Often entrepreneurs and business owners create their daily, weekly, quarterly, or yearly goals around their business. It could be more revenue, hiring clients, or launching a new product or service, where setting goals presents a fresh opportunity to achieve different objectives. It’s not always rosy achieving them due to challenges that may present themselves or other opportunities that distract you from the main goals.
We asked entrepreneurs to share their best ways of shattering their goals and here’s what works for them.
#1- Eating the elephant

I am a personality and a fan of simplicity. I always enjoy recalling how Steve Jobs would tell his design team, “Not simple enough.” I’m well aware that I’m not Steve Jobs but the simplicity factor still applies. I like to break down the overall goal into smaller, micro goals. The bigger the mission, the smaller I want to make the goals. Eating the elephant one bite at a time, if you will. Breaking things down is a boost because it results in small achievements that can inspire the team to keep moving forward
Thanks to Todd Ramlin, Cable Compare!
#2- By committing myself to personal growth

As an entrepreneur, keeping growth as my number one goal helps me stay motivated. By forming a strategic plan, I shatter my goals by constantly tracking and reevaluating them based on the specific timelines I’ve set for each goal. The key to building a balanced life as an entrepreneur is an environment designed to achieve both personal and professional goals. Aside from fully committing to my goals, I also ensure to take care of myself, get better sleep, and designate more time to play.
Thanks to Christopher Liew, Wealthawesome!
#3- Eat the frog technique

Though it feels difficult during the moment to prioritize what I’d rather avoid, the relief I feel when my biggest tasks are done more than makes up for that momentary discomfort. I’ve felt such a significant shift in attitude – I no longer dread difficult tasks because I know I feel great when they’re complete. I’ve been able to approach every day feeling lighter because of it, and that free mental energy has been reinvested right back into my biggest, hairiest audacious goals!
Thanks to John Li, Fig Loans!
#4- Implementing action plans

Proactively implementing action plans helps me shatter my business goals. I carry them out at the right time and with the right resources. In our business, spreadsheets are vital for every action plan aligned with our business goals. It indicates the specific tasks to accomplish for the duration of a project. Likewise, we designate proper human and financial resources to complete them. In particular, we rely on the expertise of our business development officers to connect with various potential clients.
Thanks to Ryan Stewart, Webris!
#5- Define your aims

It's crucial that you choose an appropriate goal. To fully consider what a suitable objective is for your organization, goals require your undivided attention and focus. Consider carefully the factors that went into selecting each objective, and decide where you want to be professionally in the future. Think both short-and long-term while setting these goals; they don't have to be accomplished in the upcoming year. You may separate your tasks by narrowing them down, which increases work efficiency.
Thanks to Maria Ivanova, Master Maid!
#6- Think big and take risks

In my experience, the best way to shatter your business goals is by thinking big and taking risks. When it comes to business, there is no room for complacency – you always have to be striving for more, whether that means expanding your customer base, innovating your product offering, or increasing your profits. One way to achieve this is by setting audacious goals that push you outside of your comfort zone.
Thanks to Will Yang, Instrumentl!
#7- Achieving goals with the fastest means possible

For me shattering my business goals means achieving them with the fastest means possible. I formulate a thorough strategy to the tiniest details or portions meticulously. And recheck it a couple of times before solidifying it. My whole team and I worked hard until we achieved our goals without slacking a bit. This is my mantra for achieving the goals which I have set for a day, a week, or a month. Always remember we need to prioritize our goals to step to an entirely new level.
Thanks to Cole South, Synchronize!
#8- Commitment and hard work

Achieving your business goals will require commitment and hard work. You should always be willing to do what it takes to reach your goals. It is not going to be an easy process, but if you are willing to put in the time, effort, and dedication then you will be successful. If you want to shatter your business goals, you need to commit yourself and be willing to do what it takes. You need to make sure that you are willing to put in the hard work and sacrifice.
Thanks to Kamil Kowalski, LimakWay Remodeling!
#9- Consistency

Consistency is vital when running a business. Leaders should be consistent in every aspect of their company to build trust and credibility with their employees and clients. Give the craft the time it deserves and make it fun for the team. A consistent brand also ensures that employees are on the same page and work towards common goals to provide quality service. Business leaders who practice consistency will naturally attract clients and potential talent who want to work with (and for) them.
Thanks to Benjamin Farber, Bristol Associates!
#10- Building connections

