aim to present a podcast with the significant situation related to law and order, making people aware of their rights and justice. The aim is to choose relevant topics that common people are unaware of. The podcast Initially, a law firm podcast had mixed reviews. Gradually, people have learned and come to us to seek help with personal and professional issues.
Thanks to Rick Nehora, California law firm!