For every entrepreneur and business leader there is a moment when things just go right. Whether it's getting their business off the ground or being awarded a prize for your hard work, accomplishments make all the effort and time worth it. The proudest moments may be something as simple as finding the ideal kind of paper to print your documents on or filling the first customer order. There is no accomplishment too big or too small to find pride in for a business owner.
Rescue a CEO and CEO Blog Nation asked entrepreneurs what their proudest accomplishments were.

Changing the iPhone Landscape
As the Founder of TaskLab, I am proud that I have been able to make a splash in the landscape of the iPhone accessory market. There are a lot of big players and many small players in the industry which is saturated with consumer options, but none whom have been able to successfully launch a product as controversial as my multi-tool iPhone case. The product has been polarizing, receiving very positive and very negative comments, but as is evident from my fundraising efforts, TaskLab has been able to transcend the initial doubt about the product. Our product, named “TaskOne” has been difficult to launch and adoption of the concept of attaching a toolkit to your iPhone has been a challenge that I feel we have successfully overcome. A similar product was launched a few months ago called the “addapt XT” which was unsuccessful, which lends me more confidence that I was able to pull this product launch off against stiff odds!
Thanks to Addison Shelton, TaskLab

Accomplishing big things for my small business
The quote, “The only disability in life is a bad attitude” rings especially true for my company. Accessibility Partners has proudly embraced a higher appreciation for telework this year. As a small IT consulting company, we all have to scramble to fill a bunch of roles usually designated for whole departments in larger organizations. Yet, working when you can, where you can, ensures that people aren't pigeonholed into set hours and tasks. The telework is especially crucial for my company because we make it a point specifically to hire people with disabilities to be our technology testers. Accessibility Partners consists of over 70% of people with disabilities. This is way above national average of people with disabilities in the work force, which now sits at 20.7% as of November 2012. Although there expert testers without disabilities in this field, I believe that our business functions so well because we provide that firsthand experience with disabilities to other IT companies. The telework has ensured that no one encounters any barriers in their own workplace. Our morale is very high and we have always maintained the highest level of productivity with this arrangement.
Thanks to Dana Marlowe, Accessibility Partners, LLC

Being a positive female entrepreneur
At the age of 48, after working as a management consultant and being a stay-at-home mom, I envisioned and created an in-store touch screen fragrance finder for Sephora stores. I didn't have a technology background, but I loved perfumery, and wanted to share my passion and knowledge with others. Fortunately, Sephora understood the vision, and soon the engagement was underway. Armed with credit card lines, I assembled a technology team, wrote and edited thousands of descriptions and histories of popular fragrances, and translated these into Spanish, French and Portuguese as the program was deployed throughout the US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, France, and Denmark. Last year I developed a new skincare program, and along the way, we created many new jobs for our community and our family. My little dream grew into a business with contracts now worth more than $4 million dollars, and it's moving into new markets every year. Today, at the age of 54, I am continuing to follow new passions and dreams. As a new “authorpreneur,” my first novel, Scent of Triumph, is garnering excellent reviews. In fact, it's under consideration for broadcast rights, and a second novel is underway. In addition, my husband, Steven Fish, and I have joined forces to share our entrepreneurial experience, passion, and insights with other entrepreneurs–young or old. In today's economy, many post-40 workers are being displaced or downsized, but we feel that there is more opportunity than ever for those who wish to start their own business and change their lives. Our dream is to help others realize their dreams.
Thanks to Jan Moran

To create millionaires
I started my business to promote capitalism by creating financial independent individuals so they can be leaders in their homes and communities. Although I did not know this at the time of starting, I now know it more than anything and that is our Mission Statement as a company. In doing this I have been able to Helping Create Millionaires. About two years ago we set an audacious goal of helping our clients make 4 Million dollars after all expenses; fees and cost are taken out. I mean 4 Million in their pockets that they can go spend, invest, go on vacation and better their family financially. We did this in the very worst real estate market of all time. As of this writing, we have hit $2,011,813.00 and counting. So we have reached the half way mark and are on track. That is one of the greatest accomplishments.
Thanks to Ryan G. Wright, DoHardMoney

Having a loyal group
There are only two things which I am proud of in my business career. The first is the only thing I have done on my own – initiating the first steps of officially starting a business. It is a lonely step, and one which too many people delay indefinitely. Since launching BetaBlox, I have been fortunate enough to be surrounded by a brilliant board of directors, experienced mentors, and loyal friends. This brings me to the only other accomplishment I take pride in: never having to overcome a challenge or achieve a milestone alone.
Thanks to Alex Altomare, BetaBlox

Leaving the corporate job to focus on my ideas
2012 has been a great year for me. I've delivered/facilitated more keynotes and workshops than I ever have before; I wrote an Amazon Best-Selling book on Humor in the Workplace; and I found a place that sells a S'mores Milkshake (delicious). But the #1 accomplishment for me was leaving my corporate job to focus on my own business full-time. It only took 2.5 years of planning, business-building, and working on my business part-time to finally be comfortable with the risk of leaving my comfortable salaried position for focusing full-time on my passion of teaching individuals and organizations to be more effective, more productive, and more awesome using humor. I'm six months in, results have been fantastic, and I love what I do.
Thanks to Andrew Tarvin, Humor The Works

Showing off my ideas
One of my proudest accomplishments was when my leather manufacturer and my jewelry manufacturer saw the finished prototype of my jewelry and matching dog collar designs and realized how my concept pulled together the best of their considerable expertise in a way that was imaginative and almost magical. They weren’t able to see where I was going with it all during development because the concept was so different, but as a creative, I am used to being considered “nuts” – until the light bulb goes on! Then they see the market potential…for everyone!
Thanks to Sharon Herrman, Zelda's Song

Stretching my boundaries as a designer
There are moments when you just feel like you've *made it* as a designer and illustrator. This year, I created a really great web design for both Christina Sanchez Hair Design and Snake Eater Tactical . Both projects stretched my boundaries as a designer, and the look of each site is so unique and perfect for each of those companies. I also created some of my best illustration work ever this year, including some celebrity caricatures and a super cute coloring book page featuring a variety of craft supplies enjoying a beach vacation. Finishing each of these pieces, I've thought to myself “*YES*.” It's just so gratifying to be creating some of my best work ever for the clients I love.
Thanks to Steph Calvert, Hearts and Laserbeams
I enjoyed reading it. I’m supposed to be somewhere else in a minute but I stuck to reading the story. I like the quality of your blog