Understand what you are good at and know your industry well. Reward people who deserve it and maintain a positive working environment. Build a great support network with colleagues, family, and friends. Keep those positive people in your life close because they will be a source of your success. Most importantly, make connections with other entrepreneurs. They are in a better position to understand your experiences and can give feedback or advice from their past mistakes.
Thanks to Zaid Ammari, PPC Masterminds!
#11- Get clarity on your goals

The first step is to get clarity on your goals. Once you have a crystal clear understanding of what your goals are, you can then draft a plan to reach them. Along the way, I tend to continually take counsel from business mentors and make slight course corrections and adjustments to the plan as I get closer. This continual assessment of action and adjustment combined with forwarding motion has helped me to knock more goals out of the park than any other strategy.
Thanks to Anna Scheller, Capri Temporary Housing!
#12- Working more on the field in which I'm the weakest

My work cannot always be perfect. No matter how hard I try there is always going to be a flaw with my job. With the new technology and the new advancements happening, there are a lot of changes that are being made to the business world. It seems exasperating to keep up with the business at times, which is why I prefer spending more of my time on the things that I cannot do. I learn and I grow. That is how the most basic things are done.
Thanks to Nic DeAngelo, Saint Investment Group!
#13- The support system

Personally, my business goals were achievable due to a huge support system at work. Knowing where your employees come from, and their experiences can help the entire company stay motivated. When we have casual meet-ups during multiple events, it also becomes a kind of cool-off session from all the hustle and bustle. To make this productive, I also conduct monthly checkups to see the set goals and achievements. How to navigate through success and failures becomes important here.
Thanks to Sally Johnson, Green Light Booking!
#14- Perseverance

Something that has helped me smash every goal I have set for myself is simply perseverance. My business means so much to me because it helps both myself and my audiences learn how to cope with diabetes, and because of this, I know that I can’t ever give up. I have to keep creating new content and keep showing up for my readers. By simply sticking with my aims for my business, I have managed to achieve every goal I set for myself.
Thanks to Christel Oerum, Diabetes Strong!
#15- Passion and shared vision

To not only hit our goals, but surpass them, we encourage our teams as much as possible. Passion and a shared vision are what make goals achievable, but you need a dedicated team that feels valued and recognized. By acknowledging efforts and wins within your team, you are consistently reinforcing that they have value in your organization. This leads to more creativity, productivity, and a willingness to share ideas. You can't expect that kind of investment from your team if you aren't investing in their success too!
Thanks to Volodymyr Shchegel, Clario!
#16- Not worrying about work/life balance

I shatter business goals by not worrying about work/life balance. This doesn't mean I'm reckless, burnt out, or abandoned by my family, but rather that I am adaptable when it comes to reaching goals. Sometimes you have periods where more effort and hours are required to accomplish a goal, and understanding that will help you surpass your lofty goals. In the same vein, recognize if you are tired or hitting a wall and just come back to the problem the next day.
Thanks to Gates Little, altLine Sobanco!
#17- Focusing on only one or two objectives at a time

If you are setting too many goals at one time, you are not going to achieve any goal. Instead, you start to feel overwhelmed and start procrastinating about it. So instead try focusing on one or two goals only. Take things slow and try to achieve one goal at a time. It will help you to drive more revenue and achieve other goals easily. You will not feel pressured or stressed out if you have limited goals to achieve at a single time. It will further help you to stay clear on your priorities.
Thanks to Zarina Bahadur, 123 Baby Box!
#18- Strict time schedule

Putting everything on a strict time schedule offers you a realistic perspective on time. It prevents you from multitasking and forces you to consider how you will use your time most effectively. Once you adopt this realistic perspective on time, you start to appreciate it even more and only wish to use it for the important tasks that will advance your company. You feel less anxious as a result since you always know what you're going to do.
Thanks to Vikas Chaudhary, Nihal Fashions!
#19- Stop procrastinating

You have to stop procrastinating if you want to over exceed your own goals. This is how I was able to continually accomplish my goals, and set new ones that I had the confidence to be able to succeed at in the future. Procrastination used to be a major comfort for me as I would keep pushing deadlines and goals which at the time felt safe, but not many good things come out of playing it safe every time. I decided to stop pushing things back and to take charge which has helped greatly with “shattering” my goals and making it possible.
Thanks to Sean Chaudhary, Alchemy Leads!
#20- By thinking revolutionarily

Shatter your business goals by thinking revolutionarily. Your business should be thought about from a business perspective as well as a personal perspective to shatter your goals. For example, are you not only blowing the minds of your investors but improving the lives of your customers as well? The most successful business is the one that has that revolutionary idea, brings that idea to fruition, and changes both its industry and the lives of its customers.
Thanks to Brad Hall, SONU Sleep!
#21- Persistence

