The use of live videos is gaining popularity over time and is a great way to connect with followers as well as grow your online presence. Examples of live videos are such as Facebook Live that facilitate real-time engagement with your audience. Majority of the businesses that use live streaming videos report increased customer loyalty as well as engagement. There are various ways a business can use live videos in their businesses.
We asked entrepreneurs and business owners how they use live videos for business.
#1- As a marketing and engagement tool

Live video is going to be the big story of 2018 for brands. At our production company, we are already seeing a complete shift in how powerful Facebook Live and Instagram Live can be as a marketing and engagement tool. It breaks down any sort of wall that may exist between company and consumer. When you livestream on services like Instagram or Facebook, it sends a notification to all of your followers, providing a clickable link and a higher chance of them engaging with you. And in today’s media market, engagement is everything. At Mighteor, we produce professional live streaming events, so we’ve seen first hand how powerful a platform live streaming can be for a company to have in its toolbox, and how the engagement between company and consumer flourishes.
Thanks to Elizabeth Giorgi, Mighteor!
#2- Attract Ideal Clients

People do business with people they know, like and trust. Live video is a tool to help prospects get to know you and your values so they are eager to reach out and do business with you. The videos I create are short, sweet and fun. I demonstrate who I am as a person by talking about selfless acts I engage in regularly. If people like what I say and they want to get to know more about me and the services I provide, then I provide them a complimentary gift. The gift is 7 Ways To Help Your Child Select A Relevant Career, Regardless Of What Age Your Child Is, that can be accessed at
Thanks to Crystal Olivarria, Career Conversationalist!
#3- Capture our audiences

Blu Skin Care is having amazing results by using video to capture our audience. As a Hollywood actress, I incorporate my products with the audition process. I upload a 1 min video explaining which products I’ve used that day and how the products will help me do well in my auditions. It’s been fantastic.
Thanks to Zondra Wilson, Blu Skin Care!
#4- Customers engagement

We use FB live via my business page for consumer engagement, fun giveaways and brand updates. Contributors are also scheduled to assist with more audience reach. Within our private FB groups, (retailers group) the sales team uses FB live to discuss marketing tactics and media placements with current retailers who carry baby Jack products. Via our (brand rep/fan group) we engage with our followers on a more intimate level. There are over 600 fans who help us grow and we chat about product development, parenting, host giveaways and make them feel like they are part of our team. I'm always looking for alternative forms of marketing to reach my audiences online and on-site at events.
Thanks to Kelley Legler, Babyjackco!
#5-Stand out and to get sales

As a Salesman and Marketing Manager, I have seen tremendous results from using Facebook Live videos in our business. Every week, when we purchase new inventory at the auction, I get the information and go Live. I read the new vehicles out, information about them, and prices. Oftentimes, we sell vehicles within days of posting them, and many people tell us that it was due to the Live video that they even heard about the car. Additionally, someone might see the video, and tell a friend who has been looking for a car. We just sold a car last week because the customer's mother follows our Facebook page. I've found that in our market segment, there is a lot of competition.. Due to that, we need to differentiate ourselves, and the use of Live is a big start. Some of our competitors don't even have websites, so the ability to create word of mouth advertising between people who see our Live videos and people in need of cars is crucial to earning their business. On top of that, the younger generation, who tends to be more technologically savvy, pays attention to our brand over other local dealerships. Overall, I think that Live video is great for spreading important news, but I think over utilization of this feature may dilute the importance of the messages you want to get across. As a marketer, I know the importance of making yourself heard in an increasingly noisy world.
Thanks to Anthony Curren, Rick Curren Auto Sales and Service!
#6-Announce updates, keep fans and access new ones

We use live video all the time on Facebook, during the Summer we host weekly live feeds about what's going on with the show and what's going on in Gatlinburg. It's a great way to give us access to new fans and keep the people that have already seen the show as fans. We can also use it to announce updates about the show and run ticket giveaway contests. It has been a huge part of growing our presence online.
Thanks to Erik Dobell, Impossibilities!
#7- Share Information

I use Google Hangouts to broadcast live streams to my subscriber base on YouTube which allows me to connect with like minds who also understand astrology. My business involves scheduling consultations in order to spiritually counsel clients and I have found that live broadcasts really allow me to express important messages in line with the tools I use to counsel others. In making these broadcasts like weather forecasts I am able to update people with relevant information which allows many to get to know me on a more personal level and hire my services!
Thanks to Michael Nnebe, Mystic Illuminations!
#8- Three ways

If you are not using Live Video to grow your business, you are doing yourself (and your customers) a disservice. We focus on Facebook Live 5 days a week because of 3 reasons: Zuckerberg rewards you for using Live video on his platform, we are specifically focusing on growing our Facebook fan page audience, and with a greater FB fan page audience comes a greater ability to leverage the FB ads platform. We are putting a lot our energy and focus on our Live video strategy right now because it is the future of building a brand that people fall in love with, and the best way to turn customers into raving fans. To grow a business you must first gain the trust of your potential buyers, and there’s a psychological trust trigger that happens when you go Live showing your audience that you have nothing to hide. Additionally, if you can be authentic and share your passion for your customers, your vision for the company, client success stories, etc. in your Live, your audience will be much more likely to do business with you. And if you can consistently do Lives for your audience, you will build a bond between your brand and your customer and create life-long clients because they feel a connection to YOU (not just some company logo that is faceless, emotionless, and uninspiring). Consumers are smart these days, and if you don’t go the extra effort to connect and build a relationship with your audience, they will go somewhere else. For brands & businesses who want to be around in 10 years, it’s time to level-up your content marketing game and get in on the Live movement that is growing businesses & brands faster than anything we’ve seen since the advent of the internet.
Thanks to Brian Fanale, MyLeadSystemPro!