When it comes to shattering my business goals, persistence is key. I always try to persevere and work through any difficult times I may face. When I feel as though an idea may not be working, instead of scrapping it completely, I go back to the drawing board and look closely into why the idea isn't working. This gives me a better understanding of what I need to change to be successful. Being persistent and constantly pushing yourself is how your business can be taken to the next level.
Thanks to Dave Sayce, Compare My Move!
#22- Don’t take no for an answer

As an entrepreneur, you’re always going to run into obstacles. The only way to foster growth and accomplish your goals is to persevere in the face of adversity. If I gave up every time a door closed in my face, I would never be where I am now. When I set a goal for myself, I attack it with everything I have, try every solution and angle, and refuse to take no for an answer. In my line of work, there are many delays and last-minute changes, so I constantly keep reminding myself of the goal and objective you're trying to achieve.
Thanks to Monica Eaton-Cardone, Chargebacks911!
#23- Prioritize your list

Not all tasks are as important as others. The design of your product should be a top priority, as should buying links and website copy, and good imagery. Contacting the list of influencers isn’t as important as ensuring your product design is solid and will meet your customers’ expectations. Prioritize your to-do list in order of importance from today until the day of your product launch. What are all of the tasks that need to complete so that the product is ready to launch? Write them down.
Thanks to Kristina Knight, BizReport!
#24- Do your research

It is important to *do your research* before you start setting your goals. You may be able to set a goal that is too high and not achievable for your business. When it comes to research, there are many different ways that you can go about it. You can read articles and blog posts on the topic or find mentors who have succeeded in your industry before or talk with other entrepreneurs who are trying to reach similar goals as yours. Research is important to help us understand what we are doing and why we are doing it.
Thanks to Jensen Lee, bidetsPLUS!
#25- Set challenging, but realistic goals

There are two steps to making sure that you shatter your business goals. The first step is to set challenging, but realistic goals. You need a goal that will push you to be at your best, but not one that is unachievable. Your goal should be a simple definition, nothing too complex. The next step is to focus on that goal,* always keep it in the forefront of your mind. I find that little notes positioned in strategic positions around the office work as good reminders of exactly what the goal is and why we are working towards it.
Thanks to Colin Palfrey, Crediful!
#26- Recognize your strengths

By understanding the emotional motivation behind why we desire to reach the goal in the first place, we can shatter our business goals. For any business to be a success, one has to be organized and determined. Recognize your strengths, master your profession, honor those who have earned them, and take on challenges that you know others won't because they require too much effort, time, or resources. Make friends, network, and be approachable and open at all times. Networking can take you places.
Thanks to John Willis, Convertfree!
#27- Hiring the right people and delegating tasks effectively

Many businesses hope to expand to the point where they will need to recruit more support. This is regarded as an indication of rapid growth and permits the entrepreneur to transfer part of their duties. I like to consider making employing the right individuals one of my priorities for the firm. This implies I'm not only recruiting new employees for my company but also people who will help the company expand in the future. New employees can also contribute to the company's success.
Thanks to Yanis Mellata, Kosy Office!
#28- Work smart, not hard

I shatter my business goals by working smarter, not harder. Having an efficient and effective business plan and strategy is the key to accomplishing your goals, quickly and well. To work smarter it’s important to analyze the steps that need to be taken, and how they can be taken well, taking into account your knowledge, experience, and advice from others within the industry. With hard work and dedication, you can achieve anything you set your mind to!
Thanks to Phil Ohren, Intender!
#29- Always be learning

One reason why we continue to smash our business goals is that we take every opportunity to learn and improve ourselves. If we feel as though a specific niche or expertise is required for a particular task, we would much rather pay for one of our own to gain that knowledge than hire someone new. This means that our team is incredibly versatile and skilled, so we can meet our business goals and then some. It's something that's going to be making a huge difference for my business and my business goals!
Thanks to Ishtiaq Ahmed, Coursetakers!
#30- Determination

This may sound like a cliché, but determination is essential when trying to reach your business goals. This will keep us motivated and allow us to succeed. It's important to have the right mindset in order to achieve success. We should not think of failure as an option, but instead as an opportunity for learning and improvement. Determination is essential when trying to reach any goal because this will keep us motivated throughout the process.
Thanks to Thomas Niemczewski, Dream Chasers!